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Holo Impressions: Why Ni is misunderstood

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:04 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
To contrast Intuition is Sensation. With sensation the raw data registers so as to be apparent. Intuition is not registered it is unconscious. The redness of red to a sensation type is felt by them and is stimulating, this is why they remember details. The impression on the sensation type is real to them in a way that is unreal in Intuition. They feel the resistance and the ease of flowing. Introverted Sensation is internally generated is subjective. They create new sensations themselves. This why Introverted sensation is paired with Extroverted Sensation. Ni generates internally also by not being aware of the inside but through Extroverted Sensation has light flowing through a transparent crystal. Si is like phosphorus the glows after absorption. Ni is transparent. Extroverted Intuition then takes the glow of Si and projects it into the world. Ne is unconscious of the external reality's light and only sees the external nature of the possible from within. Ni lets the light be focused into a new direction looking at possible from without. This is why Introverted Intuitive can zoom in on the external answer well Extroverted Initiatives can be impressed by internal solutions. It may seem that Ne is external only because Ne is receiving from Si data that gestates new ideas and so skipping idea to idea. Ni is already receiving from Se so it seems internal seems to know the answer from within but is actually comparing Se to how it was focused in the past. Ni learns how to find Se data. Ne learns how to combine Si data.

INTP use Ti with Ne
INTJ use Ni with Te

Where as with feeling is the smooth motion of events that lead to empathy or the understanding the flowing nature of continuous patterns Thinking is Heuristic and is only applicable in given instances where they find procedures to enact goals or deconstruct variables in models. INTJ are empirical well INTP are rational. INTJ use intuition to know how experiment on the environment seeing how their actions make Se flow into Ni. INTP rather than doing experiments they reason based on taking Ne and Si so as to formulate logical constructs that are self consistency yet may become incomplete requiring Ti to reason with more data accumulated.

I myself may in fact be INFJ. I don't think INFJ are necessarily the best typologist but that is because i did not fully understand it myself but allot of INFJs on the internet seem to be really into it. I was interested in technology and A.I. but i don't know how i would be if i was INTJ. They seem to use Te allot better than i do so i must be INFJ as an Ni dominant. I never focused my Fe on people per say but i can use it with Ti to form models. It should really be (Se -> Ni -> Ti -> Fe) for INFJ. Sensing and intuition work together and Feeling and thinking work together. Ti-Fe takes the flow of events different than Te-Fi. Fi is internal motion rather than external motion. They feel what the inside of something is Fe feels the outside. Fi is hidden motion, that's the best i can describe it. Feeling in general compares motion to motion continuously.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Aug 16, 2011
In our PN exchange we were concerned with contrasting Ni vs Ne and Fe vs Fi, this is also the subject of this thread, so i assume i can proceed here. Posting these ideas in public is advantageous to all of us, it allows for others to chime in, in case we are getting it all wrong. I take the liberty to bend a forum rule a tad, none of these quotes are personal after all.

>Ni is a knowing without motion it is the sum total 4D above time so what Feeling is in time in people and objects would see Ni as you see Ni as being the motion but is really above it.
Intuition creates our comprehension of process and dominant Ni ought to be, to a degree, aware of how that is happening, so i agree with you in that it ought to be beyond time, as you put it. Much like dominant Fi can be, to a degree, above it's values, as it sees all values in perspective to each other and therefore as not ultimately real.

However such transcendence is only a potential and not a default. Much if not most content from dominant functions appears to arise unconsciously, it presents itself as a fact out of nowhere, not as a choice or construct.

I used to be convinced that Fi can not possibly be my dominant function, when i held the believe that dominant functions must be conscious. Since i am unable of knowing or owning the major motives behind my major inhibitions in life, my social anxieties, my consciousness does not transcend Fi altogether. Fi is not fully self-aware. What it transcends must be just like the peak of the iceberg.

Similarly what processes Ni considers itself to be beyond is surely not truly ALL processes, but a chunk of processes that is of current interest, unless perhaps in the case of awakened mind.

Carl Jung describes how Ni types will often assume that their intuitions are facts about the outside world, not subjective facts.

