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Search results

  1. not

    The Vivacity Vortex

    I spend a lot of time in absolute darkness. When I calm my mind I begin to see an energy vortex spinning about a foot in front of my head. I like to study it. Sometimes I see energy leave my body and be sucked into this vortex. Other times I watch energy come to me from the vortex. Has...
  2. not

    Dreaming of Intelligent Spheres

    If you have the time on a day in the near future, please watch the films, Sphere, Solaris (either or both versions) and Sunshine in a single day. Preferably watch them in a row before bedtime. It is best if you fast the entire day. When you wake up the next morning, please report any...
  3. not

    ask not what you want

    I recently discovered MBTI. I am close to 40 years old and for most of my life I completely resisted even the cursory notion of personality testing for I have forever rebelled against convention. I have taken a variety of online versions of the Myers Briggs test recently and they all have...
  4. not

    Esoteric Films

    What are some 'good' esoteric films? (good could mean entertaining, thought provoking, well hidden, timely, important...)
  5. not

    Ground Breaking Theories or... 'not'

    I am feeling unnerved, unsettled. I feel like I am plateauing. I sense a wave of boredom heading my way like a tsunami. Please toss me a lifeline. Please post any theories of your own that you are working on, or new ideas that you would like to discuss. Something that you are working on...
  6. not

    Types and Tattoos

    I don't think I could ever get a tattoo. I can't get past the permanence of it all. I thought it was related to me being INTP but I notice many of you have tattoos in your photos. What aspect of our personality effects whether or not we would find it pleasing or disturbing to receive a...
  7. not

    I made a movie - what do you do for fun?

    I produced a feature film. Won a handful of awards. Can't for the life of me find distribution. Would like to earn a profit from it, if only so that I can continue to make films... If you are an INTP that has found a way to eek out a living while doing the things that you love, please share...
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