Of course health care is the best in capitalist markets
Then explain Cuba.
(which, from the "health care should not be left to capitalist markets" I am extrapolating the previous sentence for obvious reasons) and it is primarily from the competition for that all-too important dollar, that it continues to be great.
What is great then? Wait! You seem to explain it below!
Big Pharma pursuits a new medication as you indicated, for profit. What is common, what is consistent vs. cancer and its many forms as described by many others in their posts, the previous providing the highest return on investment.
Profit and high returns. Is that what is 'great'? Why?
Here is where I draw discrepancy: you are indicating a desire for an altruistic society to exist, one that is contrary to the one that has afforded our country the earned luxury of being on the forefront of discovery; what are we talking about here, other than the ownership of creation?
American centrism. Your country did not earn anything. What it does is pay. Your universities pay for people to come study and research in the usa, bribe them away from other nations using money and a lot of assitence, like offering them free secretaries e.g. Maybe we can also talk about other nations.
Did you know that The Netherlands, a country of 16.5 million people, does comparingly better than many other nations if you by patents filed e.g. (Source 'New Scientist Jobs - Focus on the Netherlands')
"The Netherlands punches above its weight in scientific research. Though the total amount spent on R&Din the Netherlands - $6.8 billion in 1998 - is about one-sixth that of its far larger neighbour, Germany, it's the world's 10th most prolific country when it comes to writing scientific papers. And the quality of those papers - as reflected by the number of times they are cited by other researchers - ranks third in the world. In terms of numbers of patents filed, the country is second only to Switzerland in Europe. Impressive for a population of only 16 million.
Altruism has nothing to do with your perceived advances in science. It is not a good measure.
To have a society that creates, it must have its champions. The way you destroy the desire of the best, and most worthy minds to pursuit research and move this society forward, is by indicating to that same mind that it exists out of your (society's) good graces, and furthermore that anything it creates is to be given out to those who could not otherwise create it.
The Netherlands is a highly inventive and creative business oriented society. We invented the damned corporation here, lol. We are a nation of entrepreneurs. You learned it all from us basically. We have our champions alright.
Your capitalist defense is nonsense. Scientists are rarely hero's and don't earn a whole lot of money and yet still, people find it reasonable and take it upon themselves to advance knowledge and painstakingly puzzle for years on end to find a cure for cancer or a new type of battery or whatever. Altruism is a scientific fact: it exists in nature.
Capitalism would deny that and there is only advancement through exploitation and self-important goals of individuals. Preposterous!
Here is a "for instance":
I am the Chief Executive Officer of a facility that diagnoses and treats sleep and neurological illnesses. I spent 11 years in primarily the field of sleep medicine, studying every single caveat of the industry, so that I could open my own facility, that would eventually fund its own research (as I pursuit my musical side) because, ultimately, I want the ability to create. I will not stand for this ability to have been "afforded" me (which, by the way, did you know that if you were a service-disabled veteran, are a minority or a woman, work in a Historically Underutilized Zone or fit within Section 8(a), you will get special preferences on government money?) by a society filled with those who would lay claim to my discoveries as soon as they are made (well, researched, since they have already been "made").
You can summarize this by just admitting to your greed.
I also find your final paragraph to be nonsensical, as you initiate the response with an indication that the general populous should be involved in the research, but expound further into a belief that there should be 3 systems? to manage the money? So there will be one decision maker for the patients, one for the scientists, and one for the government? Which, aside from indicating the previous lunacy, I have no more time to spend on expounding further than to indicate the astute interpretation to you, of your words.
No, that is not what I said. I think (medical) science needs to be put on a leech. And that I, as a layman and citizen participating in society and having relations with my fellow man have the right to be made understood what the options are for the money we have to do scientific research in medicine when it is state controlled by society at large.
That means I want to participate in discussions about what we are gonna research, I want to be informed, I want real scientists to state the facts on what they can do, what they need to research and what the benefit of it will be and then I want a well-controlled department or organization consisting of all members representing the various interests in society, like patient organizations, scientists and citizens, to control that department, just as a parliament checks on the government.
Science is out of control. It has served us only partially well. If we focus our research, perhaps even globally, and let not capitalist idiocy dictate what is 'best' but let people decide what society needs the most, then science becomes democratic.