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Morality and Kohlberg's Dilemma [thread split]


Deleterious Defenistrator
Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Apr 30, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

Kohlberg tried to define morality(goodness) from a psychological and rational point of view. He stated that people develope into moral stages. Each stage of thinking is a POV that will solve the larger issues of moral ambiguities. Each stage higher will solve more of those issues without conflicting moral objections. People start in stage one and develope to stage 6, but most stop around stage 4.

In stage one, goodness is defined arbitrarily or by punishment/reward. What is good is defined by what ever will be good for the person considering the ambiguity. When I was a child, I remember my brother doing something 'bad.' He was warned. He did it again and was punished. I did it and was immediately punished. I had thought I would receive a warning, and therefor could reap the rewards of the bad act without the punishment. In my view the act was not bad if it was done only once. This sort of moral delema that the current stage cannot solve prompts rethinking and reconsideration of what it is to be moral which leads to development. To this type of person, all 'bad' acts must be punished, regardless of circumstance. Ask a stage one person why killing is bad, and they will tell you it is bad just because. If they elaborate, it because 'you will go to jail/hell.'

In stage two, goodness is more of what can be called a fair deal. It is cooperation. Two brothers cooperating to steal cookies is an example. If one does the stealing and the other distracts, the stealer is morally obligated to provide the distracter with his share. Altruistic concerns are directed towards specific people during this stage. Recognition of the well being of others beyond your cooperation prompts growth out of this stage. Ask someone in stage 2 why murder is bad, and they will say that it is not fair. If the person to be killed has killed, its ok to kill them because it would be fair. While stage 1 is 'eye for an eye' stage 2 consideres what is 'fair.' A stage 2 judge might require an accedental eye gouger to pay for medical bills and lost wages with some pain and suffering money as well.

In stage 3, morality is defined by the good of your peers. This stage is entered most often during puberty. Tribal societies may not develope beyond stage 3, as their society is made up entirely of peers(regardless of intra-tribal hierarchy). People in this stage will form cliques and sub-cultures, conforming to them readily. This is where you see gangs, teens all wearing a uniform of sorts. Deviation from what is 'normal' within the clique is immoral, as is ignoring trends. Clothing and grooming ARE a social statement in this stage. The recognition of the validity of other social groups promotes growth to the next stage. Ask someone in stage 3 why murder is bad, they will tell you because no one else kills. If they are soldiers, it is ok because everyone is killing. A stage 3 judge will sentence based on what the other judges have done in simular cases.

In stage 4, morality is defined by the good of society. Is fighting moral? No, if everyone fought society would crumble. Yes, it is moral, because without it people would be rude and insulting and disregard eachother without fear of his fellow man, and society would crumble. The morals of you society are a clear difiner of morality in this stage. Most adults don't move beyond this stage. Peole in this stage are more conserned with the wellbeing of all rather than justice. Rebellion is not tolerated, even if it is just, unless it is believed the end is for the better of everyone despite the means. Ask someon is stage four if killin is bad. They will sa it is bad because if everyone killed society would weaken. If they say it is ok, it is because the society would strengthen. A stage 4 judge sentences based on the benifit to society. If the murderer has a curable mental condition, its likely best to treat it than to punish him in prison and making him the states liability.

Stage 5 and 6 are often hard to distinguish. Depending on the circumstances, stage 6 may not even exists. Stage 5 defins morality based on harmony rather than justice like stage 4. The difference here is that stage 5 recognizes that law is not justice. Law is more a social contract the a moral obligation. Stage 6 recognises that the many can opress the few; that even when most everyone agrees, that does not make some ting right. To stage 6, morality is more about a universal principle, whatever the reasoning behind that principle may be. Ask a stage 5 if killing is wrong, they will say yes, because we have all agreed not to kill each other; no, because we all recgnize each others right to kill when justified. A stage 5 judge will sentence based on what socitey has agreed is just in the form of law. They do recognize that law is not justice, but believe that in most cases it is so long as the majority think it fair and acceptable. Stage 6 will decide regardless of what others think is right or have agreed to do. Their morality is based on principle independent from society and personal beliefs. Stage six judges are often creative sentencers, perfering justice over harmony. To stage 6, justice creates harmony, not the other way around.

Essentially each stage is a broadening of understanding from the previous. People settle in their stage as long as they do not encounter situations that their stage can't handle. Stage 5 thinkers are very democratic. Suggest that the majority can oppress the minority, and they will likely adopt stage 6 thinking, atleast for that issue. People do not have the necessary understanding to recognize the validity of moral thinking of a person 2 stages above them. Jesus, Ghandi, Socretese: were all stage 6, all of them were killed.

