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The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
It usually bother me when people have clearly mis-typed themselves. It seems like when people take a free online tests, with little understanding of MBTI, there's a good chance they get the wrong type. I suppose worse would be if they happen to be delusional about who they are. I'm not even sure about my type, but I've looked into MBTI pretty well...

Blatant mis-typing has bothered me for a while, but I couldn't think of a justified reason to bring it up. It seemed snobbish of me and I expected to get the typical criticism. In addition to this, when I'm unsure myself, it seemed shameless...

However, I've finally been compelled to bring it up. I was surfing the intjforum and I found someone, an "INTJ" saying,

Even worse is when I do speak up and correct them and they still want to argue what is obviously wrong and or illogical... That one was aimed at you INTPs.
Do INTJs and INTPs have some strained relationship, I'm unaware of, over something they consider logical and we do not?

I was wondering if the poster was mistaken. Why would an INTP argue something "wrong and/or illogical"? What could they be arguing that would lead an INTJ to say this? It occurred to me that if there is a lot of mis-typing that will eventually reflect on the people who are actually that type.

Won't this eventually become problematic, if it hasn't already?
What do you think of people mis-typing themselves?
Do you think it's a bit much to take it seriously?
Technically speaking, the MBTI is trademarked and copy righted. They also advise that people will seek the guidance of an MBTI certified person to go over the results of the test. The official test you have to pay for and if you visited a MBTI professional (or whatever they're called) it would cost a bit.
Most people aren't going to go through the trouble and it's not like I'm saying they should.
Though, if people constantly mis-type themselves it could be damaging to reputations. If it happens more and more the typing will lose validity.

Perhaps I'm being paranoid... But I'm curious to know what others think about mis-typing or if it bothers you...


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 17, 2008
First of all, don't let the INTJs bother you, they're the scum of the earth. Imagine an ENTJ, total asshole know it all, but at least he's out there throwing his opinions around where he's likely to have the wrong ones disproved, now make him insular and spiteful... omg it's a super villain!

Mistyping is always going to be a big problem, but I think that INTPs might be the people most likely to suffer from a flood of mistyped people. The INTP descriptions are usually just so wicked awesome cool that anyone who has ever had an independent thought and who sees the INTP answer after a test is going to be 100% sure and 100% satisfied with their type.
The problem is really that if someone is an INFP or an ISTP then they're likely to take the information they're given (either because it makes them feel good or because it's expert opinion) unquestioningly, and they'll be ready to disregard almost anything you say to them until you can really batter it into their brains. (something you guys almost never ever do because you're too nice)

so yeah, mistyping is going to happen, it sucks and it is most likely to happen to P types.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
That first paragraph it seems like you came around to describing...

Anyway, I guess it is true that there is a bias in the descriptions, which is a shame. INTJs are the ones who gets the inflated ego with "Mastermind" as their title in some places. Arrogance is not type specific though.

I'm not sure how sarcastic you're being, but I take what I can... I'm sure that "too nice" comment was vicious...

It might be true that typing is doomed to mis-typing, but is it possible to prevent?
It seems, when I'm checking MBTI sites there's some newer indicator they've been developing called Step III. I'm still a bit unclear about it is, but it seem to be a newer version, that will supposedly take trained people to administer. The same could be said about Step II when it was released...


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 17, 2008
0 sarcasm.

I don't think a new indicator would make a huge difference because I doubt many people are being professionally mistyped as it stands now.

The way to prevent mistyping is always doubt everyone's type. (including your own, it took me a while to finally admit I am an ENTJerk)


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Do you gossip loudly about other people and make up weird ideas about them until you meet them and then suddenly you think they're cool? The ENTJ I knew IRL was like that. I suppose his assumptions could've been right, he came off as a jock-jerk at first, but once he met someone and talked a little he usually liked people. And he was actually nice, even if he was crazy. He was so happy around people, suspicious of introverts and he tried to organize us for WoW. During class he would pick up patterns and ask why the teacher wouldn't do it the way he did it. The teacher had to tell him "Not everyone sees it."

As off topic as it is, I'm curious as to how ENTJs measure up to each other. I don't know that many.

I was thinking the test would like trickle down into the internet form, like test two did. I'm more or less curious about how the test itself works...

I guess the main problem is the people who won't question their type or the ones who purposely try to get one of the "cool" descriptions.
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Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 17, 2008
yes that ENTJ you know does sound a lot like me in some ways.

I very rarely dislike people once I can actually have a conversation with them, but when people evade conversation or hide behind things I can be very disdainful.

even if it trickles down to the internet form, the fact that it is designed to be done with professional aid means it won't be all that much more effective. (maybe a bit more, who knows...)