Just like i grew up feeling that for example values like good and bad are real things, Ni tends to assume that spiritual concepts (meaning comprehensions of psychological process), such as reincarnation, are really and literally happening in the objective world. When it is likely, that they are not. I consider it likely, that they are derived from the dreaming mind, that incarnates into episodes of a specific focus and context, during this physical life. For example: Now you imagine that you are a cowboby who faces a rattle snake. This leads you to imagine that you are a rattle snake, facing a cowboy. Your mind has just reincarnated into a new subjective process. So your mind 'feels' that incarnation is a real thing. It is. And yet, when you die, that's probably the end of all incarnations. The way i see it anyways.

I think humans can never get beyond projecting laws of their psyche into what they consider to be the universe, objective reality. But our objective reality is just a product of the brain, as much as it may be inspired by sensory stimuli and all we project into it are the principles of how our brain creates this reality inside of itself.

I find that about 80% of my Ni friends have a believe in reincarnation related concepts like "Hey, i know you are an old soul." Which i translate trough my iconoclastic Ne to mean: "Hey, i see you have a bigger experience with taking perspectives than the average person."

To them, it seems, there is a strong association between perspective taking skills and experience. To me not so much, i rather associate perspectives with each other.

Actually, as i write this, i have a suspicion, that i got something confused. There is an inconsistency of ideas. I generally assume that extroversion should be 'in the doing', in the situation, which is time. And introversion should be in 'the doer', in a set of motives or possibilities, in a map of subjective substance. If this is so, should i not believe, that a person, who associates perspective with experience (unfolding of situations), is holing an extroverted point of view?

Perhaps i was just projecting something into their statements about old souls. Yes, this seems plausible. I was projecting my emphasis on the aspect of 'oldness' (of soul), which indicates a serious objective fact to me. Perhaps they ignore it in unconscious manner, because they are uncritical about the objective (extroverted) aspects of intuition. Perhaps their avoidance of Ne makes it difficult for them to be critical about what makes sense in the objective world and what not. Perhaps all their attention is on the aspect of the "soul" concept, which is a concept of body or substance of subject. Perhaps they only try to make the point, that my many perspectives do belong to a subject, named soul, as opposed to reality.

Whereas i am much inclined to assume that my perspectives are impersonal, floating around between humans, like viruses that are being transmitted, inspired by external realities.

And they irritate me by calling it 'old' soul for no good reason. But my perspectives, or rather this particular accumulation of perspectives is my soul, i agree with that.

I would much rather call it 'big' soul, than 'old' soul.

Not to boast or anything, these words (big, old) are all relative to whomever anyhow.

>So Ni-Fi see where things were but also where they go.
to draw the analogy: Fi sees what other values are possible, for an item, based on what other values were assigned in the past and how they relate, for example when one thing becomes favorable, it's opposite thing looses favor.

and perhaps Ni would comprehend what subjective events of ideation lead to a change of value. when new ideas arise, old ideas appear rotten. there is a right time to be inspired and it comes only once. you have to assert the opportunity through Fe or Te immediately.

this would probably be a very philosophical intuition, when it's concerned with Fi values.

whereas in the case of Fe, Ni would comprehend what subjective events of ideation lead to a change of outward motivation, just now. This would be more like the intuition that a psychologist requires, when he analyses what is happening in a dialog with a person.

for example i just saw this fascinating video from fritz perls, wherein he interviews a woman who appears to be ENFJ to me and i think he himself might be infj and they both make attempts to analyze each other in a similar way and compete very much.


>So you will know the person, what they could do, but i know what you will do, not a prophesy, but the interior of a locket, who you were, where you came from, not personal history and who you become.
yes, i know what you mean. Ni can form a locket of someone's life journey, when they learn objective facts about someones history (or perhaps someones current behavior, such as gestures), that are apprehended through Se.

how the pod'lair guy Thomas has learned to associate body movements with cognition is a remarkable feature to me, it's very hard for me to do this and i think it is such a process of connecting Se with Ni. Si is not looking at body movements, so i can't learn to associate them with my Ne based understanding of process, easily. but i do pick up on static aspects of gesture and mimics.

Fi can collect a locket (picture) of someones collected motivations and values, a picture of what is accepted and what is repressed and a Ne-Te perception of how they go about expressing their values and motivations (how their mind works to interpret their motivations). so Fi has it's own way of accurately predicting a different aspect of behavior. i can hardly tell what people where people will head with their lives, including myself, but i can know very well how they will respond to particular situations, granted i have learned about how they think and feel about some things.

