Thank you to all for the warm welcome, sirs/madams. As to whom I find underrated (@hush), that is an impossible question to answer, I feel. Maybe some random INTP in this forum somewhere?
@TheAdditional1: I can definitely relate to that feeling. Although, as some MBTI-specialists have noted, an INTP is generally prone to getting caught in circular "subjective-logic" loops when they consider some problem without getting any external influence. To me it feels refreshing to consider many different points of view. However, an attribute I have learned to appreciate in thinkers, is indeed a logical and coherent exposition of their claims. That is, btw, one of the reasons I think Nietzsche is overrated: with his aphoristic-style writing he sort of excused himself from the obligation to coherently explore a subject, and instead decided to collect a bunch of thoughts in the form of random observations and remarks.