I am curious to know what single people here feel about growing old alone? Do you worry about it? has the thought of it ever crossed your mind? are you comfortable about it.
I don't feel like growing much older. Although I am at midlife and can look upon my own thoughts and find gems of wisdom that come with age and can foresee more of that coming, it doesn't weigh up to the pain of regret.
Growing old is just stacking up regrets if you ask me, because the older you are, the less you can still do.
So yes I look in the mirror and see the sign of age. I've been thinking lots about death. It is often on my mind, like a shadow. I have tried to let it inspire me, as per Castaneda's books, as a motivator to get more out of life, but it did no good.
The best age is around 19 or 20. Never will your body be that great and good looking. I foresee a steady decline. It is inevitable. And it could be bearable if you had a wife or life partner by your side. I don't want to grow old alone. I need someone to share the load. If I can't have that, and signs tell me it ain't gonna happen, I do not want to become an angry, bitter old man, wise with years but never sharing it with children or grandchildren.
Why would I want to stack more regret? My life means little in the grand scheme of things. I leave no children, no one will miss me, I leave as aI lived, unseen, unrecognized, scarcely loved. Forums come, forums go and even these words will fall away lost on some harddrive of some guy who will grow old and die just the same. His kids will find the harddrive and discard it.
Within the next 50 years none will remember me, my data and tracks lost in a chaos of internet data and the coming wars will delete most data that proves I ever was.
Every few nights I lie in bed, thinking, pondering, projecting my mind into the future. I am an old man, where will I live, what will I discard from my material stacked home when the time comes when I can't live alone anymore because of disease and old age. How long will I stumble about my empty home. How will my decay start, when I can barely read internet anymore, my hearing slowly deteriorating, or my eyesight. What wondrous thoughts will I still press through my aneurysm prone veins? And are they worth thinking with no one to hear them?
How lonely will I be. Should I write a declaration of non-reanimation now, or do I still have enough time left? Will I find a doctor who is not against euthanasia. Should I stock up means of an exit. Should I wait until I can walk no more to throw myself before a train. Or should I accept decay and die slowly, in some hospital bed, alone, as a nurse turns around to put something away, slip out of existence with a back turned towards me and a nurse saying 'Oh, he slips away. Should I...'
And a doctor says 'No...'
My end is reflected in the the deaths of millions going before me and after me. What meaning or purpose is there to it?
So I cast my mind forward and can already see the pattern laid out before me.
Am I depressed? No. And yet I think of ending it with clarity of mind by my own choice. And that is scary, because it is easy to contemplate suicide when you are deeply depressed. But to contemplate it lucidly is scary.
If receding hairlines are a fearful idea I would only think it is a symbol of a much deeper stack of regret and hopelessness ahead.
Why should anyone live past 50? Or 60?