> Ni is the totality of knowing what is the unconscious not flowing. I encounter you and you are reveled.
I think you are saying that If i were a clockwork (something process driven), it would be like you can see it and comprehend it, upon spotting some facts about me. Realistically speaking this must involve a lot of projection of how you see and comprehend yourself as a clockwork.

I can relate to this, because FiNe is similar, in principle, again.

Perhaps Ni and Ne notice different aspects of the clockwork, that someone is.
A clockwork is a blueprint of HOW something flows.

>Fe is aspect of the motion not entirely to you but to society. How you can be of use , put on a path, not known what path you take yourself, for or against Fe; and Fi will see the inside channels but Fe the outer limitations, attunement not vortex within.
i'm sceptical.

i use to think that i am using Fe, because i feel so limited by the Fe that other people put out there, as if being in tune with it means using Fe. but now i think i am Fi and my Fi is naturally hyper aware of Fe, because the subjective aspect of F does not want to get burned by the objective fact of F and after all both Fe and Fe are just aspects of F, it's one single organ of the mind, that is approached with I or E attitude.

so i don't know what you mean by outer limitations, but i don't perceive Fe as limited, unless we are talking inferior Fe. It's not like Fe are solely slaves to laws of society, they actually create those laws, when they are authentic, by demanding situative respect, for example, as seen in the video with fritz perls.

they criticize behavior, they attack and compete, they seek the upper hand in the situation, in interaction. it's not about being conventionally neat at all. being neat is a sought after state, but Fe plays all states.

being locked entirely into obeying neat conventions or limitations (such as wearing sunday school uniform instead of going to a party) is probably an ixfp and isxj trait, motivated by how Si avoids conflict.

so i would correct you and say that Fe is not "society", but situation, interaction.

if someone gets angry at you, for example, you ought to be compelled to deal with this, by also getting angry, asserting your boundaries in competition. this would be Fe. if someone is truly neat with you, you appreciate that, regardless of how alien the values background of that person is. for example Fe individuals are more likely to develop good rapport with a business man, a guru from india, a homeless person, as long as they only act properly, differences don't matter. this way Fe creates the possibility for society and much of it's tiny demands but not solid laws and conventions, like sunday school dressing.

Fi avoids the competition of boundaries. if it's not angry at the person for a real reason, it would much rather not add fuel to the fire. so Fi is automatically repressing Fe.

but it's not black and white in a person, nobody can be 100% Fi or Fe all of the time. however individuals with Fi "want" Fi and "think" they have to do Fe also (or they think they are not allowed to) and individuals with Fe preference "want" Fe and "think" they ought to do Fi as well (unless they think they are not allowed to).

i feel like inserting a quote by adyashanti, which may be a good example of a snapshot of process or clockwork, as taken by Ni. i mean how he visualises this stuff as "orbiting".

At the core of the false self is a void of deficiency derived from an essential turning away from one’s own divinity, either out of natural development, despair, or simply by succumbing to the trance of the world with all its masks of deception and harsh obligation to conform to its insanity. The false self orbits around this vacuous abyss at its core, in silent terror of its name- less, faceless threat of oblivion.

- Adyashanti

i have enough Ni to understand it to a degree, just like i have enough Fe to understand Fe. it's all just N and F. it's just that my attitude tends to move away from Ni and Fe, so i don't come by there all of the time. but it's clearly a part of me.

now on to discussing whether Fi ought to be seen as empathy (this is also a reply to something TMills said in the 'inferior Fe' thread)

(insert other post here)

nope, actually i need a break right now. perhaps this thread isn't ideal to explore that question anyway.


Tree Hugger
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Nov 27, 2014
Use your intuition
my main assumption for the basis of most of my theories surrounding mbti is that the logical systems used to differentiate between any two "similar" function (given keirsey's model) e.g. Ne vs Ni is the same as the system used to differentiate between a differing pair of "similar" functions e.g. Fe vs Fi and whilst generalising logic in this way is a result of a lack of understanding of how logic flows in the macro system that is the whole idea and can be seen as a very loose extrapolation, based on my understanding of reasonable judgment, such a generalisation gives reasonable results when trying to understand how the functions work independently. therefore most of my arguments can be dismantled by attacking that basis.

