Here is definitive answer to all the questions and confusions in this thread:
There are only 3 races. White, Black, and Asian (aka Mongoloid). Everything else is a combination of two or more in some racial admixture ratio.
Blacks reach puberty earlier.
Have higher testosterone levels.
Have lower Intelligence Quotients. Average IQ of source blacks (Subsaharan Africans) is 70. In civilized nations, mental retardation is anything below 80.
Have many significant genetic differences which predispose them to more physical violence, mental impulsivity (e.g. the MAO-A gene). I.e. attitude problems.
...not saying these differences are good or bad. Just realities created by nature or God or whatever it is in between the two which created the differences between the races.
But here is the truth: there are also anatomical differences in terms of bone structure which affects bodily conformation, i.e. proportioning of limbs and facial features. Any medical doctor skilled in physical anthropology and forensic research can determine the race of a given skeleton based on just a few bones. E.g. a single femur bone is enough to determine the race of an entire skeleton. Dentists can determine the race of a given patient based on differences in features of each tooth and the mouth in general.
Skull conformation (i.e. 'shape') is no different.
In terms of attractiveness, there are simple mathematical ratios which appeal broadly to the highest number of people. The ratios have been researched aggressively over and over and over again over the millenia. Here is a recent study with the result:
"The 18-year-old student is blessed with what is described as the perfect face. It matches an international blueprint for the optimum ratio between eyes, mouth, forehead and chin, endowing her with flawless proportions..."
White people on average have these particular mathematical ratios in their skull conformations, facial features and body proportionings more often (i.e. their phenotype as a reflection of their genotype puts the ideal mathematical ratios for beauty on display) than the other races.
White skin also promotes the concept of beauty, health, intelligence, spirituality etc (darkness is at a minimum subconsciously associated with evil, ignorance, ill health etc).
White skin is not the primary determinate of beauty as proportioning is though. Here is evidence. These are Africans with typically black skull and facial feature proportioning who also happen to possess a genetic mutation which gives them a phenotype of 'white' skin. Not saying they are 'ugly' personally, but because the proportioning is not even close to approaching the ideal mathematical ratios, itll be a hard sell to most people that they are physically attractive relative to the average white:
Math is math. DNA is DNA. Reality is reality. Emotion, bias, and wanting things to be different (wishful thinking poised as 'egalitarianism') has nothing to do with these facts. In my experience the mass media does EVERYTHING it possibly can to convince people that that which is ugly is attractive and vice versa these days, generally speaking. These truths I've mentioned herein make the mass media very nervous. The truth runs counter to their agenda to keep the people confused about simple realities. By keeping people confused (of all races) they maintain their control. This is the reason, for example, accounting principles are not required study in public schooling.