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Intuition - Confirmation bias with hindsight is 20/20 or something legit


Your friendly neighborhood asshole
Local time
Today 8:48 AM
Apr 19, 2016
A fucking black hole
What is it about intuition that makes it so pervasive? After a half a decade of programming and playing chess, I have realized that intuition does not always pan out even in fields wherein you are highly experienced.

So I was once a gymnast. From a quite a young age. You'd imagine intuition being my go-to while performing the difficult elements which could probably maim you for life. However, I realized that it is also what held me back from learning more extreme stuff. The truth is, I learned more out of trial and error than anticipation. My medals and a few trophies would boast otherwise but it's not that difficult. Once you are flipping in the air, there's not much time to think at all. You'd fall or land depending on how well your take off for the element is and not how well you think when you are in the midst of it. It boils down to how well you have done your basics and trained your body.

Cut to chess. Here also intuition fucks up more often than not when you are not paying attarrives. This directly contradicts the concept that intuition arrives suddenly and consciously, hardly it ever does and more often than not it's inaccurate. Consider some other probabilities. Lonely streets are generally more dangerous. One might be compelled to not walk from there. However, night walkers would list out a number of lonely streets that are in fact safe on most parts. Reason why the former belief works is because it reduces even small probabilities of encountering a dangerous episode hence now converting intuition into something merely learned and triggering of negative memories and stimuli.

Coding. So many times I have felt like a genius and then like a buffoon. Sometimes it takes a long time. When you come back and look at your own code, it looks baffling. So many 'intuitions' simply gone wrong from time to time that felt amazingly effective. I was a long time fan of Perl, then ruby and finally settled on Python. At each point of liking these languages, I disliked the other two because of subjective reasons and objective reasons which only became clear after accidentally gaining exposure to the other. I could often get confused by own perl and ruby code but not so much by Python. I enjoyed thoroughly using the former 2 and made hundreds of scripts and minor projects but settled on Python despite it being more conservative with its syntax. That was more out of exposure and experience and less out of some guiding intuition. My problem does not lie with the language but the perceived usefulness and expressive ability or quality of being dynamically complex and simple. Now my latest pet project is R. More than half the internet hates it. It got on my nerves too as it was the only language that took quite some effort to learn. There was a system which was less arbritrary than that of Python but then Python also has many intuitive things for general purpose coding that are a little bit lacking in R. Does that make R superior to Python or vice versa? No. They just happened to have different local maximas and I just happened to use them both for their intended purposes more. What does 'intuitive' mean here? It does mean that it evokes some unconsciously intellectual god, it is just about anticipating how much effort it will take to accomplish.

Consider this now. I consider myself a person with preference for scientific reasoning. People might always confuse me for 'being' scientific when in reality I am not in many circumstances. Just because I am rational in 60% of the circumstances, it does not really make me a scientific person. I call myself open minded. But then I was closed minded too, maybe I still am. The point I am trying to make is that what we seem off is what we tend to believe rather than actually knowing who we are for quite a long time. I call one of my friends a drama Queen. But when I make the sample size of his interactions and mine a nonfactor, you will come to a conclusion that I am also a drama queen but with less sample size. However that will not prevent either me or him from thinking that he's more unstable than I am in our relationships. In fact a truly scientific attitude would manifest in something extremely different and quite understanbly very exhausting and more or less not viable. You'd be moved by both closed-minded attitudes and open minded ones and not just the former. You'd be much more likely to forgive people and punish rhem at similar frequencies if you were really objective. Here we are, just sitting with our likes and dislikes, guided less by any overarching gut feeling and more by experiences


Local time
Yesterday 10:18 PM
Oct 7, 2021
I suspect when things are working inside we can deeply trust that aspect of ourselves, intuition. It is the real connection we have to things. Most likely, when intuition is not working right, its because the chakras are blocked. So, its a good idea to use your hands and energy to push the blocks out and clear the different chakras, crown, third eye, ears, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root.

Look for videos on clearing blocked chakras, especially crown and third eye.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 8:18 PM
Sep 21, 2024
It is really about where your focused efforts have been placed over a long time.

If you have a quiet mind and looking at what is in front of you, you know what is supposed to happen next. This can be when you are doing coding but most people use it for things such as driving a car or playing video games or something fast that requires it. Other times it is about the social aspect or knowing without calculating what another person is like or will do.

When you are in a Forrest if you are quiet enough you can become in tune with it and know when things happen. It is like listening to music, you know how it will flow and it becomes louder more intense.