Ni is a knowing without motion it is the sum total 4D above time so what Feeling is in time in people and objects would see Ni as you see Ni as being the motion but is really above it.

not entirely sure what you mean by Ni being above time, rather i'd suggest that it's still bound by the concept of time, it just has a different relationship to time with reference to how it is objectively perceived, whereby past present or future have differing subjective definitions and interpretations within Ni but regardless of the interpretation it's still bound by a relating phenomenon. an example would be how Fi may value the concept of "happiness" different to Fe whereby happiness is seemingly defined as some nebulous state of being with no real boundary, however regardless of the interpretation it is still bound and principled by some state relating to the user's perception of happiness. it's not to say that happiness isn't real, more so that it's an improperly differentiated pseudo-law or pseudo principle that is actually a derivative of "higher" laws or principles. the discrepancy between definitions comes from Fe trying to push a square peg through a circular hole, defining pseudo-laws based on bits of principles in which other laws were defined however by virtue of such the pseudo-law is just a derivative of other laws and not an "actual" law. none of the cognitive functions are dependent on time to work rather the acknowledgement of time is seen as a necessary element for some of the functions to work their systems around. functions that acknowledge time in this way are generally extroverted perception functions

Intuition creates our comprehension of process and dominant Ni ought to be, to a degree, aware of how that is happening

if a process is a system of parts working together to achieve a particular outcome then i'd suggests comprehension of a process results from the teamwork of all function. Ni Si breaks down the "parts" based on a subjective understanding of how systems work together whereas something like Ti, Fi breaks down the system based on a subjective understanding of how parts work together. the difference between Ti and Fi would be that Fi considers the form of all parts together, (absent of the specific system) and assigns a subjectively based value of how all parts together fit with the overall process and what other macro systems all these specific parts together as a whole would operate well in whereas Ti is immediately less concerned with the value of all parts together as a whole and is more concerned with the value of each individual part in subsystems, assigning subjective value to each individual part based on how it relates to the overall process and understanding how different combination of different parts can have value in other subsystems within other processes.

not so sure about Si but i suppose, based on the same logic Ni considers all systems that make a process, (absent of the specific parts) and assign subjective value to the system (or pattern) based on how it works with the specific parts in the process. it'll then seek to learn what other parts fit well with this specific system (based on this subjective value). Si would immediately be less concerned with the macro system of patterns and would be more focused on subsystems which make up the whole system. through an analogy a tree is a subsystem of a rainforest. it's a subsystem of patterns itself such as forms shapes (i.e. circles, squares, "colours") which are representative parts but are not the parts themselves. more like the boundary that shapes the essence without which the observation is formless (psychedelics may well impair Si and other functions giving rise to formless objects but that's a theory). it then assigns subjective value to the subsystem based on how it related to the overall process. view it as the system for the "sub process" that is an individual part. the macro-process (viewed as one giant part) has no form without Ni and the individual parts (a sub-process) of the macro process have no form without Si. Ni gives value to the macro-system in a way that Si cannot. e.g. 1000 trees in one place does not make a forest to Ni. Ni provides value to the macro system in terms of qualifying the ecology, patterns of life and change and more subtle subjective factors relating to the whole (sorry for the bad analogy) hope you get what i mean.

Much if not most content from dominant functions appears to arise unconsciously

the processes of all functions are unconscious. the conscious aspect of using a function comes from our awareness of how to manipulated the unconscious processes to fit our needs. for our dominant function we have the greatest conscious awareness of how to manipulate the unconscious processing. also the awareness of how to manipulate introverted function processes varies more drastically from person to person than with extroverted function. the "smartest" most logic people i know are Ti dom/aux and the "dumbest" least logic people i know are also Ti dom/aux.

