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Search results

  1. JimHawkins

    Another year! YYYEEEEAAAHHH!!!!! Happy Birthday!

    Another year! YYYEEEEAAAHHH!!!!! Happy Birthday!
  2. JimHawkins

    Thread deletion?

    Yes, let's step outside. :aufsmaul:
  3. JimHawkins

    Thread deletion?

    What does this mean?! ;) I think what it is being asked is, "Are you not able to delete my thread?" And therefore by implication, "Could you delete this thread?" "Please?"
  4. JimHawkins

    Sublime Philosophical Crap

    N-S-R You scored 100% Non-Reductionism, 22% Epistemological Absolutism, and 22% Moral Objectivism! You are an N-S-R: a metaphysical Non-Reductionist, an epistemological Skeptic, and a moral Relativist.
  5. JimHawkins

    Why, hello? Who is this charming figure by the name of, "nil?" Last I checked here - on this...

    Why, hello? Who is this charming figure by the name of, "nil?" Last I checked here - on this page, it was just a plain, "xxpbdudexx". He won't be missed. [SPOILER]
  6. JimHawkins

    I am online because I cannot sleep. I have lectures in five. :D Rorshach was definitely the...

    I am online because I cannot sleep. I have lectures in five. :D Rorshach was definitely the best of the bunch; hope he's as good in the book as he was on film!
  7. JimHawkins

    "We're all mad here." True, but some people are madder than others. And I am definitely madder...

    "We're all mad here." True, but some people are madder than others. And I am definitely madder than you.
  8. JimHawkins

    Phone is on, phone is on!

    Phone is on, phone is on!
  9. JimHawkins

    Guide to typing in real time.

    Fripp: Beefheart: McLaughlin: There seems to be an FJ trend going on. Either I’m lousy at typing, or most people have been suckered by their Fe display.
  10. JimHawkins

    Vaan? No. No! NNOOOOOO!!!!!!!! So I was wondering in a semi-related tangent, can you recommend...

    Vaan? No. No! NNOOOOOO!!!!!!!! So I was wondering in a semi-related tangent, can you recommend Final Fantasy XIII? There's been a lot of talk about its linearity and I wouldn't mind that at all if the story was engaging. Well, is it? The battle system does look interesting but a whole game of...
  11. JimHawkins

    Quistis is awesome; who else can whip T-rexes to death? She was by far and away the best of the...

    Quistis is awesome; who else can whip T-rexes to death? She was by far and away the best of the FFVIII lot - shame she didn't have more screen time. Although I get the impression you're more of a FFVII person? Ultimecia could kick Sephiroth's arse any day. Plus, she's looking better than ever...
  12. JimHawkins

    Guide to typing in real time.

    Hmm, it helps with regards to picking up Fe and Fi; it’s hard to distinguish the meaning of various pitch inflections if I don’t know the context of the conversation! I think word choice can be used in some cases – dominant Tis seem to love demonstrating their extended vocabulary. I think Fi has...
  13. JimHawkins

    Your reputation precedes you; but I'm glad you liked it (?). I imagined you singing that...

    Your reputation precedes you; but I'm glad you liked it (?). I imagined you singing that particular ditty about Lor: yes, it seemed very appropriate. You seem to be taking the news that you otherwise sound like an undead Rasputin remarkably well.... :slashnew:
  14. JimHawkins

    Ummm... Melkor's on my page, like you said. What the hell do I do?! Am I allowed to approach...

    Ummm... Melkor's on my page, like you said. What the hell do I do?! Am I allowed to approach him? Is that wise? I've left him standing there for hours and I think he's getting agitated. Or does he normally twitch like that?
  15. JimHawkins

    On the right lines; kind of wish a treasure map (or other equivalent symbol) would fall into my...

    On the right lines; kind of wish a treasure map (or other equivalent symbol) would fall into my lap that I can bid farewell to that dreary old inn of life. I need a chance to head out into the wilderness - whether it be physical/mental or even spiritual, and find out who I am and what I'm really...
  16. JimHawkins

    Fixed; nothing can beat a panda. ;)

    Fixed; nothing can beat a panda. ;)
  17. JimHawkins

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    Words: Puffy: Theme of "THE ARENA": (Alisa D, Minuend, Melkor, Cavallier, Fleur, Anthile, Adaire, Lor... you know who you are!) Irishpenguin: xxpbdudexx: Melkor: (Chorus is awesome - but then anything sang by Rasputin would be.)
  18. JimHawkins

    Your forum has now been invaded

    *A trap door is lifted. A pale, trembling hand leaves a note." "It was their turn to leave after picking the short straw. The Jennywocky only feeds on one, or feeds on us all. It's so sad after just joining."
  19. JimHawkins

