Black Rose
An unbreakable bond
From my limited knowledge of the MBTI system I believe myself to be the personality type INFP. If I am correct in my presumptions then it is apparent that I lack key logical thinking processes that would prevent me from being proficient at specific subjects/tasks. This however does not indicate a inability to learn them but that I could not do it by myself do to frustration/inability to study properly.
From the nuance of interaction I observe in other individuals I have come to many conclusions in terms of general differences I see from person to person. I see many disagreements about normal everyday events between people that all stem from profound misunderstandings being projected on to the "other" person. When I want to explain a concept to those that will listen I am aware that my worlds are taken out of context on a regular basses. The difficulty I have with this can be seen in looking at the way I communicate.
My method of communication is to start with two subjects with no observed correlation as if I was going off on a tangent. Then once I have completed explaining each on its own, tie them together to show why one is relevant to the other. That is the obstacle I face when dealing with people that expect me to get strait to the point. My mind fabricates elaborate stories for how I must show my thought processes. I must show my line of reasoning on how I came to my conclusions.
My way of learning is so highly influenced by my oversensitivity that sometimes I was embarrassed to ask for help in the areas I found hard to cope with. If there are 30 students then obviously I cannot be baby sat well the others are left untended. School books from my personal experience can make you feel stupid because they don't explain the subject in a form of communication that is well understood by some.
School today is difficult in America for those without the intellectual giftedness to learn what is presented by themselves. I only past because my talents were above average in that regard. Up to point it should be understood what will lead someone to success or utter failure academically. Some kids need to be babied when learning specific school subject, others don't.
In the past the school system has tried different teaching methods but they were not based on scientific/psychological research adequate enough for a targeted approach. They were designed for factory workers as I have been lead to believe. From my point of view I see the world ether through my handicaps or my strengths. Sometimes its very depressing not to know what I should do with myself for lack of knowing what applications my skill sets are good for or even what they are.
The main idea that I want to be discussed is: How would an education system that understands the Neurophysiological of each individual student be different than the system today. I suspect that since this is the 21st century computer programs would be used to evaluate and teach student individually to some degree. I know their are technical/political limitations but I see that as a lack of deserved effort/research put into examination of the "purpose" of education and the best ways to achieve it. I do not see why piratical applications of personalized neurological learning would not function better what is currently being used for the majority.
From the above overview we have learned that:
1. Jung’s four Functions are rooted in four distinct areas of the cortex. Thinking is housed in the Left Frontal Lobe. Intuition is housed in the Right Frontal Lobe. Sensation is housed in the Left Posterior Convexity. Feeling is housed in the Right Posterior Convexity.
2. Jung’s assertion that each of us has one Natural Lead Function is the result of a neuro-chemical – physiological fact that each person has one area which is 100 times more efficient than their remaining three areas.
3. Jung’s assertion that each person has two natural auxiliaries can be understood to be the natural result of the brain’s structure. Factually speaking, neuronal bridges hardwire a person’s Natural Lead to their auxiliaries, making communication between their lead and auxiliaries easy, even though each actual auxiliary is relatively speaking highly inefficient.
4. Jung’s assertion that once a person’s Natural Lead Function has been identified, one can confidently calculate the person’s greatest Natural Weakness, is the result of the simple fact that there are no diagonal bridges in the human brain.
5. The difference between the Feeling Function and Emotions can be understood more clearly. The Feeling Function is a cortical capacity to recognize the presence or absence of harmony – between colors, tones, or human beings. By contrast, emotions are a limbic capacity to experience delight, anger, fear, grief.
6. Jung’s belief that Falsification of Type was real problem is understood to be the natural result of anyone developing and using any of their three inefficient, non-preferred Functions more than their highly efficient Natural Lead Function. What’s more, Jung’s assertion that Falsification of Type can be a serious threat to a person’s physical and mental / emotional health has been validated by the work of Dr. Katherine Benziger and Dr. Arlene Taylor, resulting recently in the profound recognition that Falsification of Type leads dependably to serious results as defined by PASS.
Thus, quite simply, the elements of Jung’s Typology related to the existence and relative organization of four specialized functions or ways of “thinking” is explained.
Individuals who prefer the Basal Right/Feeling mode are adept at reading non-verbal communications. Sensitive to rhythms and subtle shifts in mood, shade or tone, they are highly attuned to what is “going on” with others and they put a premium on facilitating harmonious interactions. Not surprisingly, they are unsurpassed at monitoring the emotional climate of an individual or group.
Their thinking is visceral, rather than conceptual, at times almost to the point of being “earthy”. Invariably, their interests are in the “human” rather than the technical aspects of any problem. The fundamental goal of the Basal Right/Feeling Type is to create harmony, connectedness and good will in the community. For this reason, the Basal Right is said to contribute, or be responsible for the peaceful foundations in life.
From my limited knowledge of the MBTI system I believe myself to be the personality type INFP. If I am correct in my presumptions then it is apparent that I lack key logical thinking processes that would prevent me from being proficient at specific subjects/tasks. This however does not indicate a inability to learn them but that I could not do it by myself do to frustration/inability to study properly.
From the nuance of interaction I observe in other individuals I have come to many conclusions in terms of general differences I see from person to person. I see many disagreements about normal everyday events between people that all stem from profound misunderstandings being projected on to the "other" person. When I want to explain a concept to those that will listen I am aware that my worlds are taken out of context on a regular basses. The difficulty I have with this can be seen in looking at the way I communicate.
My method of communication is to start with two subjects with no observed correlation as if I was going off on a tangent. Then once I have completed explaining each on its own, tie them together to show why one is relevant to the other. That is the obstacle I face when dealing with people that expect me to get strait to the point. My mind fabricates elaborate stories for how I must show my thought processes. I must show my line of reasoning on how I came to my conclusions.
My way of learning is so highly influenced by my oversensitivity that sometimes I was embarrassed to ask for help in the areas I found hard to cope with. If there are 30 students then obviously I cannot be baby sat well the others are left untended. School books from my personal experience can make you feel stupid because they don't explain the subject in a form of communication that is well understood by some.
School today is difficult in America for those without the intellectual giftedness to learn what is presented by themselves. I only past because my talents were above average in that regard. Up to point it should be understood what will lead someone to success or utter failure academically. Some kids need to be babied when learning specific school subject, others don't.
In the past the school system has tried different teaching methods but they were not based on scientific/psychological research adequate enough for a targeted approach. They were designed for factory workers as I have been lead to believe. From my point of view I see the world ether through my handicaps or my strengths. Sometimes its very depressing not to know what I should do with myself for lack of knowing what applications my skill sets are good for or even what they are.
The main idea that I want to be discussed is: How would an education system that understands the Neurophysiological of each individual student be different than the system today. I suspect that since this is the 21st century computer programs would be used to evaluate and teach student individually to some degree. I know their are technical/political limitations but I see that as a lack of deserved effort/research put into examination of the "purpose" of education and the best ways to achieve it. I do not see why piratical applications of personalized neurological learning would not function better what is currently being used for the majority.