Carl Jung describes how Ni types will often assume that their intuitions are facts about the outside world, not subjective facts.

it's a weird one since extroverted functions tend to be imprecise in their definitions for a given event composed of parts it may group parts together that may not even work as a part of the same system. although the observation is objective the grouping is more loose and based more on induction (especially if accurate grouping requires an unknown law). for introverted function users on the other hand, if the parts in the event belong to differing systems, yet the observed event does not have enough parts to complete or "satisfactorily differentiate" each system, then based on subjective principles the introverted function user will imagine the rest of the parts through a subjective deduction then continue to group them through deduction, thus giving them more precision.

to draw the analogy: Fi sees what other values are possible, for an item, based on what other values were assigned in the past and how they relate, for example when one thing becomes favorable, it's opposite thing looses favor.

and perhaps Ni would comprehend what subjective events of ideation lead to a change of value.

mostly agree. in this particular way all functions value time since it requires time to build frameworks.

how the pod'lair guy Thomas has learned to associate body movements with cognition is a remarkable feature to me, it's very hard for me to do this and i think it is such a process of connecting Se with Ni.

being able to read people in such a way is something both NFP and NFJ's can do however with NFP's they'll see the gestures and have a lesser understanding of how the patterns themselves manifest from cognitive behaviour and why someone would express the gestures but would have a deeper understanding of how the gestures relate to a person's state of mind. thus they'll guess what the person'll do based on knowing their state of mind where as the NFJ is more likely to guess the person's state of mind based on knowing what they'll do. depending on the NFP's data bank of gestures and the NFJ's data bank of archetypes of people determines how proficient they are at reading people this way. i have been reading people as such (and very accurately) and can remember doing so as far back as 11 (without being taught that this was possible) the same applies for some infp's i've talked to online. this is also how i learned the majority of thinking techniques in school. i would observe someone's body language, observe how certain expression were linked to certain things they were writing, intuit how they're thinking about a problem, then try and emulate that way of thinking as best as i could (creating imaginary parts to fit the Fi system). this ability to read people based on their external behaviour is why alot of INFP's win fighting game tournaments having the ability to quickly "get inside the opponents head and mess with it". two INFP's that won EVO2014 an international tournament that are both noted for turning their heads to observe the opponent's emotional state (via body language) whilst playing and adapt their strategiest/form tactics based on that data.

It's not like Fe are solely slaves to laws of society, they actually create those laws, when they are authentic, by demanding situative respect

they demand that square peg to fit into the circular hole. the concept of a circle (in this sense) is unknown to the feeling aspect of society so they try and use existing principles to make things work. it depends on how you define society. i'm taking it as an organisation based on collectively generalised laws and principles. anything outside of the F collective is a conundrum for Fe users in my experience. any "true and proper" laws formed are a result of another function being used or by an outside contribution which they've then adapted to the situation.

if someone gets angry at you, for example, you ought to be compelled to deal with this, by also getting angry, asserting your boundaries in competition. this would be Fe. if someone is truly neat with you, you appreciate that, regardless of how alien the values background of that person is.

would say this is not only Fe specific. Fe have have made the decision based on different principles and reasoning compared to Fi. this is often the case. actions themselves don't necessarily differentiate functions, rather it's the processing of information as stated before.

Fe creates the possibility for society and much of it's tiny demands but not solid laws and conventions, like sunday school dressing.

would argue possibilities are generated via N and S based on the way Fe orders existing information. Fe is better at organising known data since it has a better understanding of the limits to the feeling matrix and is more adept at pushing the boundary without stepping outside it. Fe re-arranges the system, then N/S notices missing info or gaps whereby new possibilities can be (and often are) generated can give examples based on experience but nothing more solid as to why this is the case.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Feb 4, 2015
To contrast Intuition is Sensation. With sensation the raw data registers so as to be apparent. Intuition is not registered it is unconscious. The redness of red to a sensation type is felt by them and is stimulating, this is why they remember details. The impression on the sensation type is real to them in a way that is unreal in Intuition. They feel the resistance and the ease of flowing. Introverted Sensation is internally generated is subjective. They create new sensations themselves. This why Introverted sensation is paired with Extroverted Sensation. Ni generates internally also by not being aware of the inside but through Extroverted Sensation has light flowing through a transparent crystal. Si is like phosphorus the glows after absorption. Ni is transparent. Extroverted Intuition then takes the glow of Si and projects it into the world. Ne is unconscious of the external reality's light and only sees the external nature of the possible from within. Ni lets the light be focused into a new direction looking at possible from without. This is why Introverted Intuitive can zoom in on the external answer well Extroverted Initiatives can be impressed by internal solutions. It may seem that Ne is external only because Ne is receiving from Si data that gestates new ideas and so skipping idea to idea. Ni is already receiving from Se so it seems internal seems to know the answer from within but is actually comparing Se to how it was focused in the past. Ni learns how to find Se data. Ne learns how to combine Si data.