Each stage includes the thinking of the previous with additional breadth. Stage 5/6 understands why a stage four believes something wrong and uses stage 4 arguments. It becomes stage 5/6 when harmony and justice are not the same thing. The person in stage four assumes that harmony is justice, often because they ignore when the two are separate, or do not solidify the distinction in memory when they make it.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:22 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
Kohlberg tried to define morality(goodness) from a psychological and rational point of view. He stated that people develope into moral stages [....]

Wow, thanks for that, i had never heard about Kohlberg. Im sure looking into that.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
May 17, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

I have a serious problem with Kohlberg if his theory has been accurately described.

I can't find myself at anywhere excepting stage 6, and I really don't believe that I have reached the pinnacle of morality.

my answer to this question is good, however (and I don't mean this to be insulting to the question because I really like asking it to others and to myself) once you've decided to be good, you reap a reward of satisfaction which will continue throughout your pursuit of goodness, so really the question collapses upon itself.

The main argument for happiness without goodness is to live satisfying desires on a quest for happiness and ignoring moral implications. The problem with this argument is that you are basically stating that the best way to be a human is to abandon morality in favour of pleasure/satisfaction, and that fucks itself over in two ways. First, it opens itself up to debate over whether satisfaction can be found without morality, an argument it will likely lose. Second, in making a decision along the lines of the best orchestrated human life it is making an essentially moral statement, which proves that moral purity will lead to happiness.

The same problem applies to the pursuit of goodness, because as happiness is a reward of goodness, it could be said that the pursuit of goodness is in fact the pursuit of purest happiness and pleasure.

So yeah...

Anyone got an answer?


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 12:22 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

I agree with your disagreement on the Kohlberg philosophy. I have been on all of those levels at different times and I know I'm not morally mature. It's not a progression, but different kinds of morality.

I think true long term happiness is doing whatever you want with your life that makes you feel happy, while recognizing and respecting other people's rights to do the same (morality).


Deleterious Defenistrator
Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Apr 30, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

Some situations produce lower stage answers and may not even allow for other stages. This can explain why a person would fluctuate. It essentially means a person that has achieved stage 6 will apply it when given serious thought and when a moral dilemma allows for the possibility. The development occurs in capability of understanding, at least in my opinion. A person who has the understanding to achieve level 6 will appreciate the view when expressed by another, even if their current view of the current issue is stage 4. People who have not made that observation of the greater perspective will not understand. I can confidently say children will not give stage 6 justifications in most cases, nor even understand one when suggested.

As for only being stage 6, it is easy to say or even believe on the surface. I have had discussions about Kohlberg, comparing 2 aurguments and believing they were stage 4 and 6. later on I reevaluated what was said and it was really stage 1 and 4!

This is an example question:

Hans' wife is terminally ill. A merchant has a drug that can cure the disease. There is no other viable means to save his wife, whom he loves dearly. The merchant is asking a price far beyond Hans' ability to pay. Should he steal the drug? more importantly, why should he come to decision you suggest and why is it the right thing to do?


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
May 17, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

Hans' wife is terminally ill. A merchant has a drug that can cure the disease. There is no other viable means to save his wife, whom he loves dearly. The merchant is asking a price far beyond Hans' ability to pay. Should he steal the drug? more importantly, why should he come to decision you suggest and why is it the right thing to do?

I think that the very idea of "moral quandary" questions opposes the idea of a truly mature sense of morality.

The actions of steeling and not steeling could both be either moral or immoral, the morality of the action is based entirely on Hans' understandings and values.

So many other things come into defining the morality of that action than what we're given to deal with in the question. What is Hans' understanding of love? What is Hans' position on the idea of consumer rights?

If Hans truly perceives the pricing of the cure as injustice then the only reason for him not to steal it would be a stage 1 reason.

If Hans respects the decision of the merchant then the only way theft could be considered moral is if the action is considered a sacrifice of his own morality for the survival of his loved one. in that situation the only reason to not steal it would be a stage 4 reason.

Can someone come up with a stage 6 reason for him to not steal the cure assuming his understanding of love is self sacrificing?


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

This is an example question:

Hans' wife is terminally ill. A merchant has a drug that can cure the disease. There is no other viable means to save his wife, whom he loves dearly. The merchant is asking a price far beyond Hans' ability to pay. Should he steal the drug? more importantly, why should he come to decision you suggest and why is it the right thing to do?

