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Search results

  1. MichiganJFrog

    Is suicide selfish?

    FWIW Thomas Joiner's book Why People Die by Suicide said it has to do with a "thwarted sense of belongingness." You interpret other people's actions to mean that they don't want you around, and you act accordingly. So, not selfish then, I guess.
  2. MichiganJFrog

    Seizure-inducing Web pages

    That's one of those pages I swear I'll never look at again, but probably will.
  3. MichiganJFrog

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    A Timely Number
  4. MichiganJFrog

    An entire personality type must disappear - which one should it be?

    I'm with you on that one, but I went with ESFJ just because the ESFPs might feel slightly conflicted about their G.D. chirpiness. It's true, my wife is pure evil! :D Holy crap, even I'm in the cross-hairs! This is turning into a circular firing squad!
  5. MichiganJFrog

    An entire personality type must disappear - which one should it be?

    Are we talking getting rid of actual people here?
  6. MichiganJFrog

    Constantly fighting myself

    The pressure to be extraverted is, IMO, absolutely relentless. I'm like, really old, and I still catch myself trying to act like one of the "normals," especially in job interviews. I wouldn't go so far as to say limitless vistas will open up to you or anything like that, but I have found that...
  7. MichiganJFrog

    Last movie you watched

    Primer was cool. What I thought made it work was that everyone and everything in the movie looked so unremarkable. No aliens, no spaceships, no orchestral scores. I was afraid one of those guys was going to teleport into my living room or something.
  8. MichiganJFrog

    Gainfully Employed

    Thanks, Ufark, I appreciate that. I forgot to mention, the next step after open mic night is hot babes and the inevitable involvement with elements of the criminal underworld. ;)
  9. MichiganJFrog

    Gainfully Employed

    I play guitar with a friend of mine who plays mandolin. We haven't "produced" anything in the sense of original material, but we cover everything from Amy Winehouse to Russian folk songs. "Taking it to the next level" means playing out eventually, which means open mic nights around town. I...
  10. MichiganJFrog

    Changing type

    Same here, except I was in publishing. There was always someone on the phone, standing at my desk or outside my office, or waiting for me to reply to an email or respond to an RSVP for a meeting that would cover the same damn topic as the last three meetings. It was complete sensory overload. If...
  11. MichiganJFrog

    Changing type

    One of the Wikipedia pages on the MBTI cites a report from the National Academy of Sciences that said only the I/E pairing has any scientific merit. The NAS is a highly politicized organization, though, so there's no telling why they threw out the other three. Architect Almost seems as if...
  12. MichiganJFrog

    Changing type

    That's what I'm saying -- I'm an F, but a weak F. The chart with my results goes 30-----0-----30 for each of the four pairings. So it's like this: E 30-----------0-----------30 I S 30-----------0-----------30 N T 30-----------0-4----------30 F J 30-----------0-----7------30 P [I tried to put...
  13. MichiganJFrog

    Changing type

    I do find that emotions have become more important for me. I hear more of the emotional context these days in conversations as well as movies, plays, and TV shows. On a separate assessment of communication styles, I went from being a Thinker the first time I took it to being a Relater the...
  14. MichiganJFrog

    Changing type

    Just wondering if I could get a thread going on people who've seen their type change over the years, what exactly it means, etc., etc., as I've seen discussions of it hither and thither. Finally got back the results of an “official” (read: not online, not free) MBTI assessment I took about a...
  15. MichiganJFrog

    Songs about introversion

    That mom is totally hot
  16. MichiganJFrog

    Silicon-Based Alien Life

    It would be meta-fiction, like when Bugs Bunny took a big spray bottle and squirted water into the dragon's mouth, or like Monty Python and the Holy Grail, both of them ridiculing tales of heroic knights and all that rot. I'm thinking something like Red Dwarf.
  17. MichiganJFrog

    I'm no longer an INTP?!

    I went from INTP to ISFP myself. I just look at it as part of the process of getting to know myself better. The I and the P seem fairly immutable.
  18. MichiganJFrog

    Songs about introversion

    What's He Building in There, by Tom Waits Me Myself I, by Joan Armatrading
  19. MichiganJFrog

    INTPs and Astrology

    Same here. It's sorta fun, kinda gives me a sense of identity, but nothing I'd fight someone over, unless I was really drunk. Aries I remember watching one o' them there egghead-type shows that said there was a weak statistical correlation between one's date of birth and one's...
  20. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Welp, I did another painstaking review of the thread, and yes, I noted a clear change in tone that, ah, coincided roughly with the time that I, heh heh, joined the conversation... :slashnew: <nervous laughter accompanied by scratching of the back of the head>
  21. MichiganJFrog

    INTPs you are stupid.

    Oh, yeah, ah, me neither <he says, folding hands in lap, carefully concealing fingertips and averting eyes, and coughing uncomfortably>.
  22. MichiganJFrog

    INTPs you are stupid.