INTP use Ti with Ne
INTJ use Ni with Te

Where as with feeling is the smooth motion of events that lead to empathy or the understanding the flowing nature of continuous patterns Thinking is Heuristic and is only applicable in given instances where they find procedures to enact goals or deconstruct variables in models. INTJ are empirical well INTP are rational. INTJ use intuition to know how experiment on the environment seeing how their actions make Se flow into Ni. INTP rather than doing experiments they reason based on taking Ne and Si so as to formulate logical constructs that are self consistency yet may become incomplete requiring Ti to reason with more data accumulated.

I myself may in fact be INFJ. I don't think INFJ are necessarily the best typologist but that is because i did not fully understand it myself but allot of INFJs on the internet seem to be really into it. I was interested in technology and A.I. but i don't know how i would be if i was INTJ. They seem to use Te allot better than i do so i must be INFJ as an Ni dominant. I never focused my Fe on people per say but i can use it with Ti to form models. It should really be (Se -> Ni -> Ti -> Fe) for INFJ. Sensing and intuition work together and Feeling and thinking work together. Ti-Fe takes the flow of events different than Te-Fi. Fi is internal motion rather than external motion. They feel what the inside of something is Fe feels the outside. Fi is hidden motion, that's the best i can describe it. Feeling in general compares motion to motion continuously.

You are INTJ. I am INFJ. A huge amount of "INFJ"s are wrong, and a huge amount of "INTP"s are also wrong. But yeah. That was way too technical for me to even understand. You win the T. Congratualations, you're Abraham Lincoln. Very good job at correctly understanding Ni though. Most people understand it as some mystical thing. Those are feelings. When I have my music epifanies, those are my feelings, unrelated to any form of rational deduction or intense thinking. Unless, ofcourse, I am Ti Ne, but nah. To passionate for that.

Hrrm. I actually read what you wrote, and it seems like my guess was wrong. Whoops. I don't know what you are, but you have one tell. You did not capitalize I in that long paragraph. Now what does that mean? Two things, one you are on your phone. Two, you made a mistake.

I don't know what your type is, but I've associated Ni and Ne to different types of thinking. First, Ni, is thinking in words. The idea is that it it is a story. You don't remember anything about the story, but you can tell it to people through your feelings. Two, Ne is seeing pictures in your head. Ni here would be your inability to jump from picture to picture, thus forming their shadow. Ne in me would be my self doubt.

But yeah. I read your stuff further, and I would agree that you know what you are talking about and are correct. Came to the same conclusions I did, therefore we are the same.

Fastest typing I ever did.

But yeah. To confirm, you would be able to compare yourself and your goals to Ghandi. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi

Ghandi was INFJ. Thus this train of thought.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
You are INTJ. I am INFJ. A huge amount of "INFJ"s are wrong, and a huge amount of "INTP"s are also wrong. But yeah. That was way too technical for me to even understand. You win the T. Congratualations, you're Abraham Lincoln. Very good job at correctly understanding Ni though. Most people understand it as some mystical thing. Those are feelings. When I have my music epifanies, those are my feelings, unrelated to any form of rational deduction or intense thinking. Unless, ofcourse, I am Ti Ne, but nah. To passionate for that.

Hrrm. I actually read what you wrote, and it seems like my guess was wrong. Whoops. I don't know what you are, but you have one tell. You did not capitalize I in that long paragraph. Now what does that mean? Two things, one you are on your phone. Two, you made a mistake.

I don't know what your type is, but I've associated Ni and Ne to different types of thinking. First, Ni, is thinking in words. The idea is that it it is a story. You don't remember anything about the story, but you can tell it to people through your feelings. Two, Ne is seeing pictures in your head. Ni here would be your inability to jump from picture to picture, thus forming their shadow. Ne in me would be my self doubt.

Based on my experience it is usually the INFJ that views it as mystical. The INTJ views it as mental clarity or a rush of thought. At least this is what I found when creating threads in the INTJ and INFJ forums specifically asking what their intuition experience is like.

