Beyond the axiomatic I will provide girth to your brotwurscht of a question. I will still use literary tactics, heuristic metaphorical analogy to start; say you're trying to get better at free throws, and you normally undershoot the hoop, try overshooting it, not even aiming for the basket, isntead of trying to add bit by bit of gusto into your shot. Then, you'll have a contextual awareness from which to work with, knowing that x action causes b result and z action causes b+2 result you can more quickly identify the necessary alterations to get the ball into the basket due to the fast understanding of a wide range of possibility due to having experienced the polar opposites of the spectrum.
You can apply this to any aspect of your being which you're unsure about.
Some stuff
Well, not Absolutely but you can still go for like 99% of the uppler/lower boundary.
So fur starters id say try having ZERO modes of being, forcing you to identify and delete your current modes of being, all the while actually having a mode of being stating you don't want to have any modes of being, then delete that one when you're confident you've deleted all the others, then you're at a lower boundary (or upper, dusnt matter) of context. Then go through bunch of different modes of being, applying each wholesomely. Maybe a whole bunch of em at once?
Alas, modes of being are a personal choice, your favorite is a product of subjective wisdom, as it is for everybody.. in my opinion.