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Search results

  1. Eljua


    I like snow. I like the feeling of isolation it brings, and the vast amounts of seemingly abandoned road it brings when the country, inevitably, grinds to a halt having yet again decided it's too cold to do anything. What I don't like is the way in which places I very much want to be at get...
  2. Eljua

    sexual frustration~*~*

    Go watch The Human Centipede; hopefully it'll help you with your urges.
  3. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    To play at play is simply to fail to do; it is action without thought for consequence.
  4. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    Yes, but are you aware of the ruleset? This is monopoly, and I really want King's Cross.
  5. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    Not going to happen on more than one point, though all accounts hardly need airing. I'm sure you're intelligent to work them out.
  6. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    I would suggest that the one who wishes to immerse themselves in talk of Goddess' would in fact be the true heathen, though I suspect that this entire sentence is ultimately pointless considering circumstances.
  7. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    Anecdotes I can do, though as a being of experience, I can only explain things from my own perspective, tainted as it is from my own five senses. I was at aforementioned acquaintance's father's farm on work related issues, when I came across the gentleman who you wish to read about. He was...
  8. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    Friend of an acquaintance's father I'm afraid, and I don't give out personal details of people who haven't explicitely stated I can; least not after last time. I remember him saying something about definately not turning into a bear, and my imagine was off doing other stuff.
  9. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    Don't need to. I know a real life Druid. Not one of those fake ones either, one who was given away as a child and raised as an actual druid. I'm consistently upset by his lack of ability to turn into animals and tank.
  10. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    There is no such thing as commoner Gods, especially not one associated with such activities as drama, drinking and homosexuality.
  11. Eljua

    I don't understand.

    So do that mean we can get away with declaring this a symposium in honour of Dionysus?
  12. Eljua

    Good clan/alliance/guild themes?

    Memes. Just don't call your WoW guild Two Gruuls, One Cup, because for some reason this is considered obscene.
  13. Eljua

    And so the extension of the mind destroying nature of the zombie virus continues, as it finds...

    And so the extension of the mind destroying nature of the zombie virus continues, as it finds yet another victim on the extensive world wide web.
  14. Eljua

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Taking the mick/michael/piss
  15. Eljua

    Hay, Gusse what!

    Is that class trained, or did you get them from int bonus'?
  16. Eljua

    Hay, Gusse what!

    New Moon is a modern masterpiece and anyone who says any differently isn't human. Can I be a chick? I'd love to be eaten when I grow up. Mostly natural 1 rolls on our charisma rolls.
  17. Eljua

    Hi, INTP from England

    The Welsh?
  18. Eljua

    Hi, INTP from England

    Nice to have another member of the sunny island with us. Hopefully you'll find enough of interest here to stay, or at least lurk. :D
  19. Eljua

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    The Mountain Goats Meatloaf Morrissey Ben Folds Lou Reed Justifications for all of them involve some mention of the particular artists voice, and lyrical content.
  20. Eljua

    Best NES Game of All Time

    YouTube- NES Left 4 Dead Gameplay Video 1 Also, Dizzy the Adventurer, hands down.
  21. Eljua

    Bands you only seem to know

    Wait, what? How come Joy Division's obscure? Lots of people know Ian Curtis This town ain't big enough for the both of us. Speaking of obscure bands: Angelspit King Missile The Mountain Goats
  22. Eljua

    Apparently it's just tangents in general, though I have a feeling he's probably doing it to...

    Apparently it's just tangents in general, though I have a feeling he's probably doing it to spite me. Aye, it's pretty much philosophy paint by numbers, up until essay time, and then essay time is write by sources. While I don't mind using sources, we generally tend to get shoe horned into...
  23. Eljua

    I didn't disappear for a few days, but I've been having a busy week, and I only really ever do...

    I didn't disappear for a few days, but I've been having a busy week, and I only really ever do one thing a day, and avoid doing anything else. I actually found out that I got marked down for going off on a tangent in my presentation. Apparently one of the major aspects of marking it involves...
  24. Eljua

    Xbox Live?

    Several years ago. Also just realised my previous post is ambiguous, so I'll rephrase it SLIGHTLY. Would you believe I'm down under "Eljua"?
  25. Eljua

    Xbox Live?

    Would you believe I'm down under Eljua?
  26. Eljua

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Warning, songs may contain swearing.
  27. Eljua

    How would others type you?

    Firehazard159 called me an ESTJ. I hate you Firehazard159
  28. Eljua

    Basically Cambridge University is a group of seperate colleges which all are joined together...

    Basically Cambridge University is a group of seperate colleges which all are joined together under the banner Cambridge University. It's a completely seperate institution for most intents and purposes. Also don't worry about being ignorant, my understanding of America mainly revolves around the...
  29. Eljua

    Heavy Metal Band Names

    Satan's Fingers, The Killers or the Hospital Bombers. *Obscure reference time*
  30. Eljua

    St.John's College, Cambridge? Cambridge is a nice place to aim for, though the sort of people...

    St.John's College, Cambridge? Cambridge is a nice place to aim for, though the sort of people who end up going end up being extremely pretentious, especially towards those of a less privileged background. I'm from England, if that's any use to you. Still have to pay for ma edumacation, but I...
  31. Eljua

    I apologise for not getting back to you on messenger. I was told to watch a film with a...

    I apologise for not getting back to you on messenger. I was told to watch a film with a housemate, but I was given the choice of film, so I had trouble saying no.
  32. Eljua

    Seme/Uke Quiz!!!