Essentially the Fe defines it as sensational and emotional intuition and the INTJ sees it as a uncontrolled and fast acting mental process.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Feb 4, 2015
Based on my experience it is usually the INFJ that views it as mystical. The INTJ views it as mental clarity or a rush of thought. At least this is what I found when creating threads in the INTJ and INFJ forums specifically asking what their intuition experience is like.

Essentially the Fe defines it as sensational and emotional intuition and the INTJ sees it as a uncontrolled and fast acting mental process.
Hrrm. I don't know how the INTp takes it. That rather sounds like Fi. As a note, I don't see the people on INFJ forums as = to Ghandi.

Fi. Those mystical feelings that nobody understands. Nah. My Ni is quite straightforward and to the point. What point? I don't know. I'm sure I'd like to know though.

Ne would be what I'm not, and that is seeing everything. Good example of Ne would be that chess guy, Bobby Fischer. I'm not god, and I don't want to be. I simply want to help.

For more information on the IEI/INFp/INFJ, http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/IEI-INFp/

But yeah. That brings me to my other option. INFj. I don't know how these people are considered rationals, but the idea is that they use only empirical data in their thoughts. I skip steps of logic to reach my conclusions.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Hrrm. I don't know how the INTp takes it. That rather sounds like Fi. As a note, I don't see the people on INFJ forums as = to Ghandi.

Fi. Those mystical feelings that nobody understands. Nah. My Ni is quite straightforward and to the point. What point? I don't know. I'm sure I'd like to know though.

Ne would be what I'm not, and that is seeing everything. Good example of Ne would be that chess guy, Bobby Fischer. I'm not god, and I don't want to be. I simply want to help.

For more information on the IEI/INFp/INFJ, http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/IEI-INFp/

But yeah. That brings me to my other option. INFj. I don't know how these people are considered rationals, but the idea is that they use only empirical data in their thoughts. I skip steps of logic to reach my conclusions.

I get the strong impression of INTJ from you. You could possibly be ISTJ or INTP but I find INFP and INTP and INFJ as not very fitting to your recent posts. You have a lot of conclusions about everything and have barely gotten a feel for this new setting in which you are expelling those conclusions.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Feb 4, 2015
I get the strong impression of INTJ from you. You could possibly be ISTJ or INTP but I find INFP and INTP and INFJ as not very fitting to your recent posts. You have a lot of conclusions about everything and have barely gotten a feel for this new setting in which you are expelling those conclusions.

Yep. I understand that. I've decided to trust my intuition on this one.

As for the typing, I could almost agree, but then what about my incredibly moralistic tendancies? I call them my "fears" and "chains". Pretty much I choose not to do certain things others do, such as drink alchohol, intentionally cause harm, take medicine, the usual. See Ghandism. Pretty much all I am is a reference to other things. As such, I wonder what Ghandi referenced.


But yeah, as to INFJ being silly, I reference this: http://www.socionics.com/articles/mmexpl.html

And this: http://www.socionics.com/prof/infp.htm

vs. this http://www.socionics.com/prof/infj.htm

And the functions are as such this: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/IEI-INFp/

Thus, logically, I would be INFJ if I were a feeler, because INFp = INFJ

I'd say Abraham Lincoln would be INTp. Read that they're pessimists, in which case I know exactly the person who is this, which includes Abraham Lincoln, not Einstein (Einstein was optimistic, so I don't know, probably INTj).


As to why I'm not a thinker? Hrrm. Well, I don't have anything against that yet that you would believe. Hrrm. Well the only thing I can say is that I'm not Bach. Bach is traditionally typed as INTJ. Well, I'd agree INTj based on the below.


But yeah. That is not me. Apparently. I've, for a time, considered ESTP, but then I said that's dumb, all I am is an intuition that tries to help people.

One could say I see the world as is, but when I speak about it, it comes out as diabetes and weirdness. It is a sort of curse, because I see the world without any influences from anybody else. It all comes from me. Stupid Ni. A Te user would have a similar problem, but

Well, shoot, now I know my error. I put INTP instead of INTJ. INTP = INTj, and INTj is INFp benificiary relation. Whoops, I don't want that. No problem though, because I'm sure there are enough mistyped INTps and INFps to go around. The optimism in some of these posts is great.

Any questions?

Oh, and this is also what an INFp-INTp relation should end up like.