I dont think that not questioning your type has to do with wanting a cool description really. Personally I kept jumping between all the NTs (except INTP) because ENTP and INTJ seemed cooler to me. I have a weakness for coolness and it certainly showed itself in my MTBI typing (which made me think I was an ENTP). I think that while some people may mistype due to coolness, lots of them mistype due to trusting the test and lack of self knowledge.

When someone gets a test result, reads the description and then adopts it as a description of themselves instead of challenging it to make sense, that's where the problems come from.

fuckin' idiots.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Heh, yeah that's pretty much how he was. He seemed suspicious of this one kid who avoided him. He kept asking about what the kid's problem was, like he really didn't want to be disliked or to scare him. Usually he liked people if he got to talk to them and it's not like he was shy. He was also vain (which I think he admitted to [proudly])... and he even told me that the first thing a guy looks for in a girl is her looks. When I read the stuff you write it does remind me of him. His confidence was overbearing, but after that initial impression I realized he wasn't a fake or faking or truly a jerk.

If I could be an ENTP (I do think ENTPs are cool) I think I would be, or an INTJ. I thought for a while I was. I first tested as an INTJ. But when I approached the descriptions I had a hard time figuring it out. For a while I thought I might be an INFP or an INFJ, but I found I didn't share their sense of humor... Or sensitivity. I also had an INFJ teacher, she knew she was an INFJ (she confirmed it for me) and I noticed the first day of class (She pretty much gave it away with her time schedule [her clear goals] and this story of romance she told us about her and her husband)... A supposed INFP friend of mine said that INFPs always get INFP for their results and they know they're INFPs. I didn't know what to think of that...

The supposed INFPs and the ENFPs have a lot of confidence, which seems to be reflected or encouraged by their sense of humor. I don't know how accurate the INFPs and ENFPs I know are though. Most of the time I have to think about how the groups work, how people compare to each other. The descriptions are subjective and some seem really glorified. It's different when I'm actually interacting with people and when groups of types are interacting with each other.

I was talking to some INFPs (on an INFP forum) via chat and whining about someone I was annoyed with who had clearly mistyped themselves (there was more to it, but I'll leave it at that). I thought my whining would be annoying, but these two became curious about my social issue. It was like suspense, which I found surprising...


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Apr 18, 2008
I know my INTJ friend Jordan looks at me like I'm an idiot whenever we disagree, and won't ever hear of me trying to defend my view. Hes amazingly arrogant. But on the other hand, my other friend Matt is an INTJ who is one of the most agreeable people you could ever meet, if you can get past his tendency to by extremely shy.

I think when I first took the test I didn't fight the INTP typing because it fit very well in both good and bad aspects. And I have since gone back at least five or six times in varying states of mind etc and I always get INTP.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
I thought for the longest time I was INFP because I'm more or less nice to people, but the ones I've known in RL don't seem to share my interest in intellectual topics or my disinterest with real people, so I realize I was only taking the tests based on the person I was deep down versus the person I am in real life. Also, the INFPs I've known can be a bit clingy with people they like a lot and I just prefer to keep a reasonable distance with other people.

I admit, I'm also into socionics so that has a huge deal with how I've typed myself (and people are mostly convinced that I am a logical type and an INTP at that. I don't make decisions on an emotional level at all, I realize. I am more concerned about being correct in my judgments than caring how it makes me feel. If it's true and makes me feel bad, oh well, time to suck it up). I found INFPs can blow things out of proportion if you say something in just the wrong way. They can be a bit too open with their emotions which makes them more friendly often, but can make them sluts for dramatics which I was never one able to understand.

But at this rate, I am convinced of my type and am relieved I'm not an INFP gone wrong, who hides her emotions for no type related reason. I have to actively search out emotional stimulation to feel much of anything unless I think about something sentimental too deeply.

And I'm not trying to make a diss on INFPs. They are really caring and don't see me as unloveable as most people do, but they are more into making emotional connections, influencing others on an emotional level where I am more into developing that over a long period of time and prefer to discuss ideas, benefit others in more practical ways or by being understanding and objective in viewing a problem, keeping my problems to myself (which irks feeling types often), keep a healthy distance as to not be a burden and to keep my space. I do love it, though, when people can see underneath my outward stoicism and see how caring I am as a person and maintain a good distance, but always see me in that way that is special in regards to how most people see me as a self-absorbed, indiferent, cold person.

(and if anyone feels the need to question my own typing, they can just PM me).

