Artifice Orisit
In short, I'm proposing we try to pressure our mysterious benefactor (ignore the ethics of it) into becoming an active member by obtaining a community consensus calling for his presence.I, ah... I disagree.And no, I shall not participate here as a member. It gives too much weight to the owner since he or she always has the last word in disputes, and there's always the temptation to say 'This is how it shall be.' solely based upon the unstriven power of ownership. Power needs to depend upon legitimacy, not money. Besides which one-man-band forums suck.
A totalitarian leadership derived from unquestionable power and thrust upon the shoulders of an INTP (whom didn't want to be a leader in the first place) by the democratic vote of an INTP populace is exactly what I believe this forum (and the world) needs. To that end I call a vote regarding if or not this community wishes Ragnar to participate as an active member in this forum, on the grounds that we trust him not to abuse his power, but even if he did, that we support the legitimacy of his claim to power anyway.
Isn't anyone else just a little curious?
Wouldn't it be interesting to know the forum creator's thoughts & opinions?