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Cake of knowledge
Local time
Today 12:31 PM
Dec 19, 2013
Cork, Ireland
Recently I have been "accused" of being a sociopath.
I do tend to exhibit quite a few of the characteristics of the type like: not caring for others feelings or even others (to an extent), being selfish (I disagreed with my friend about that, but he actually made sense in his examples), lying when I can benefit (only if it sums to an overall benefit though, not just super short term), manipulating people with those lies, having a sense that I'm more intelligent than most others and finally being somewhat ego-driven( not my words).
Naturally I Researched the idea because I am interested in psychology, and it seems to "click" strangely well.
Although I am aware of the fact that you can question me about lying in this post, and that self-analysis is not a sociopath's thing, so to speak, I would like some input of others knowledge and maybe experiences with similiar traits.
Also do you think sociopathy would be more common in NT's in general, or if it has no relation?
Will answer all questions to the best of my ability, so ask away!

tl;dr Am I sociopath?
Sociopathy more common in NT's?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:31 AM
May 9, 2013

The specified diagnostic criteria for each mental disorder are offered as guidelines for making diagnoses, because it has been demonstrated that the use of such criteria enhances agreement among clinicians and investigators. The proper use of these criteria requires specialized clinical training that provides both a body of knowledge and clinical skills.


Sociopathy (Antisocial Personality Disorder) DSM IV Criteria:

A. There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.

2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.

3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.

4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.

5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.

6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations.

7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

B. The individual is at least age 18 years of age.

C. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15.

D. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a manic episode.

tl;dr statistically speaking probably not, you must meet 3+ of the criteria

tl;dr tl;dr no. you likely do not meet the criteria.

If you are legitimately concerned, go see a psychiatrist or something.

most likely not
praisetehsun said:
not caring for others feelings or even others (to an extent), being selfish (I disagreed with my friend about that, but he actually made sense in his examples), lying when I can benefit (only if it sums to an overall benefit though, not just super short term), manipulating people with those lies, having a sense that I'm more intelligent than most others and finally being somewhat ego-driven( not my words).

KEYWORDS: TO AN EXTENT (criteria disqualified)
NOT SUPER SHORT TERM (ability to plan ahead! criteria disqualified)

My personal take on MBTI and psychopathology -> http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=19276

btw welcome to the forum, I pray to the sun and worship it daily

Local time
Today 12:31 PM
Jan 7, 2012
Depends on one's definition of sociopathy. Apparently some people still adhere to the criteria put forth by the DSM and Hare.

My understanding incorporates sociopathy into a taxonomy of psychopathy.

Psychopaths: Individuals within a taxonomy of manifest anomie, who, unable to fit the norms imposed upon them by the established society regarding goals and methods of achievement, adopt, consciously or otherwise, goals or methods outside of the accepted norms. Psychopaths are self-actualized regardless of the success or failure of these alternates because they've recognized imperfections within the existing structure, thus objectively justifying their psychopathy.

You probably fit into the taxonomy, but not the unnecessarily restrictive and discriminatory definitions set forth by Hare & DSM. Mostly Hare. Fuck that guy.

Falling into the taxonomy also isn't a bad thing. At all. It's actually usually quite the opposite.

Also do you think sociopathy would be more common in NT's in general, or if it has no relation?

Will answer all questions to the best of my ability, so ask away!
I don't think it's type-specific, hence the taxonomy and different types of sociopaths.

What do you think of Lykken's descriptions? (~#13) http://depressiond.com/sociopath-sociopathic-personality-disorder/

And here's another thread on the topic that gets a lil' deeper: http://www.intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=17416

Base groove

Local time
Today 5:31 AM
Dec 20, 2013
You should decide if the pathological behaviour if pervasive and maladaptive.

I don't think it is related to MBTI however it might be casually (caSUally .. not caUSally) associated with traits of extroversion. ... however this is because the PCL gives very little regard to the subjective experience or "qualia" associated with psychopathy.

Of course you can go over all the latest theories and methods of testing as there is an emerging school of thought that distinguishes between innate differences (qualia, see above) such as neurological impairments and the behavioural counterpart associated with Factor 2 traits and childhood abuse.

So are you bold?
Do you exhibit behavioural disinhibition?
How about meanness?

I believe that they represent different spin networks or relationships between previously identified psychopathic traits (Hare, Cleckley) that allow scientists to distinguish different types of pathologies.

The Gopher

Local time
Today 11:31 PM
Aug 26, 2010
Ok what I need you to do is examine this thread and see if you match up.


LOL just kidding

But I don't think they are particularly more common in NT types although NT types and Fi types are more likely to be accused of being sociopaths.


Cake of knowledge
Local time
Today 12:31 PM
Dec 19, 2013
Cork, Ireland
When I say "to an extent" it isn't fair to excuse everything due to doubt in the extremes.
Like if a person is happy or sad because of a little pick-me-up or because their day went well I couldn't care less. If a person has fallen in love with someone and is going to get married to them, great!-free drinks at the wedding, seriously though I still don't care. If a person has been through 'emotional distress', from the death of relative to being stabbed; I don't share empathy.
However the "to an extent" covers things that I do value, but still share no strong link emotionally with(consciously at least). A VERY select number of people fall into this category, about 3 friends.

And to thehabitatdoctor, I think lykks descriptions are accurate, however I cannot fit into one defined category because it is to defined. Aggressive or unempathetic or narcissistic make sense, but I think more is most common.Good for analysis, not for practicality.
Good to note that psychopaths are good at planning unlike sociopaths who apparently have unreal dreams of the future or no plans at all.
I realise now that while I can take a pretty good guess of the future, for any one or thing, I am not that adept at planning my life. Not a fraction as much. So that predicting the future of things comes easier to me than planning my future.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 4:31 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
When I say "to an extent" it isn't fair to excuse everything due to doubt in the extremes.

Then in that case, we all share sociapathic tendencies. The only question is if you are capable of managing it and is it causing problems in your life.

Ex-User (8886)

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:31 PM
Sep 11, 2013
Is there something bad in being sociopath? In upper social classes there are many sociopaths.

I even enjoy it, but it's important to have at least one good friend.


Local time
Today 12:31 PM
Mar 11, 2014
I think it is bad. Because with most other PD's you are the one hurting, but with sociopaths, they hurt others.
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