Seems like extroverted perceiving tends to be empathic in some way (or rationally moral, if thinking). Especially Fe, ...I think.
Combine narcissistic injury/ego threat with the belief of another as subhuman, however, and maybe an INTP could behave somewhat like a psychopath. They'd probably maintain the humanity enough to target particular individuals on a shitlist, instead of just preying indiscriminately on whatever they can get their hands on- even though INTPs can be known for "nihilistic" tendencies. I think their "moral affiliation" would be either closer to the "vigilante ISTP" if anything, or closer to neutralized and without any preference; objectifying everything. In the case of objectifying everything without emotions or loyalties, there would also be a lack of motivation and no reason to imbue the self with a feeling of power over others- that would be equally as meaningless a phenomenon.
They're good adapters. I don't think they'd be "natural" psychopaths very often. Ask INTJ forum.