really wish someone would opt to share some good info between the two here...
Well, you use Ne in the same place whether you are an INFP and INTP.
How easy is it for you to make something some says or does a personal attack?
How often do you feel things are personal attacks on your character?
How strongly do you believe in right vs wrong?
How do you feel about morals?
That's fair. My questions were just prompt for op to ask questions or make statements about him or herself.To be fair these are all pretty useless questions. I mean sure you will find the stereotypical INFP this way but the stereotypical INFP doesn't mistyped as an INTP. (and isn't a huge percentage of INFP's anyway just the most visible)
I'll probably work out a way to tell the difference later. Not that I'm an expert but I'm sure I can come up with something designed for this. (that's simpler than studying the topic or getting someone to type you)
I'm learningYeah I figured that was the intent but it just tends to make people more confused :P
Do you worry about the world?
I dont worry about the world and the general population,but i do worry about myself in this world?
Definitely a Narcissist. You could be a Psychopath, go on...
Btw, are you Enneagram 4 or 5? Not that it is decisive.