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Search results

  1. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Social anxiety is most definitely a mental disorder along with GAD, OCD, Phobias, Panic Disorders, and any other anxiety related disorders. That's why it's called social anxiety disorder. Mental disorders effect emotions- fear, anger, depression, happiness, apathy, etc. The way I overcame...
  2. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    How interesting you were able to develop your inferior function in your 20s. I wonder how Si would affect an ENTP if Fe has affected me to the point I almost didn't fit the decription.
  3. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    The latter. I had always considered e vs i as which you obtained your energy from and it was very confusing to me as there were times I have felt energized alone and and out of charge around people. Also, sometimes I just don't think when I'm around people. I just do my own thing and block them...
  4. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Yes when I was younger I did the same. Only cared about the logic of the arguement. Now if I debate I care abot the logic of course, but when it gets to the point where the insults are flying about the other's lack of intelligence I try to resolve the conflict while still enjoying the debate. It...
  5. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    *Sigh* I definitely used to love enjoying debate and messing with people but I've gained too much concern for how I affect people to mess with them for no reason unless they are intentionally hurting or insulting me. I have become very understanding of others emotions as well as my own. So I...
  6. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Hmm. Based on your answer it appears I am an ENTP. I have no fear that I'm oblivious or a klutz. I do struggle with being lazy but am not afraid of it and being passive aggresive I can be completely alright with. Interesting. Like you though, I would rather have deep relationships than...
  7. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Oh no. This seems to be me as well. Maybe even more so. I have extreme trust issues. Not so much with feeling I may be cheated on but that people are lying to me or are treating me right to mess with my mind before they do something awful. That the have hidden intentions when they appear...
  8. Thematic Apperception Test

    Hahahaha sounds like you were having a pretty hard time. I was having much the same problem which lead to me probably having equally as accurate results.
  9. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    @ Fallenman- Ah, now you seem to be the most adjusted to the outer world. No mental disorders are noticable, enjoy socializing although you don't see the fascination in it you used to, learning how to deal with procrastination, and having the goal of being the best you can. Care to share any...
  10. Intp intelligence

    I just manage to fit into Mensa. 130ish.
  11. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Well I've experienced emotions quite often. I have cried alot in the last few months and have experienced extreme happiness multiple times also. I used to have extreme anger issues until just recently and I don't experience them at all anymore. So I'm questioning whether I'm E or INTP. If an...
  12. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    It's really interesting you say we'd be complementary because I know we are but every site I've been to says the only relationships an INTP will really appreciate are with other intuitives. We actually had a very long and productive relationship and learned alot from each other and are still...
  13. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    It's interesting you say such types wouldn't generall suffer from anxiety because I have an ESFP friend/ex-girlfriend who often did. I wonder how she would go about conquering such fears. If we never really use our Fe to that depth does it manifest simply as enthusiasm? And how would one see...
  14. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    I'm first born and I'm far less productive than my younger brother. I do believe my younger brother received greater attention as a child however so your theory could indeed be true. He is INTJ. I have found that experience or Si has been the greatest asset to overcoming my fears and becoming...
  15. Boys and girls

    I don't think it would change signifigantly. Traditional roles aside, the female anatomy is different from that of a man's and contains different hormones which affect thought process and how the brain is used.
  16. Boys and girls

    I would think this has more to due with the fact the majority of the female population is right brained and that of the male is left brained than anything else. If I remember correctly the right brain has more to do with communication and emotions than the left which specializes in logic. I'm...
  17. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Ah I thought he was an INTP like us. I'm sorry for the confusion. I simply read how he dealt with his procrastination and how his worldview seemed better suited for dealing with the external world and assumed he had a greater level of cognitive development. But if what you say is true and he is...
  18. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Is this true of our type specifically or the population affected by such ambivalence as a whole? I'm assuming the unkown and uncontrollable is what we fear. But what you seem to be saying is that our anxious thinking is benefical to us because otherwise we believe all our fears have an equal...
  19. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Do explain.
  20. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    I'm having a really hard time organizing my thoughts on this subject so I'm going to write them down for someone else to analyze them for me. So when adversely affected but our outside environment, we begin to try to control it in our inner world. However, as we already feel threatened we...
  21. Color Career Test

    At first I got the same, then I took it two more times and came out with the results Researcher/Organizer both switched either time. I would think most INTPs would identify with researcher and organizer like me. Organizer not as in an external sense but internal. Organizing thoughts, theories...
  22. Thematic Apperception Test

  23. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    How very interesting. Alot of questions were answered just as I thought they would be and all of the answers were very similar: 1. We all have a mental disorder or seem to think it's possible. 2. All of us seem to have a vastly superior IQ. 3. All of us psycho-analyze others. 4. Most of us...
  24. INTP life experiences and 10 questions!

    Hey this is my first post and I've poured myself into finding my MBTI and Enneagram type for months. I've finally managed to, INTP 5w6, and I'm really interested in understanding certain things about how other people like me live, what they've learned so far in life either as our type or...
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