I was reading up on nutrition and views on it when I came across this site that completely horrifies me... not sure how to do links, forgive me.
Anyways, this one article got me more so, the comments from readers moreso.
Am I right in believing they are sayig current lunches made available from the government are healthy???? In what world was the pizza and fries I grew up on throughout my school years healthy? The comments seems so unbelievable...
Now, perhaps my views are different being a vegetarian, or the dact that I have read up a little on what happena to your body when you eat certain thinga...
Don't mind my rambling, what I really want to know are your views on nutrition (not necissarily being a vegetarian, but how unhealty food is now)
I really hate typing on my phone ._. not sure how to do links, forgive me.
Anyways, this one article got me more so, the comments from readers moreso.
Am I right in believing they are sayig current lunches made available from the government are healthy???? In what world was the pizza and fries I grew up on throughout my school years healthy? The comments seems so unbelievable...
Now, perhaps my views are different being a vegetarian, or the dact that I have read up a little on what happena to your body when you eat certain thinga...
Don't mind my rambling, what I really want to know are your views on nutrition (not necissarily being a vegetarian, but how unhealty food is now)
I really hate typing on my phone ._.