I think there is also the element that people are made to believe they must achieve something important. Important being something of a certain standard that befits the zeitgeist. It's not just enough surviving; one must leave some sort of legacy as well. There is a lot of pressure on people to get the right kind of education, job, etc, so we end up kidding ourselves that these are the things that are worth dreaming about. These kind of pressures are so insidious that we accept them as part of our lives and don't pay much attention to questioning it. We look up to people who are achievers and wish to be more like them. Which can be a good motivator, but I also think there is another perspective missing; that it's also okay if we just live life simply and don't strive for dreams that aren't our own. I think those are the dreams that most often fail.
I have struggled with this question many a time. Not really knowing if my dreams are actually my own, or something that has been bred into me. I wish I could reboot and start again, sometimes -- this time without all the influences of parents, institutions, etc.
I suspect I might have become an artist, living in the woods, completely self-sufficient. Or something similar.
Then there's this paranoid aspect I have; that whatever decision I make, I'm still just a cog in the machinery because no matter what I decide it will never truly be my own decision. My thoughts and processes are so programmed I don't even feel human. Or perhaps, that is precisely what it is to be human.
I just don't know what is genuine or authentic anymore...or if such a thing even exists. I'm just a copy of something, with slightly different arrangements. I observe myself becoming more like my parents and it's fucking depressing. It's like I'm losing my sense of self.