Thinking about hard logic is not intuitive because only soft things seem to feel like you can know without putting effort into them but instead relax and soak it in. Logic needs you to be aware of steps and there's no steps in intuition just the flow. It's automatic.


think again losers
Local time
Today 12:48 PM
Mar 17, 2011
It seems to me like no two people have an exactly matching definition of intuition. To me, it's subconscious processing. The stronger your intuition, the more you are dictated by your subconscious. This has the convenient implication that those who claim paranormal intuition are less likely to parse their experience logically or objectively (relying on fast and imprecise cognitions rather than tedious but reliable ones), explaining why so many people think they're mind-reading jedi or future telling seers.

For MBTI, I think intuition as dichotomy or introverted/extroverted is conceptually messy. Ni seems to be closer to my definition above, Ne seems to be more about cognitive flexibility, and the dichotomy (I/S) seems to be closer to IQ and other constructs.

Personally, I act intuitively when impatient, feeling exploratory, or when I don't care about the outcome. Otherwise, I'm more plodding.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 3:18 AM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
intuition and thinking are the same thing, one is faster and one is more accurate.
Being too logical and precise will make you sometimes slow and dumb.
Being to intuitive will make you imprecise and dumb.

Key is knowing where thinking logic counts and where intuition counts.

If your intuition is off base it will always be wrong. If its well trained and well honed it will always be a net positive.

Intuition however happens in subconscious. So there are many things in the subconscious mind that can disrupt intuition.

If you constrict intuitions with thinking it will hurt your intuitive ways, and if you let intuition reign free with out double checking with your conscious mind it will wreck you.

So intuition is like any other skill. It needs to be trained and used.

Use it or lose it.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 8:18 PM
Sep 21, 2024
I think that when it comes to paranormal intuition @Hadoblado was talking about. It could come from, as the common behavior, from types like ISFP the most.

I suppose the reason is that they have weak intuition but a strong feeling it is true. Anything unexplained must be due to them seeing it as outside their perception and that makes it possible to be paranormal. Seeing is believing.

Only a few times did "paranormal" events happen in my life but because of weak Fi I did not default to the them being the first things I thought could explain it. I looked for scientific explanations.

ISFP don't know much Te stuff so the first thing they do is look at what the tv said or the video game or ticktock. Their research skills are weak, so it not the intuition at fault.

I am not trying to pick on the ISFP it is just that I know many who base things on feels.


The little professor
Local time
Today 3:18 AM
May 3, 2011
What is it about intuition that makes it so pervasive? After a half a decade of programming and playing chess, I have realized that intuition does not always pan out
Intuition generates a Bayesian probability distribution, not a fixed answer. It's right more often than not, or when it is right, it's right about something really big. So it's usually worth paying attention to every time, to see if it works in each situation or not. But there's zero guarantees that it works in this situation, or even that you understand its meaning.

even in fields wherein you are highly experienced.
Generally, intuitives are drawn towards the new and the unknown, because intuition-driven functions like Ni & Ne work much better than their sensory peers Si & Se, when it comes to the unknown. The flip side of this is that when it comes to the known, Si & Se users tend to outperform the Ni & Ne users.

Coding. So many times I have felt like a genius and then like a buffoon. Sometimes it takes a long time.
That's been the case with coding for as long as I can remember, and I've been coding for 45 years.

When you come back and look at your own code, it looks baffling.
This is why you HAVE to comment your own code, so you (and others) can look at it later and understand what you did and why you did it, in simple human language.

Does that make R superior to Python or vice versa?
Category error. Each programming language developed to serve a different set of purposes.

What does 'intuitive' mean here? It is just about anticipating how much effort it will take to accomplish.
Anticipating how much effort something will take to accomplish, is normally a matter of experience.

Consider this now. I consider myself a person with preference for scientific reasoning. People might always confuse me for 'being' scientific when in reality I am not in many circumstances. Just because I am rational in 60% of the circumstances, it does not really make me a scientific person. I call myself open minded. But then I was closed minded too, maybe I still am. The point I am trying to make is that what we seem off is what we tend to believe rather than actually knowing who we are for quite a long time. I call one of my friends a drama Queen. But when I make the sample size of his interactions and mine a nonfactor, you will come to a conclusion that I am also a drama queen but with less sample size. However that will not prevent either me or him from thinking that he's more unstable than I am in our relationships. In fact a truly scientific attitude would manifest in something extremely different and quite understanbly very exhausting and more or less not viable. You'd be moved by both closed-minded attitudes and open minded ones and not just the former. You'd be much more likely to forgive people and punish rhem at similar frequencies if you were really objective. Here we are, just sitting with our likes and dislikes, guided less by any overarching gut feeling and more by experiences
It's not hard to be objective. You just have to remember that for every possible quality/quality, there's a subjective component AND an objective component. The subjective component is that which can differ between subjects. The objective component is that which doesn't differ between subjects.

