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Hello. I am very interested

Local time
Today 9:34 AM
Dec 8, 2015
So this is an INTP forum. I am refferred here by a spiritual forum that talks about this forum, and so I was here browsing around but making very few posts. The MBTI test I am not new to it, but most terminology I am very new, and I am very new to all of you here. The more I read about you guys and your topics, the more I am interested on you. I want to have a good conversation with you, perhaps, one day!

Spiritual forums, yes, I am sort of a jack of trades on a lot of things. To me, even the general thinking on this forum is extremely new to me since I mainly browse around opinions that are more spiritual oriented rather than being, well, the logical type that differs from the forums I had been. Very spiritual types forums, I went there, and as well as more logical type of spirituality forums, I go there too. I even own tarots and did readings before, but now I no longer accept them. I do not practice astrology nor numeology (because imo they are so shallow and full of heavy prejudges, even religious. I am sorry, but I think they are total rubbish and deserves to be trashed, being totally bias to so call their kind of blah spiritual purpose.) neither I meditate, heal, etc all that New Age stuff. I think the spiritual side is there, but I lean on the side of a much more logical and a systematic approach of things in general, which in later times, that had totally changed my life.

I scored INTP-T in the 16 personality test. I scored very high in prospecting but very low in Thinking, but when I read the description, I couldn't help but laugh at myself, how much that description fits me so well. I think whereever I go. I walk on rocks and bump on people. I can't help but looking on every single side on the issue. If I have time I would be interested on lots of things, but right now I got too many dream projects being opened to even have time on anything else lol. Or maybe I at times kept thinking on an issue and always going for why when how etc.

I just simply couldn't help it. I love different prespective so much. I am interested in both the occult and the physical aspect of life. I think and analysis both of them. But to me, at the end, fact matters, a lot. I can't wait to know you :)

I live in a city where rules matters so much that is rigid as hell. Authority is on top of everything, and where they talk of no new ideas and always stick their old ways. A lot are hardworking but with an extremely rigid mindset of what is right and what is wrong, refusing to take in new ideas to improve even their own work. I go along well with most people (exclude work. I work alone most times), but I never had real conversations with anyone at all. Even there are, there are few who will even acknowledge what I really want to talk about nor tell them. It is really only in internet I had been talking about what I know or think, but not so much in real life.

Nice to meet you. I want to understand you more. And I want to understand myself more too. Any questions are welcomed.


Local time
Today 1:34 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Hello and welcome.

Which section of the globe are you from?
I like studying the occult too - and 'some physical aspects of life'.
I look forward to seeing more from you.
Local time
Today 9:34 AM
Dec 8, 2015
Oh, I current live in Hong Kong. Nice to meet you too :)
I will be looking forward as well.


empirical miracle
Local time
Yesterday 8:34 PM
Feb 22, 2015
My current location is classified.
Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy being here.


Local time
Today 2:34 AM
Dec 4, 2010
Congratulations on having checked the new age mysticism out and managed to break free. That's a sign of strength i reckon.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Today 9:34 AM
Feb 3, 2012

What part of spirituality or paranormal do you try to study or discover?


(Per) Version of a truth.
Local time
Today 2:34 PM
Dec 9, 2012
Hi. I'm here to help you through the process of your joining fee. We can do this here or via pm ^^

Welcome though ;)


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:34 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Welcome. You may be our only Hong Kong person. That's neither good nor bad, it's just interesting. :)
Local time
Today 9:34 AM
Dec 8, 2015
Thanks for all the welcome. I really really appreciate it. I would enjoy the stay ☺

Hi. I'm here to help you through the process of your joining fee. We can do this here or via pm ^^

Welcome though ;)

Oh I have to pay the fee? xD
Ah ha! But I do appreciate the help. Thank in advance.


What part of spirituality or paranormal do you try to study or discover?

I own three tarot pack. A basic one, an advance one, and another one that I bought only for the heck of something different from the conventional tarot cards. (Rider waite, Thoth, Lost Tarot of Nostradamus) , and I went the way that most people would do, studying a bit of basic meaning and how others will interpret it, comparing with mine instead. Mine were often, well, a bit different. But not only I seem to integrate my own method but ... er, well, this one...

It was the art of deviation goes first. There were as well, so many paranormal influences that I take account. One is coincidence, another is dream interpretation, and then, it is the imagery that surrounds us that made me interested, and therefore the imagery of the tarot cards. The imagery of tarot interested me, as they to me they are like a picture book that talks about the world or the possibilities that we encounter, but in a deck form, but it was soon that, both fortunately and unfortunately, I always had that feeling that something is wrong, and I chased that thought, and looked at the issue.

The botherline between the paranormal, eg the 11:11 coincidence, and real logical deduction, is sometimes not that easy to be distinguished. Rather than the conventional psychic reading method, I think I am chasing the occult when chasing wisdom as well, and then it got mixed. Things like ESP, psychokinesus etc, or trying to bend a spoon to its shape, in order to get away from the usual chit chats that I always hear from other people, anyways... so many things are possible, sometimes so many things aren't known, too.

You can take a look this website and see if there are something that interests

Congratulations on having checked the new age mysticism out and managed to break free. That's a sign of strength i reckon.

New age is something that one once in it, is extremely, very extremely hard to break free and retain normal afterwards. The struggle between the biased feeling and the logical side is something people don't want to tamper at all. I mean, many were delusional. They are too devouted to those practice, to be able to accept other alternative methods nor to look to other angles, and their philosophy is flawed. Often things that are truly helpful got ignored pretty quickly. They block whatever not foming right to the ideal. At the end of the day, it became so much as an obstacle than something to look forward to, even if it's for spiritual purpose, it is something that is unfavourable. A spiritual mess, although with exception to those who know logical thinking. I go to those forums too, but depending on the topic, I might or might not post. But then, I am fine with most members that I kept bumping to in the forum. They aren't full of those spiritual, angelic, etc, that type who were so onto it very deeply, with angels all over the wall type of people.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:34 PM
Dec 27, 2015
Welcome to the the forum. :)

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 1:34 AM
Nov 21, 2013
Which spiritual forum did refer to this place?

Be welcome here.
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