    Apparently. I'm not sure I want to do any research on this however.
  33. Eljua

    Thanks man, that is a FREAKING awesome Castle Crashers costume, and you're awesome for wearing it.

    Thanks man, that is a FREAKING awesome Castle Crashers costume, and you're awesome for wearing it.
  34. Eljua

    I'm supposed to have a long term goal planned? So that's where I'm going wrong. I've never felt...

    I'm supposed to have a long term goal planned? So that's where I'm going wrong. I've never felt that going to university would involve getting a job. If I wanted a job, I'd get one. University is about learning stuff, and if I'd at any point felt that a job at the end was compulsory, I'd have...
  35. Eljua

    INTP and sibling position

    Oldest of two children by seven years. Half brother, so I generally tend to round down and just consider him as part of the furniture rather than as a sibling.
  36. Eljua

    I'm studying Philosophy, which is sort of why I was interested in the free will issue before. If...

    I'm studying Philosophy, which is sort of why I was interested in the free will issue before. If I wasn't studying that, I'd probably be studying either history or politics, because they're both subjects I can find points to argue with people about, and that's really all I need for my education...
  37. Eljua

    I wouldn't really describe either of those songs as electronic, they're far too...earthy, I...

    I wouldn't really describe either of those songs as electronic, they're far too...earthy, I suppose the word is. But I liked them. I think the important lesson from the first video is clowns are evil. Anyway, I'm off to sleep, because it's currently 0524 and I need to be up for 1000 to get...
  38. Eljua

    I've never heard of either of the bands you just mentioned. I'm going to blame it on what is...

    I've never heard of either of the bands you just mentioned. I'm going to blame it on what is probably cultural differences rather than any oversight on my behalf, I would say Placebo covered the song in a funer dirge style, but they covered the song. Watch these, for Placebo at it's best...
  39. Eljua

    Anything that's good. Seriously, I'll listen to anything as long as I'm in the right mood for...

    Anything that's good. Seriously, I'll listen to anything as long as I'm in the right mood for it, though I generally tend to default to certain genres of music. Probably my favourite band is The Mountain Goats, though I have a soft spot for The Offspring (the earlier the better), Placebo, and...
  40. Eljua

    It makes perfect sense, though that may be because it's what's in my head. I doubt saying it to...

    It makes perfect sense, though that may be because it's what's in my head. I doubt saying it to another would make as much sense. Of course the ideas behind determinism don't discount responsibility, in fact, they're generally more aware that what you do has an effect on other people. Funny in...
  41. Eljua

    Also, just noticed your continuation. I'm fairly certain we believe pretty much the same thing...

    Also, just noticed your continuation. I'm fairly certain we believe pretty much the same thing, which is funny, in a logistical kind of way.
  42. Eljua

    Unfortunately, I have to argue against people who claim that the very action of choosing...

    Unfortunately, I have to argue against people who claim that the very action of choosing removes from us the choice, which makes me want to hit them. Had to post in two sections, because I wrote too much :D
  43. Eljua

    Not just an answer, but a justification as well. It depends on how one defines free will I...

    Not just an answer, but a justification as well. It depends on how one defines free will I suppose. Free will to me is the capability of choice. Determinists will argue that everything that has happened to us in the past shapes what happens to us in the future, and while this is mostly true, it...
  44. Eljua

    As funny as it'll sound from someone on an INTP forum, I'm talking less about thinking and more...

    As funny as it'll sound from someone on an INTP forum, I'm talking less about thinking and more about action. While actually thinking about something is a stage of responsiblity people rarely get to, rather relying on reactionary excuses, actually doing something, physically going out, and...
  45. Eljua

    Your F showing? Sounds like a euphemism. I'm sure people would like a great many things...

    Your F showing? Sounds like a euphemism. I'm sure people would like a great many things, however grabbing control of one's own actions is something that's attainable to everyone. In fact, to take control over your own life is to show your own strength of mind, and successfully doing so should...
  46. Eljua

    I'm not the best artist in the world, and for a one minute paint creation, I think I did quite...

    I'm not the best artist in the world, and for a one minute paint creation, I think I did quite well. *cough* yeah. If people need to do that they're investing energy in the wrong places. If a situation is so dire that you need to seek reassurement elsewhere, then instead of seeking external...
  47. Eljua

    Something like this: [IMG] The best way to beat people like him is to out smart them, though I...

    Something like this: [IMG] The best way to beat people like him is to out smart them, though I suspect that'd just make him angrier. If people need to show how much better their life is by comparing it to other people, then they're pretty sad people already. I've never heard of Kim, John or...
  48. Eljua

    See now I'm imagining some sort of turtleneck type of hair cut, with the hair all stuck up...And...

    See now I'm imagining some sort of turtleneck type of hair cut, with the hair all stuck up...And now I'm substituting the hair for a turtle, without a shell trying to cover itself up with human clothing, and looking embarassed. The entire premise behind those shows annoy me. The sort of people...
  49. Eljua

    Erm....yeah. I really should proof read what I write more often. I meant short haircut. I have...

    Erm....yeah. I really should proof read what I write more often. I meant short haircut. I have no idea what a shirt haircut is, nor would I wish to find out in case it somehow offends me in some way. That man looks angry, and I wish to have no further part in his life.
  50. Eljua

    Well you certainly won't be going back any time soon, especially if you have long hair. You can...

    Well you certainly won't be going back any time soon, especially if you have long hair. You can always go for temporary dyes, and wash them out over time, but it'll never look that after the first few wash outs, and the whole purpose of doing your hair is because you want it to look better, or...
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