The idea is that if we don't communicate directly, then we're fine. Whoops. Well, I probably screwed up. But yeah, I know one of you in person.

This would work because INTp likes to speculate, and INFp likes to speculate, so we both do the same thing together. Only when you see that I'm wearing the Lennin glasses, and I see that your cynicism cannot be helped will we have issues. That should be any second now. You should see that this is the same form of prediction you use, and take on my ideas, and agree. This is what I'm counting on. Although it really isn't pessimism, it is realism that focuses on the negative. Just like mine focuses on the positive. If this works though, INTp should accept my views as true. Then the break would be with how our actions work.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Why do you not drink alcohol and how do you measure that against others? How much time have you spent considering the why in the past?


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Feb 4, 2015
Why do you not drink alcohol and how do you measure that against others? How much time have you spent considering the why in the past?

Oh good. Why do you need to know?

As a note, I don't measure it against others. What I measure against others is when they measure against other people. I can see you probably think I'm a sensor. Nope. Si is for touch.

Ni is for both the past, and the future. Interesting concept right? A person who can predict the future.


Now I don't know, but I'm sure this will occur: http://www.socionics.com/rel/bn.htm

If this is true, then I won't learn anything from you. If not, then this:

I still think Einstein could have been ISTj/ISTP, as a note, this is a tangent brought on by that guys sig. Very similar to my face, but also quite different. Nice guy. Quite nice, in fact. He's friends with the guy diagnosed as a psychopath, who I don't really think is a psychopath. Cares too much. We got into an argument over some stupid thing I said. Nice guy, loves to fight and beat people up. I thought psychopaths didn't have any emotions. Hrrm. But yeah, comepletely harmless to anyone except himself. And if anything, he'll hurt himself. Except for when he takes it too far.

Well, we'll see what comes in the future.


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 7:04 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
Oh good. Why do you need to know?

I was testing something someone said to me about the MBTI-INTJ/SOC-INTP. It was something to the extent that an INTJ has trouble exploring their Fi. I thought to know why you have the value of not drinking alcohol to determine how much you thought about it. Yet when I asked you, you didn't even answer the question like it wasn't really important to you. Perhaps the best way to describe why you don't drink alcohol is "It just is a feeling" no reason necessary.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Oct 23, 2014
I'm just gonna swoop in here and chime my thoughts on Ni vs Ne

Both are idea based, it's a bunch of ideas running through your head, but it is more at the subconscious/ unconscious level compared to S, which is pure facts from the past or current. Pure tangible facts

As a Ni Dom, if I am one, it relates to the past and current, that can foresee the future IN PATTERNS. But none of it is at the supreme conscious level, where I can write everything about how my Introverted Intuition works.

Say I take a walk around my neighborhood block. It may seem that I'm looking at houses, BUT IM NOT ACTUALLY LOOKING AT IT. I may be thinking about the house and what kind of significance it has to me, and I take these into consideration for what I'm actually thinking about. It seeks for hidden meaning in a very very abstract way in order to connect the dots, the dots connected seem very vague, because it is at the subconscious level, where explained to another person would result in zero meaning, but for the introverted intuitive it makes all the sense to them as if they just know! This has no relation to them actually being right or not, but they believe that they just know because it makes sense.

It's as if a sensor takes in every little thing they sense and quietly ask them self " what does this mean?!" For every little thing they have tasted, seen, heard, read etc.

I think anime kitty had a point with the difference between Ni-Se users and Ne-Si users.
Ni is convergent while Ne is divergent

Ni takes ideas symbolism a etc. And formulates 1 perfect idea, one perfect thought from the external world. Where Ni doms hone that thought. It is empirical in their eyes.
While Ne-Si can accumulate a bunch of ideas, being convergent and say, relate to past experiences via Si.

Ni - ultimate single idea generator
Ne- ultimate brainstormer

An aspect I want to emphasize on Ni is that it's not the process of running a billion ideas IN WORDS through your head, it is understanding patterns from the past, and current situation that can say produce a single idea for that moment. Lastly, Ni is slow. It can take on a smaller scope or broad scope in terms of ideas. Smaller everyday things can be interpreted as words via Ni but philosophical topics it's more gut feeling instinctual imo. This is my personal interpretation of Ni, IF I am a Ni Dom.
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