A metaphor to consider:
There was a plant growing in someone's garden. Every week, miracle grow was sprinkled around it to help feed it, and did it ever grow! The nutrients it needed was always available, never did it have to go without, and it grew green and thick.
In another part of the garden, grew another plant. The caretaker had neglected it, and at times, it did struggle for the nutrients it needed. Hence, the plant used all of it's energy to root itself deeper into the ground, the roots sprouting and branching in all directions. As it went deeper, it found the moisture and food that it needed, more than enough to replenish it's energy, and then some to eventually grow thick and green.
A massive heatwave brought on a drought, and for some unknown reason, the caretaker wasn't there to tend to her plants.
The first plant, which lucky enough to be given such an easy life such far, didn't have much of a root structure. It wasn't deep enough to access the moisture trapped deep in the earth, and it withered quickly.
The second plant, firmly footed, and with access to the deep foundation of water and food had better chances of weathering the drought.
Your struggles are actually your friend in disguise. It was the friend you were always looking for, and was always available for you, yet you often ran away.
A group of friends decided they were going to spend some time together and go bowling.
One person of the group, has never tried the game. It was his turn to pitch the ball. He holds the ball in his hand, he focuses, extends his arm, and throws. It lands in the gutter. He tried again, and the result is the same. Two more attempts, once he got lucky, but he is clearly not doing well.
"I suck at this game. I actually hate bowling. In fact, I'm never going to bowl again!" And he leaves the building. Unknownst to him at the time, he lost more than just a bowling game that night.
So you have a choice (at least, I hope you still have a choice). You can either:
A) Quit university early. Guaranteed, you got nothing out of it except shame and debt.
B) Continue university at the risk of failing. You could get lucky and actually graduate, but in the circumstance that you fail, I'm sure something will come out of it in the end, and people will know that at least you tried, and did your best.
C) Perhaps in your situation, there is an alternative. In the specific circumstances that you are in, there may be a solution that has better benefits for everyone involved.
As for killing yourself, you'd not realize the mistake you made before it's too late.
Because in that moment, as your life flashes before your eyes, you'll suddenly realize. You'll see how each event and situation in your life had purpose, intricately placed for the benefit of your growth.
And you'll see the things that would have come. Now, not perceiving regularly from the viewpoint on the continuum of time, but from outside of it, you'll find all the dreams you strived for were just merely waiting for you to grasp the opportunity. In this sense of time, they were always there, and yours to earn had you not have quit so soon. Now it is too late, the opportunity is taken away from you, never will you lay your eyes on these rewards again. It's a shame, you were always so close to them, they were just around the corner had you have only looked.
And the thing you despised the most all this time, yourself, you now fully see its face. You now see that what you thought was your weakness, the part you tried so hard to destroy in shame, is now the most beautiful thing ever given to you. It was that which had given you the insights for understanding the struggles of others, it gave you the will of compassion, it was your 'link' or direct connection to the other people in your life. You realize now that it never was trying to hinder you, it was actually the thing that supported you.
And that too, is now taken away from you. It shuts it's door on you, and it latches, never will it be opened, it has now turned it's back from you.
The worst psychic pain develops, an immense ache in a place you never knew could feel pain, and you finally comprehend the exact tally of all you had owned and taken for granted.