I probably come across as more sensitive online, but this is a far cry from that which I am in any other social setting except for maybe with my mom and close friends who are feelers and stimulate that repressed side.
I was talking to some INFPs (on an INFP forum) via chat and whining about someone I was annoyed with who had clearly mistyped themselves (there was more to it, but I'll leave it at that). I thought my whining would be annoying, but these two became curious about my social issue. It was like suspense, which I found surprising...

Heh, do you know the person, or did it have to do with anything in the God thread with me, or is it just something else because then I think it's best to PM me or whoever or talk to them about it because from my experience, typing is not always a cut and dry situation. I have done heavy, heavy analysis and went so far as to address it to a community to get ideas, but I was noticing how INFP did not fit me at all.

And there are many factors other than type that affects how the person comes across (though I subscribe to socionics because it kind of digs deeper into the whys of that).

And I continue to reassess my typing versus blindly accepting it. I hardly think that discounts me as being a T type in MBTI terms.

I'm hardly nosy and normally wouldn't even address such a question, but I'm just acting on sneaking suspicion.

If I'm wrong, just ignore me. Yawn...I've spent so much time researching type (and socionics is a bit different than MBTI but I don't make a huge distinction) that I am ready to do more productive things.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Hmm Arrogance seems to make a jumping difference in types? INTJs have their third function as Feeling, it seems to show every once in a while. Perhaps in their stubbornness sometimes. I know one INTJ I "helped" reconsider his type. But he turned out to be INTJ pretty much any way I looked at it. He and I were annoyed over the same person... But he seemed more vicious about it. I did find them terribly annoying, but he was willing to put names to it...

I do think it's good to confirm your type, even if it's only a matter of going back and reading through the descriptions again. I didn't think I was an INFP of INFJ for too long. I tend to notice I'm not like someone else when it takes me a few days to get the joke. It seemed like I fit into many descriptions, but when it actually came to the functions those were very specific in how they worked. Perhaps I take my introversion too seriously though. Whenever I'm out of my home I get along well with people.

My public personality sharply contrasts with my private one. When I was little I didn't care for social interaction at all and I think my mother found it alarming, if not irritating. She encouraged me to be rather paranoid about other people and paranoid about not leaving a good impression. It's hard to think I haven't mistyped myself because of that contrast. I'm not sure what to do with that public personality now.

+No, it didn't have to do with anyone here. I met this person on another forum and they were desperate for a friendship (with me?). I denied them, which was apparently unusual. The following contact I had with the person proved without a doubt that they were a feeling type who couldn't think outside the box. Since I'm somewhat obsessed with MBTI, it came out in our "conversations". Then this person seemed to pick their personality type in order to spite me.

I don't think it's possible to miss this person. It would make me sick if she happen to find her way here. She has less confidence than I do, is completely self absorbed, desperate, delusional and arrogant. When she attempts to argue something she'll likely prove the opposite position without realizing it (Which is actually kind of funny). Normally she won't stay on a topics she can't discuss and seems to lapse into "discussing" herself. She also lapses into complimenting (if she thinks you're angry at her?). She's very spam-post happy. In only a couple of hours she can post 20 times. Her posts per day average is like "22". She's an absolute parasite. A phenomena of an online being. I have rarely met such a species.
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Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
Ok, thanks, I just wanted to clarify.

Yeah, I understand not wanting someone of that nature to find this place since I'm the same way. I am rather careful what info I give out, but in any case, the whole parasite and attention whoring has been attributed to poorly developed INFPs and from the ones who I have a good feeling are ones that I've met in RL have occasionally shown that desperateness to befriend me to the point of clinginess. Some come across as 'attention suckers' but hardly are all like that. IxFP is a very good possibility, then. They're okay at first, but it's like, dude, you hardly know me, back the F off. ::rolls eyes:: It's those peeps who made me seriously go WTF about my own type. I'd rather watch a nine hour marathon of Richard Simmon's exercise videos in an underground bunker in Afghanistan than go whoring myself for attention at $!!.95 an hour.

Oh well, if it's an online situation, there's always the beauty of ignore. Hehehe...


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
I thought maybe ISFP or INFP. I guess I'm not used to the warning signs for clingy INFPs. This person tends to assimilate (or at least desperately tries to). I wondered if that was more S. I know I should ignore her. I hate her and I've told her that directly... which was probably not a good idea. But how I feel about people doesn't stop me from being curious and wanting to watch their destruction.

It's sort of between wanting revenge and being amused.

But speaking of Mistyping, it seems like the INTJs have quite a few... particular INTJs on the intjforum. When I took a look at INTP central I was kind of disappointed with it. It appears to have suffered the same way the INTJ forum has. With a suspicious number of INTPs who don't act very INTP. I would really hate to see that happen to this forum...