    Your forum has now been invaded

    *A trap door is lifted.* "Quick you idiot, get in here!" *Grabs BloodRose and seals all of the INFPs back into the darkness (which co-incidentally is why none of them recognise each other.)* "And just how did you expect to invade anything with our inferior Te?!" *Jennywocky's distant...
  20. JimHawkins

    On Jung: Dichotomies

    I will be as coherent as I can, but these are my initial criticisms. 1) I’m not too sure your chosen dichotomies quite capture your intentions. Firstly – and only very briefly since it is less relevant – on the Judging/Perceiving dichotomy; I think the case can be made that Ni and Si are...
  21. JimHawkins

    Thanks! Yeah, I rather like it as well; somewhat captures the nature of my life at the moment ;)...

    Thanks! Yeah, I rather like it as well; somewhat captures the nature of my life at the moment ;) . It took a lot of effort to find and steal (as in it was completely by chance.) I'm otherwise quite envious how everyone else on this forum seems able to find the most interesting images for...
  22. JimHawkins

    Random laughing

    One very special moment in particular - amongst a hundred others. I was pottering around campus and attended a free talk entitled, “How can a good God allow suffering?” Maybe I’d learn something new. I set myself up in a place whereby I wouldn’t be bothered by anyone evangelising and waited. It...
  23. JimHawkins

    Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt

    Episode two is up for those interested. Here's the link to save some clicks: http://www.animekuro.com/airing-anime/panty-stocking-with-garterbelt/panty-stocking-with-garterbelt-episode-2/
  24. JimHawkins

    Im sorry

    What was wrong with a temp-ban to let him calm down?
  25. JimHawkins

    Music To Die To

    I have one question: just where is all the melodrama? I don’t know about the apocalypse, but if in act of heinous betrayal I was to be stabbed in the back, this would be the sound I’d bleed:
  26. JimHawkins

    INTP Dating

  27. JimHawkins

    Well, I originally met Jim in Louis Stevenson's classic, but as a character, I identified with...

    Well, I originally met Jim in Louis Stevenson's classic, but as a character, I identified with Treasure Planet's interpretation more-so. Rather liked the film as well, even if it's 'world' didn't make much sense (and the Disney label, but sssshhh). Like in the opening, when young Jim is using...
  28. JimHawkins

    Anyone obsessed with violin music?

    Possibly, kind of like a universal human voice? Without language/persona? I can see why Fi might like that; kind of like the ‘essence’ of the human voice. The strangulated throatal chortles we call the voice does seem kind of linked to the resonance of the string as it’s played. Or maybe the...
  29. JimHawkins

    MBTI Posters

    I take no credit for these. Pilfered from somewhere (if my memory serves me they had a similar thread on the ENFP "Personality Cafe" sub-forum. Maybe there?) INTP: INTP: INTJ & ESFP: My personal favourite: ESTJ:
  30. JimHawkins

    Anyone obsessed with violin music?

    I find stringed instruments in particular can 'break' people with far greater ease than all musical families I've encountered: seemingly capable of the widest dynamics of expression likewise (although piano, for me, comes close but that could just be confirmation bias!). Usually great for Fi...
  31. JimHawkins

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    I really hope I'm not overstepping the mark with this; it's in good humour honestly! Just kind of popped into my head. Da Blob: It's not as good as AI's suggestion. Lol.
  32. JimHawkins

    Does Fi lead to a depth of understanding?

    @EyeSeeCold: Ah, that’s a much better understanding. Thank you for your response. --- By “Ji”, I meant “Introverted Judging”. Sorry for the confusion; I simply assumed one could abbreviate this ‘title’ in a similar fashion to how this is done for the cognitive functions.
  33. JimHawkins

    Does Fi lead to a depth of understanding?

    I’m just wondering if we’re looking for Fi in the wrong place. It’s been understood thus far that dominant Jis seek a depth of understanding in whatever capacity. Philosophy is certainly a pursuit of meaning; but I’m not convinced art is likewise: it’s more of an expression and less of an...
  34. JimHawkins

    Does Fi lead to a depth of understanding?

    Fi-Ne, I would say, will also lead one to have a propensity towards philosophy; same questions, perhaps less formally structured.* I think it’s more specifically the Ji (Introverted Judging, in case I haven’t got the shorthand right) dominants with Ne auxiliary that are most inclined. The...
  35. JimHawkins

    Response to Pod'lair

    It seems to me that this is less a system aimed regarding psychology/typology, and more an attempt at creating a universal language. Perhaps some of the initial reactions can be accounted for with this possibility? Are we approaching it with the wrong perspective and intentions? (I’m aware such...
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