Wow, I'm not even going to waste my energy on replying to this. You obviously have no frame of reference and can only see ancient technology and creation from your own modern concept. You have to look at it from the context of the times. And to say the great pyramid is simply a pile of stones is completely ignorant. You obviously haven't looked at them deeper to see the precision beyond modern capabilities and inexplicable intricacies (not to mention symbolism and meaning) and NO we don't know how they built them. The theories are still debated today and most of them don't hold water. There is no sure answer and its highly doubtful it could be replicated today (technologically) according to the experts and I agree. There is no concrete evidence the Egyptians were the true builders, nor of their true purpose. No pharoh/mummy has ever been found in a pyramid. It's not amazing because its a Pyramid. ITs amazing because of the sheer scale and precision and mystery...and yes those are global.
Modern achievements and technology continue to build on the past. The Burj might be tall and impressive yes, but it's far from practical or efficient and 50% vacant and 50% of that is elevator shafts. Built on pure ego.
Its all off topic anyway. Davinci /Galileo and others didn't achieve anything concrete? lol
I have read good theories of how the pyramids were built, it is the attempts at countering these theories that don't hold water.
If the Egyptians didn't build them, then who.
The only reason we don't have the technology to build the pyramid today is because we have no need to do so. It is easy to devise simple methods to produce many identical blocks of stone, and likewise for placing them accurately.
There are many quirks in the measurements of the pyramid that can't be coincidence. But mathematics was well understood back then, is it hard to believe that they just decided to design it that way.
People have always overcome such difficulties, the question is can those difficulties be overcame with their current technology. There is nothing the egyptians needed that they couldn't have feasibly possessed.
(not to mention symbolism and meaning)
symbolism and meaning are in the eye of the beholder
Wisdom shines through the ages as a constant. The wise men who designed the pyramid and the engineers who designed the dubai tower would get on well.
Knowledge however grows through time. Every time a generation dies, the next generation continues from where the last left off.
I often wish I lived long ago so I could be the one building these wonders, as now everything is taken for granted and anything new is too quickly used and forgotten.
I also sometimes wish to see the world from far into the future so I can see what remains of the present, and what people say about them.
I take it as an insult that you claim I only see ancient technology in a modern context and I will respond in kind -despite how much I hate to sink to straw man arguments.
You are a person who clings to your misconceptions, as you do not want to challenge your own understanding.