I've heard this example before... Why doesn't Hans seek some kind of support? Why is there only this one drug? What is it made out of? Who made it? Aren't there alternatives? Does he try to discuss this with the merchant? Is there a way to make a deal that might spare his wife? What if the drug doesn't work?

When I look at it I don't find anything realistic about the question and the fact that there are only two options... Either he lets his wife die or he steals. Why are we expected to only consider two options? It just seems silly to me.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 12:22 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

any possibility that Hans could buy the drug on credit? There's no reason why there should only be two extremes.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 4:22 AM
Apr 29, 2008
Way south.
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

Here is the complete dilema as it was used by Kohlberg:

Heinz Steals the Drug
In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $ 1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it." So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the drug-for his wife. Should the husband have done that? (Kohlberg, 1963, p. 19)


Is Kredit to Team!!
Local time
Today 3:22 PM
Apr 30, 2008
Purgatory with the cool kids
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

As much as I do not like answering hypothetical questions, I believe that they are critical ones that define who we are. Of course in real life we would do all we can to avoid being put between the devil and the deep blue sea, but life is not perfect. There will be situations in which we will have to choose, unfortunate, but critical situations.

Whether or not we will be able to forgive ourselves in the future, whatever the outcome, depends on whether or not we did all we could to decide by our own power, and not shirk the responsibility of choice as humans.

This is really the essence of the hypothetical question.

I am guessing a stage 6 person would steal the drug, give it to his wife, then turn himself in.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

Radium is an unstable element isn't it? It would be unlikely to make a drug out of that. And even if the druggist bought the Radium for $200 developing such a drug would be expensive. Still the likeliness of one drug "curing" a type of cancer is pretty slim, unheard of even. Usually cancer requires a treatment. Medical treatments practically kill the person in order to kill the virus. It is not exactly the most sure fire way to save someone.

The actuality of it aside, I will approach the hypothetical. The idea is that is it okay to do something moral wrong for a righteous ends? Culturally speaking we often encourage people to go against the norm if someone is doing something wrong.

In this case the druggist would be the one in the wrong. He even plays up a stereotypical villain saying he wants to make money. Greed is not good, but everyone wants to make money and stealing is wrong. However, blood is more valuable than money, that is to say life is typically the morally more important.

Thus it would be okay for him to steal the medicine. It has the chance of saving his wife and life is more important than money.

If I were a neighbor watching this struggle I would have to ask what kind of person this wife is... I am kind of cruel like that, what if she was a horrible woman? ...
What is the likeliness of the drug actually working and if how far along is her cancer?

Is it possible to seek out more of a loan, even from the druggist?
I think I would seek an alternative method...
If I were the druggist I think I could manage to strike a deal and take half of the money.
Clearly if the druggist were a more morally right person he might cut the man some slack (unless he has some issue with the man and his wife). The problem would be if the drug happen to not work the man might be angry about it and wouldn't pay the rest (there might be a backlash, even from those who donated money). He might as well steal it. Seeing as it is an iffy treatment, that sounds as if it hasn't been tested yet.

Even if the druggist got the full payment if the drug did not work... What then?
Last edited:


echoes through time
Local time
Yesterday 8:22 PM
Sep 8, 2007
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

What an interesting thing, this Kohlberg dilemma.

There are three actors in the tale, but one is totally passive. Surely in real life we would refer to her wishes in making our decision? It is, after all, her death that is imminent. It would be a 'moral' failure to act without consulting her. What personal distress, if any, would it cause her to receive a gift of life that was stolen? Might she not have a desire to confront the pharmacist on her own behalf? Might not they three, together, come to a decision that permits each of them dignity, and in some way meets their desires? (Of course she may be ill beyond reasoning, in which case the original scenario holds.)

If the wife is resolved that she prefers to face her own death, then it would be 'morally' wrong of Hans to steal the cure. If she is resolved to live, then the power of negotiation and ultimate decision to veto that process in favour of taking by stealth, is hers. As is the decision to make a third party her proxy (or not). She may decide that her desire for life outweighs any potential guilt she may feel.

If she accepts her moral responsibility to herself to pursue life, and empowers Hans to act on her behalf, then her (and Hans') ambition matches that of the pharmacist to withhold the drug as he sees fit. Each person is moving forward to meet and guide the circumstances. It is now a contest of equivalent powers, and the outcome can be seen as just and natural consequence of that contest. (Theft is not Hans' only option. He and his wife may use whatever leverage is within their grasp, and this includes calling upon the judgement of the wider community. It may not be in their favour or the pharmacist may not bend. Hans has been prepared to exchange $1000 for the drug. He may choose to leave this sum in place of the drug, or considering it was refused anyway he may deny the pharmacist of this profit.)

