Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure this does not belong on the forum but I just don't know what else to do right now and maybe writing this down will help me deal with things better..
Fucking shit. I have no clue what's wrong with me. I just received awful marks this past semester, juts terrible - the worst I've ever done in school. My major gpa just dropped to a 2.43 which is below the required 2.75 to transfer (oh right, I'm transferring from chemical engineering to biochemistry). HA!
If I can't manage to pull it up to at least a 2.75 after next semester I just don't know what is gonna happen to me. I don't have any major right now and after next semester I have to declare a major or I can't attend the university anymore. Am I not cut out for higher education? My whole life I did well in school and people would tell me how smart I was. Now I'm on the brink of getting kicked out of a school that's not even THAT great. How did this happen? Am I really just not as smart as I thought I was? Here I thought I had become smarter since I entered my higher education.
Maybe I'm just not cut out for the work. It's so extremely difficult for me to do something without believing I should be doing it. Scratch that. It's so extremely difficult for me to do anything. In grades k-12 I just didn't do anything and got by with A's and B's throughout. Am I just too stupid to realize that I need to put more effort into school now?
And I can't even begin to think about the 'embarrassment' my mom will have to deal with if I drop out which will translate into resentment for all the sacrifices she's made for me.
Ugh..why can I not just do my work and study like everyone else is seemingly able to? For a 'smart' kid I am really fucking stupid.
And yet, I feel as if there is a small, desperate part of me that's behind all of this. Like some part of my conscious has been drowned out for years and is finally trying to surface. I've been going along with the way society wants its members to be educated for 14 years and it's getting too hard to just sit back and trust that I'm not going to end up hating myself in the future.
That's so naive though. What can possibly be the downfall of going through with this undergraduate degree (other than a mountain of debt).
There's also the possibility of course that this is me just making an excuse for performing so poorly. I figured at some point in my life I would finally stop being such a lazy s.o.b. and start doing things, making and reaching goals. I've just drifted along doing what I was told. Now that I've been questioning more and more what I've been told I am not as eager to jump in and please others, leaving my grades suffering.
/deep breath
Anyway. I don't know why I felt compelled to post this and I'm sure my terrible explanation of my situation isn't really going to give anyone anything to suggest. I'm just in a really low place right now and to make matters worse this is the only place I feel comfortable expressing my fear that I will fuck up, really badly. I'm going to disappoint everyone that had faith in me. I've wasted my mother's time and money.
It's times like these I wish I could go away to a place where no one knew me, where being someone who worked a blue collar was alright, where I could think for myself, where there is no one watching, judging and giving me goals for MY life.
I apologize for the immaturity this post reeks of.
Thanks for listening..
EDIT: Frankly, I don't know what I expected in posting this as far as responses. I hope my little outburst of emotion doesn't turn anyone off..
Fucking shit. I have no clue what's wrong with me. I just received awful marks this past semester, juts terrible - the worst I've ever done in school. My major gpa just dropped to a 2.43 which is below the required 2.75 to transfer (oh right, I'm transferring from chemical engineering to biochemistry). HA!
If I can't manage to pull it up to at least a 2.75 after next semester I just don't know what is gonna happen to me. I don't have any major right now and after next semester I have to declare a major or I can't attend the university anymore. Am I not cut out for higher education? My whole life I did well in school and people would tell me how smart I was. Now I'm on the brink of getting kicked out of a school that's not even THAT great. How did this happen? Am I really just not as smart as I thought I was? Here I thought I had become smarter since I entered my higher education.
Maybe I'm just not cut out for the work. It's so extremely difficult for me to do something without believing I should be doing it. Scratch that. It's so extremely difficult for me to do anything. In grades k-12 I just didn't do anything and got by with A's and B's throughout. Am I just too stupid to realize that I need to put more effort into school now?
And I can't even begin to think about the 'embarrassment' my mom will have to deal with if I drop out which will translate into resentment for all the sacrifices she's made for me.
Ugh..why can I not just do my work and study like everyone else is seemingly able to? For a 'smart' kid I am really fucking stupid.
And yet, I feel as if there is a small, desperate part of me that's behind all of this. Like some part of my conscious has been drowned out for years and is finally trying to surface. I've been going along with the way society wants its members to be educated for 14 years and it's getting too hard to just sit back and trust that I'm not going to end up hating myself in the future.
That's so naive though. What can possibly be the downfall of going through with this undergraduate degree (other than a mountain of debt).
There's also the possibility of course that this is me just making an excuse for performing so poorly. I figured at some point in my life I would finally stop being such a lazy s.o.b. and start doing things, making and reaching goals. I've just drifted along doing what I was told. Now that I've been questioning more and more what I've been told I am not as eager to jump in and please others, leaving my grades suffering.
/deep breath
Anyway. I don't know why I felt compelled to post this and I'm sure my terrible explanation of my situation isn't really going to give anyone anything to suggest. I'm just in a really low place right now and to make matters worse this is the only place I feel comfortable expressing my fear that I will fuck up, really badly. I'm going to disappoint everyone that had faith in me. I've wasted my mother's time and money.
It's times like these I wish I could go away to a place where no one knew me, where being someone who worked a blue collar was alright, where I could think for myself, where there is no one watching, judging and giving me goals for MY life.
I apologize for the immaturity this post reeks of.
Thanks for listening..
EDIT: Frankly, I don't know what I expected in posting this as far as responses. I hope my little outburst of emotion doesn't turn anyone off..