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Apr 18, 2008
From that description I both want to do my best to avoid this person, and meet them for the sake of experiences.


Local time
Today 6:21 PM
May 21, 2008
Down Under
Zero: The Fool said:
Do INTJs and INTPs have some strained relationship, I'm unaware of, over something they consider logical and we do not?
My experience of INTJs is somewhat strained, yes. I find them to be altogether too sure of themselves. Its the "J" factor I suppose. They seem so sure of their bloody logic and facts that any thought which doesn't 100% measure up is just dismissed out of hand. I used to argue with them, but mostly I don't bother these days.

I like exploring ideas, even if initially the logic might not completely stand up at first glance. "What if" scenarios interest me. Logical arguments can be deconstructed and repaired, so I am loath to throw something out just on that basis. i.e. if it seems right, then perhaps it IS right, even if the logic isn't sorted yet.


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 17, 2008
If there should ever be a war between the INTJ and INTP you can count on us if your corner.

Screw those guys.


The Fiend
Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Mar 10, 2008
I have an INTJ friend and we get along well. He speculates all the time and might seem to state the obvious for no particular reason, but we get along. He's respectful and all. He doesn't come off as one of the INTJ jerk types.
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Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 2, 2008
Murkrow or somebody, could you point me to the ENTJ description you're talking about that makes ENTJs look like jerks? I thought the one on typelogic wasn't so bad. An ENTJ I know told me about how, when she read the description, it was horrible because it was all true. Honestly, I haven't seen many ENTJ descriptions, but the ones I've seen didn't seem all that bad.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Murkrow, do you have a specific gripe with the INTJs? If so, spit it out right now.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
I assume many of the posts here are in jest.

It would be a sad, sad day if people took to comparing the 16 types in terms of "better" and "worse," or making the types into clans.



Active Member
Local time
Today 2:21 AM
May 17, 2008
The things that bothered me in ENTJ descriptions were their controlling tendencies (especially towards their children).

Also where the I descriptions tend to go deeper into the actual thought process of a typical IXXX the ENTJ description basically just says "this guy likes the argue, he doesn't back down, blah blah" while not explaining in any way how they come to their opinions on things and what they value. I've come to terms with being an ENTJ and I think that the descriptions used are the most valid ones simply because ENTJs are a very ideologically varied bunch. I feel almost no commonality with other ENTJs because as such a reactionary type we really have very little in common apart from the fact that we think aggresively and trust our guts, I see ENTJs as prospective enemies before allies.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:21 AM
Mar 31, 2008
Mistyping. I can see it happening with a lot of people.

I was lucky enough to be guided by an INTP. For one, my results were pretty strictly INTP and I've never scored any other type in any of the many MBTI tests I've ran into. Also, this same INTP guided me into self-choosing. She pointed me out to a few articles, which I think I mentioned in my introduction thread, and said that if they remind me of myself with a scaring accuracy, I would definitely be an INTP. And the result? Most if not all of the points I saw applied to myself.

Therefore, the obvious conclusion would be that I'm INTP. If anything, I concluded that I have to be at least IxTx, which doesn't leave me with much. 4 types, minus the INTP. I'm definitely not ISTx either, therefore INTx it has to be. INTJs are supposed to be strategic and leader-like, neither of which fit me. Therefore, INTP is the only choice left.

Ironically enough, the following note was left on the last answer of my philosophy test, which was to explain the human rights and the animal rights. Basically, I went as far as to say that morals and rights in general are a human-made thing, therefore non-human beings, such as gods, animals, plants and the nature in itself, have rights only when the humans have given them those. The note states: "You speak of these things on a very abstract level !" Now, didn't someone say that the INTP are better in abstract thinking than others?

The same goes on to my grades. My best grades are in linguistics, religion, philosophy and psychology. Quite abstract, don't you think? At least when you compare it to my worst subject, that being physics. Well, physics doesn't allow much originality, it's mainly about formulae. Well, in my case, I found most physics lessons to be way too calculus centric, therefore I didn't pay much attention. Well, a demonstration or two per lesson, but that's all. The rest was just calculus and theory.

Ironic as it is, the school I study at is a mathematics one. Well, they got some interesting stuff there and with the introduction of complex numbers, it allows for loads of originality.

However, I plan to pursue a career in the field of the English language. Probably going to be a teacher, as I would rather not move away from home to a city where I know no one just to study for interpreting or translation.


Local time
Today 7:21 AM
Jun 23, 2008
Melbourne Suburbs, Australia.
A person I discuss with scored as an INTP, but I think he's closer to an ENTP, because he actively pursues a social life, and tends to follow me around a lot, which makes me very very uncomfortable.
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