The original decision of the pharmacist is senseless of course. Even though he wants to profit, he has chosen nil $ over $800. If he had any sense he would agree to sell at $1000 on the condition that Hans and his wife kept the price a secret, to forestall other customers trying to halve his desired price without need.

I think I've prattled on a bit there.


Local time
Today 2:22 AM
Apr 8, 2008
I don't agree with the fact that people actually go through these stages like one's body/mind would develop. I think that we go back and forth to each stage in order to solve problems or personal dilemmas. But I understand how each stage makes us think.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
May 17, 2008
I don't agree with the fact that people actually go through these stages like one's body/mind would develop. I think that we go back and forth to each stage in order to solve problems or personal dilemmas. But I understand how each stage makes us think.

Why would anyone use a lower level of morality than one they are aware of?


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Mar 10, 2008
I say I'm at stage one to be safe. I don't actually know... I'm not sure if I care too much either. Action and reaction makes sense.

However, If someone asked me why it's wrong to kill I would be a little conflicted, because... To some killing is okay if it justifies some outcome, like in the case of war. Usually I would think killing is wrong, because people don't really know what happens after death and it's something we fear to an extent and understand will put an end to someone's influence in the living world.

We understand ego and that everyone has an ego and therefore everyone probably has some feeling about death. Even if someone says they don't fear death we don't have any right to threaten their life. We value other people's egos because we empathize with them and despite who we allow to live, eventually we will all die.

It would be easier to say "Killing is wrong, just because it is".
In reality there are conditions for killing. What killing is justified and what killing is wrong. Then there's the question if there's a need for killing at all and then how do we deal with threats and people who show they don't care that much about other's lives.


Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
I disagree with it entirely. Such nonsense. What is Justice? To whom? Do universal principles exist? These stages are just (mistaken) rationalizations, a house of cards of some flawed "moral development".

I take the Nietzschean, beyond good and evil, will to power stance. Which essentially means that only Stage 1 really exists: What is good is defined by what ever will be good for the person considering the ambiguity.

"There are no [moral] facts, only interpretations" - Nietzsche

So, in this ego-centered position, I realize that this whole justice, community, nonsense considerations that give birth to these "stages", fit perfectly within stage 1. It is just that some people are short sighted, or just want childish instant gratification (thus the lowly "stage 1" name), while others realize that delayed gratification, "altruism", and sacrifices for civilized living lead to longer term benefits, even when realizing the flaws of law, and the relativity of justice (what would be perceived as stage 6).

It's all egoism. The matter is how far and right we can see into the future the consequences of our present actions.

Egoism with a brain.


Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired

"It's all egoism. The matter is how far and right we can see into the future the consequences of our present actions and the actions of others that affect us."

Ethics is a chess game. How many variables can your brain-computer handle?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:22 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
For what it's worth...

I teach ethics, medical ethics, professional ethics, and a variety of other courses at the university level in the United States.

Kohlberg's ideas, while embraced by some, are not so mainstream as to be considered the "right way" to understand moral thinking. There are many, many meta-ethical views in the field, and Kohlberg's understanding of moral development and moral judgment reflect the views of a minority of contemporary thinkers on the subjects. (Not that the minority is a tiny or insignificant one, or that there are not insights to be gained from this way of thinking.)

Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Jun 24, 2008
Arlington, Texas
Re: Would You Rather Be Happy Or Good?

As much as I do not like answering hypothetical questions, I believe that they are critical ones that define who we are. Of course in real life we would do all we can to avoid being put between the devil and the deep blue sea, but life is not perfect. There will be situations in which we will have to choose, unfortunate, but critical situations.

Whether or not we will be able to forgive ourselves in the future, whatever the outcome, depends on whether or not we did all we could to decide by our own power, and not shirk the responsibility of choice as humans.

This is really the essence of the hypothetical question.

I am guessing a stage 6 person would steal the drug, give it to his wife, then turn himself in.

I agree.
Local time
Today 1:22 AM
Jun 24, 2008
Arlington, Texas
I suppose this bores me because I couldn't care less about morality. It's innate, people. Don't go thinking that you'll suddenly become murderous if you don't cowtow to every word society has to say. We know how to treat people and we know how to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. The only reason there are questions like "what would you do if you found $100 on the street" is because there are people who are so afraid of stepping out of line that they need advice on what should be common sense.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:22 AM
Jun 28, 2008
Sounds just like one personality, the Wolf (ENFJ). Very much judgement rather than perception.

Land thieves with the Enclosures. For greater productivity, but the peasants never saw the rewards for having their land stolen from them.
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