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Search results

  1. Vegetarianism and INTP

    H-Doc , I suppose what I meant by "a bit more time" ( now that I've had it ) is that there could be holes in your argument for hunting ? I know it looks like ( and probably is ) a pre - meditated attempt to lure you into the killing ground ( to quote an old army phrase) , but are you sure your...
  2. Vegetarianism and INTP

    Don't be mistaken ,H-Doctor, I enjoy the wall of text ( and prior to that, your emphasis on the word "when"). Thanks for responding to my query so thoughtfully. But I'm afraid this is where I have to gird my loins and dive back into some further texts. Yes, it's because I'm worried about how...
  3. Vegetarianism and INTP

  4. Vegetarianism and INTP

    I have to confess I don't really understand the to-ings and fro-ings over the potential lackings in a V-diet. Any individual ad-hoc diet a particular person follows can be inadequate - it's hardly a conundrum confined to V-diets. As Singer has mentioned, The American Academy of Pediatrics...
  5. Hello (again ?)

    I can't quite remember - which I suspect may mean "yes".
  6. Hello (again ?)

    We do. The "Simpson and Day Field Guide To The Birds Of Australia" (yes , I just rushed out of the room to have a quick flick through it ) lists the following species as inhabitants : 1) King Penguin 2)Macaroni (Royal) Penguin 3) Rockhopper Penguin ( although only one confirmed Australian...
  7. Vegetarianism and INTP

    I've been a vegetarian for about 20 years now ( aside from a handful where it was literally impossible to abstain). The more I read about it (i.e. Singer , Balcombe, Serpell , etc. ) , the more pleased and intellectually satisfied I am with the decision. The livestock industry has begun to...
  8. Hello (again ?)

    Damn it ! I knew I had something left on my to-do list ...
  9. Hello (again ?)

    Hi. It's pleasant to be welcomed by all of you.
  10. Hello (again ?)

    I'm tempted to say I may have found the right place ... hmmm. Thanks for having me here.
  11. Hello (again ?)

    Hello there. I'm glad to be here and thanks for the welcome.
  12. Hello (again ?)

    I'd like to believe most people are inferior and incompetent and, on occasion, it's not an easy idea to fend off. Probably it's only my fear that such a notion may just smell a bit too much of over-compensation (you know, reaction formation and all that...) that prevents me from having it as a...
  13. Hello (again ?)

  14. INTP clumsiness

    I was exceedingly clumsy as a child ( had to be taken for "special" lessons). But, as I grew older, I found ,when playing sport, so long as I had nothing else to think about when playing competitive sport , all was well , indeed uber. However , when it comes to walking around the house while...
  15. Hello (again ?)

    Hi, after inadvertently posting on some other thread ( INADVERTENTLY - what am I saying ? It's the Smirnoff...) , just a quick hello to everyone involved. Current books I'm reading are Capstick's work on lion attacks in Africa and Harry Guntrip's text on schizoid phenomena . Apologies if that...
  16. INTP being athletes

    Apologies if this seems like I'm gatecrashing or flooding the airwaves ( it's only my second post). I only mention this to cheer up / encourage burgeoning INTPs but I served in the Australian Army for seven years as a machine gunner and also spent three years as an amateur heavyweight boxer...
  17. Hello

    Hello all, have been lurking on and off for a number of years now and so thought it was finally time to contribute. Have been reading lately "Explorations in Giftedness " , the Capstick book on lion attacks in Africa and Harry Guntrip's text on schizoid phenomena. Apologies if that all seems...
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