Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
Any thoughts as to whether this is a good idea? What are possible benefits/detriments?
Should non-scientists, amateurs, citizens etc. have access to and/or be allowed to perform genetic experiments and bioengineering on their own?
To me, it seems like a lot of technological innovation could come from decentralization - putting it in the hands of many different people as opposed to keeping it condensed to only certain institutions and regulated by the government. It also seems like it's the way technology tends to go. As we progress, the consumer becomes more and more knowledgeable and able to find novel ways around obstacles (just think of pirating and the trouble entertainment industries have controlling that).
Also, if one were to do this, where would they even start?
Any thoughts as to whether this is a good idea? What are possible benefits/detriments?
Should non-scientists, amateurs, citizens etc. have access to and/or be allowed to perform genetic experiments and bioengineering on their own?
To me, it seems like a lot of technological innovation could come from decentralization - putting it in the hands of many different people as opposed to keeping it condensed to only certain institutions and regulated by the government. It also seems like it's the way technology tends to go. As we progress, the consumer becomes more and more knowledgeable and able to find novel ways around obstacles (just think of pirating and the trouble entertainment industries have controlling that).
Also, if one were to do this, where would they even start?