Advice like that never works because the reasons for procrastination are not universal. Naturally there's a Type and a Personality component. The Personality side is usually habit; a person procrastinated in the past and continues to do so. The advice for dealing with that is the usual for changing any habit (e.g. start a new habit). For Type obviously we are interested in the INTP variant.
At root procrastination is due to not wanting to do something. Why wouldn't an INTP want to do something? Because we don't like doing for doings sake. Consider practicing the piano or a sport, perfecting a video game performance or the like. To us repetition=death for the most part. The mind turns off, painfully because we don't like an non-engaged mind. So the solution is turning the task from a performance into a problem or learning experience, if we can.
My work (programming) involves a lot of, well programming. Writing code, banging it out which is anathema to an INTP. Why do I enjoy it so much then? I've developed the ability to turn tasks into problems. Not hard usually, everything has an interesting learning problem solving aspect to it if you look. Its mostly a matter of perspective. Engage your Ne, if you find a programming task boring then you've probably just not really looked into whats behind it.
For other tasks use your imagination. Its not always possible or easy to find something interesting in a task, in that case I just shut down and do it. Go into 'hyper S mode' as it were.
tl;dr INTP edition
When faced with a task that appears boring see if you can engage with it as a problem to be solved (Ti) or a possibility to be explored (Ne)