I missed the last bit. I agree, however isn't it obvious and pretty much off topic here? If we are asked about something then it is rather clear that our information will be in one way or another evaluated. This stuff is good as a general addition to every post here, maybe it could fit into signature.
No, I think it belongs here in particular. I think that the OP was specifically asking whether or not we're smarter than our ancestors. I think that we're no diffrent from our ancestors intellectually, we only have more established theories and knowledge to learn from. Mindlessly repeating these theories doesn't make us smarter than previous generations; as they did exactly the same, only what they repeated was diffrent.
It is only once we think for ourselves that we can have a valuable opinion and learn more, which also hasn't changed during history. Some 'inventors' found their inventions through sheer luck, others through rigorous search or curiosity. Regardless, they all were willing to re-evaluate the established beliefs in face of 'new' evidence / theories.
That is what sets appart people that progress knowledge from people that are conservative intellectually. Those who conform to what they are told without questioning only know so much as they're told. Those who are open for improvement are capable of change, good and bad.
I think the majority of people conform on most subjects, it's simply easier and not everyone cares for these things, which is fair in its own right. In this way, our ancesters weren't 'smarter' or 'dumber', for believing stuff that wasn't true. And not all 'atheists' are smarter than 'religious extremists', because if they were raised diffrently they'd believe diffrent things.
I only feel like i'm saying the same thing from my original post all this time. I guess I should learn to put my thoughts into words better. I also think that posting theories about why the moon is or isn't a sphere is actually off-topic in its own right, where as the intelligence of our ancestors is OP's real focus.