To both of you, he seems to be more of a Drama queen than you. So it's objectively true that he has a subjective component.

What you don't know, is (1) if most people think of him as a drama queen, and (2) if you think of most people as drama queens.

Once you find out both those details, you'll both sleep easier at night.


think again losers
Local time
Today 12:48 PM
Mar 17, 2011
I think that when it comes to paranormal intuition @Hadoblado was talking about. It could come from, as the common behavior, from types like ISFP the most.

I suppose the reason is that they have weak intuition but a strong feeling it is true. Anything unexplained must be due to them seeing it as outside their perception and that makes it possible to be paranormal. Seeing is believing.

Only a few times did "paranormal" events happen in my life but because of weak Fi I did not default to the them being the first things I thought could explain it. I looked for scientific explanations.

ISFP don't know much Te stuff so the first thing they do is look at what the tv said or the video game or ticktock. Their research skills are weak, so it not the intuition at fault.

I am not trying to pick on the ISFP it is just that I know many who base things on feels.

That makes a lot of sense to me.

But keep in mind that if someone identifies with their intuition (despite it being weak), they're not going to identify with the sensor category.


Local time
Yesterday 10:18 PM
Oct 7, 2021
I know that inexperienced can think they are being intuitive with their feelings and judgements and that is not what I am talking about. You can't trust every hunch, especially when you aren't getting information from your body.

I think its listening to your body also and increasing your awareness, especially you want to use intuition in dangerous situations to help you find protection and guide you well. Its not just thinking, its listening well to different signals.
The body has so many intelligence centers, from gut instincts, to eery feelings, to butterflies, to feeling drained around someone, or feeling more energized around nature or certain people, to simply listening to how energy changes every day. Some days its calm and safe, some days its time to withdraw and recuperate, just based on things going on in the world. Sometimes the universe is telling you to hold, don't make a move, its not the right time now, this is when you feel your muscles contracting or shrinking, or your hunched in. Other times its telling you you have a green light and to go, this is when you feel expansive and happy.

There are times when you just KNOW something will or won't work out, thats claircognizance. Intuition is more about dropping down deep inside, closing your eyes, and using amplified sonar to listen to your body. Biology has an intelligence unlike anything else. Pendulums are also interesting, the ideometer effect of your subconscious or biology knowing whats right for you and what isn't.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 8:18 PM
Sep 21, 2024
I think you make a good point @birdsnestfern

The body can be a kind of sonar device.

That's what I hear about gut intuition.

Si physicality is instinctual.

What happens with me though is different.

It's not how I feel my body move it is about how others are moving or the environment.

These are close and terms we use can obscure what we mean but when I have an "intuition" something is wrong with the environment not myself because I feel uncomfortable all the time and that's normal for me. For others they fell calm until something unknown causes them to feel uncomfortable.

If things move in the wrong way I have been attuned to people looking mad or going silent or a bunch of signals. The weather might make me know it's time to leave or I see a billboard with a message on it.

I have a way of saying the right things at the right time to people. Because I know what they feel. It bothers me when the outside is chaotic and I do what needs to be done to make it still.

It takes effort like knowing what items are needed and reminding people about things they forgot or then the consequences aren't not good.

At one point I worried about earthquakes and redid my room so if one happened nothing would break that was important. I take many preventative measures in my life that accumulate my stress.

Edit: I never been in an earthquake before, but I was manic that day


Local time
Yesterday 10:18 PM
Oct 7, 2021
ok, Si is foreign to me I suppose. How does each function use Intuition? They are each so different.
If you are INFJ, then your intuition wants to create interpersonal peace?
If you are INTP, then your intuition wants to consider everything and make the best choice for now. But it really depends on what is happening around you, and there are a million possibilities that you use different types of intuition for, so its very complex to think about. Its how we gather information and for what purpose. Can't boil it down.



What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 8:18 PM
May 24, 2024
Intuition is kind of like rapid fire heuristics which has been trained by experience. It works in many cases, but often needs refinement to be more accurate.
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