the short version, sky walker: if your dominant function is A and your secondary is B and you are like: i am sick of being A, in want to be B from now on, then you will fail. everyone can test this. everyone has tested this. but in getting a better understanding of what A is capable of, you will be able to reduces some limits from A. A has been limited in a life long attempt at not being to much of A, because society wants every one to be like everyone, average. A has been muddled and corrupted by B and D. if you understand what A is capable of, if you free it from it's unconscious limitations, A will become maximized. and this will automatically allow and call for maximization of B. but B can never supress A and thereby take over. B won't have energy left, once it has suppressed A, because the energy is coming through A.
too abstract?
well jung talks about how the introverted just sits there, being his subjective self. like a useless bird on a fence. as if he had no part in the world. the voice of extroversion tells him, that having a part in the world is about interaction. the world is full of interaction, right? and the introverted self doesn't do interaction. and so it thinks it just has to sit there. it's a misunderstanding. the contribution of subjectivity to the world is resonance, and resonance can lead to expression and expression can turn a bum into a buddha. this is removing the limits of A, by removing the misinterpretation of what it can do. introversion is not, what the extroverted voice tells you about it. lack of interaction is not lack of contribution. to the contrary. subjectivity brings about the new way. its about getting on top the world, based on understanding it. jung understood. its about subjectivity, but subjectivity is not what the voice of objectivity says about it. its not a lack of objectivity, like it's "all wrong". most introverted people are in denial about their subjectivity. they have learned to see them selves through their extroverted eye, and shoot their subjectivity out of the shadow, claiming it's objectivity, thereby corrupting it's true potential, without even getting to know it for what it really is or what it wants to become. and they will be perceived as loosers, because what they produce fails to be what they claim it to be (objectivity). it's like you really have picked the wrong lawyer.
shit, this was more than just the short version.
its still just an example. the bum buddha thing.
what it means in a persons life is extremely 'individual'.
there are so many ways of misunderstanding and crippling your true self.
you have to differentiate your self, before you can integrate your differentiated parts into a functional whole. differentiation is what i have described. not seeing one thing through the eye of another thing. but getting to know it from the inside out. uncompromising identification must come first. integrative transcendence will result from it.