    Only the stupid think that they're smart. But if I admit to being stupid, that means I'm smart. If I think I'm smart, then I must be stupid, but if I start thinking I'm stupid again, then that means I'm smart, but ... See where I'm going with this? I hope so, 'cause I don't.
  23. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Actually, upon careful examination of each and every post in this thread, to the point where I am now cross-eyed and drooling, I have determined that this court is really more of a star chamber. Okay, okay, I was just trying to impress y'all with the amazing breadth of my legal...
  24. MichiganJFrog

    INTPs you are stupid.

    of the unresolved kind
  25. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Well, that'll get their attention. :rolleyes: Still and all, I get the sinking feeling court proceedings might go something like this: MPFC
  26. MichiganJFrog

    In Through the Out Door

    Vonnegut came to a pretty similar conclusion in The Sirens of Titan:
  27. MichiganJFrog

    INTPs you are stupid.

    Best damn thing that could've happened to this thread, IMO. Seriously, one time when I was in ninth grade, me and my friends were at the beach talking to these drunk hippie redneck burnout older guys who seemed really scary to me. I got all discombobulated and I said, "Man, you guys are a...
  28. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Phew, that's a relief. I'll take an oppressive system over no system at all any day of the week! :D
  29. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Man, I knew that $17.35 check came with some major strings attached! :p
  30. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Sammy Does Flip Wilson
  31. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Wait, so now I'm a defendant AND a juror? Saves time, I guess. ;)
  32. MichiganJFrog

    Shut Up Little Man!

    Alright, well, sorry you didn't like it. It's just that I've known a lot of people in real life who've gone at it like that. It just struck me as true to life is all.
  33. MichiganJFrog

    In Through the Out Door

    Best description I've heard so far. That place sucked me dry in the space of two weeks. Anyway, welcome, however you got here. Get cracking on that novel!
  34. MichiganJFrog

    Last movie you watched

    Let There Be Light, by John Huston. The U.S. Army asked Huston to make a series of documentaries, including this one, which is about combat veterans with PTSD (then known as "shell shock"). The Army didn't like the results, so the film sat in a vault for about 50 years, until someone dug it up...
  35. MichiganJFrog

    The INTPf High Court of Justice

    Damn, man. I've been in jury pools in D.C., Boston, and Chicago, and every time, the case gets settled out of court, and now I can't even serve on an imaginary trial jury! :slashnew: Well, at least I got caught up on that new John Grisham novel. ;)
  36. MichiganJFrog

    Shut Up Little Man!

    I think it was back in the 80s that these audio recordings came out. It started when this guy in San Francisco called the police to complain about his neighbors who were arguing all the time. The police said they couldn't do anything without evidence, so they told him to record their arguments...
  37. MichiganJFrog

    So I finally started living in my van full time...

    It's weird how people can cling to things that do them no good. It's the devil you do know, basically. Makes perfect sense to me you'd be feeling good. You're liberated from all the B.S. most people think they can't do without. I saw a family parked in the alley behind my house that looked...
  38. MichiganJFrog

    Last movie you watched

    Two good rockumentaries: Sound City, about a music studio in L.A.; A Band Called Death, about a black punk rock band from Detroit.
  39. MichiganJFrog

    What's your favorite number?

    As the OP, I reserve the right to change my favorite number without notice. New favorite number: 99
  40. MichiganJFrog

    Do ALL INTPs like Computers, Math and Logic?

    I didn't even know what computers were for until the Internet came along. I don't know whether I have some kind of mental block to math, or whether I just plain suck at it. If I'm not good at math, it would be logical to assume I'm not good at logic, either. I don't know whether being given to...
  41. MichiganJFrog


    Yeah, but we play a key role. We clean shit up, get a pat on the head and a cookie, and then crawl back into our holes.
  42. MichiganJFrog

    What's your favorite number?

    This one always stuck in my head, even though 11 is not anywhere close to being my favorite number. The Good 11
  43. MichiganJFrog

    Where will you be in 2045?

    I caught an old Frasier in the waiting room of the doctor's office tonight. Those hold up surprisingly well.
  44. MichiganJFrog

    Silicon-Based Alien Life

    The thing I always wondered about the aliens in Alien is, if they bleed acid, couldn't you just throw some baking soda on them?
  45. MichiganJFrog

    An ESFJ Society?

    We are an ES-something culture, with "ES" standing for "executive summary."
  46. MichiganJFrog

    What's your favorite number?

    I'd like to see what would happen if you entered that on an HTML form.
  47. MichiganJFrog

    What's your favorite number?

    This was an actual security question on some form I had to fill out. I found the answer was surprisingly easy: 21132. Why? It calms me down.
  48. MichiganJFrog

    Where will you be in 2045?

    Probably not living in any of these places.
  49. MichiganJFrog

    Seizure-inducing Web pages

    Nauseating and upsetting, yet somehow addictive.
  50. MichiganJFrog

    Academic Psychology

    Same here. I mean, jeez, just the whole "Gifts Differing" concept was revolutionary for me, a huge relief. Growing up in the 70s, I thought all guys had to look and act like David Cassidy or John Travolta, and I couldn't pull it off. I think the MBTI works at least in part because it gives...
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