I can completely relate to feeling like the most introverted person you know. I often times find myself in the same mind set. I also find that I relate to Data from Star Trek frequently. Especially when it comes to handling emotions. To me, emotions are like when Data first got his emotion chip. They still remain a puzzle to me.
As far as self-education goes...it seems much easier to learn in this fashion. Especially since we can teach ourselves something through our own research on a specific topic or range of topics that are of interest to us. Most INTP's that I have met also learn in this fashion.
I find myself losing interest in projects and such rather quickly as well. Seems to be an INTP thing. We like learning new processes and theories, but we put more emphasis on the learning aspect of it. Once we see where it is going or feel as though we have mastered the subject or task, we lose interest rapidly and proceed to pursue something else new and intriguing to build upon our knowledge base. To me it is a never ending cycle and feels as if I am building my own personal library of never-ending knowledge of anything and everything. :-D