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Search results

  1. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    Have you ever wondered if this explains our mysterious benefactor? Paying for and maintaining the site without any visible rewards, and not even interacting with us? It makes more sense than the theory of him watching us like lab rats. What happens when you put a group of INTP's together? All...
  2. Rixus


    True that every type has different buttons to press. Which makes MBTI a useful tool to have, or a weapon if you want to use it that way. I agree with you both - but I don't think it's down to rigidity or logic. NT's, and particularly INT's, are renowned as being the least emotional of types...
  3. Rixus

    When is thinking excessive?

    Came onto this thread to say something like this. Thinking and understanding is important. Knowledge is important. But this knowledge and understanding holds no significance if it is not something you can usefully use in the real world. It's of no use binding that knowledge and understanding...
  4. Rixus

    Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Why don't words like "The", "And", "It" and so on come up? I managed to get a "her" in there on mine. You'd think those simple pronouns and conjunctions words would litter our posts more so than the other words we find. Though why "piles" is in my cloud, I'm not entirely sure.
  5. Rixus

    OCD Test.

    I got 10, but probably because it picks up on a little unrelated anxiety. I'm not sure how having a week long obsession with something is OCD related? OCD is often misunderstood. In general, people seem to think it just means you like things in order or are a perfectionist about some things...
  6. Rixus

    An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    Serac - that sounds like the difference between an ISTJ and an INTP to me. With Si being their primary function, the ISTJ usually has a very good memory for wrote learning, where we INTP's prefer to understand the concepts behind the subject. For example, one of the functions of our computer...
  7. Rixus

    An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    (Age 33, last IQ test low 130's) The reading age of the material may work when you're a teenager, to a certain extent - I've known a few people to initiate a pissing contest based on what age they first read Lord of the Rings. When I was asked and responded, "once when I was 19 and once when I...
  8. Rixus

    Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Ah, fellow INTP female in their late 20's. Just like me. Are you a Conservative Mormon, as well?
  9. Rixus

    How much would you kill for?

    Why would you sell your soul at all? The mere acceptance that it could be bought means acceptance of eternal life - both good and bad. So if it were possible, heaven and hell would have to be possible and then it would be pointless because nothing in this life could equate to eternity. You...
  10. Rixus

    How much would you kill for?

    Well, I wouldn't kill a real person. But one of those fake people who walk around, the synthetic humans. Almost perfect replicas. Those I would. No one else seems to see them. But they're everywhere. And I know they're there. I know because the voices tell me. And they tell me to kill. Kill...
  11. Rixus

    Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Apparently, my digital profile suggests I'm a 29 year old INTP, Single, Morman, Conservative Female with a strong interest in art and is highly unlikely to be gay. And apparently, liking rock music and a couple of fitness pages makes me less intellectual. I'm also apparently quite unsatisfied...
  12. Rixus


    Where I come from it's just another fun family activity - but then if you've seen the Jeremy Kyle lineup around of any local areas where everyone is everyone's cousin, you'd know this cesspit of a town brings down the average IQ of the planet and sets the human race back a few millennia. Apart...
  13. Rixus

    Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Come on then - let's see mine.
  14. Rixus

    How much would you kill for?

    No one has asked whether you would be arrested for it or not? If not, £100k for the average person on the street. Maybe do it for £10k if I was hard up for cash at the time. If I had to dispose of the body and evade the police, I'd probably expect at least £250k, maybe a good £500k just for the...
  15. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    Unfortunately not - I have no desire to risk contacting such an irritating skin condition - I don't think that would help anybody. I stay clear of your kingdom and only repel invading forces from our shores.
  16. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    I was thinking about an astral body that would have to be the size of a something like Jupiter in order for Earth to not just crash into it an obliterate each other. But since the density of water would be higher than the prominently hydrogen Jovian atmosphere, would it be of sufficient mass to...
  17. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    Initially, I cared enough to think of something witty to say. But then I saw a picture of the Earth floating in the ocean on the cover of a magazine, so now I'm wondering if you took the world and dropped it into a gigantic ocean, would it float? Though the Earth's density is far higher than...
  18. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    Draw thy tool! Here comes of the house of INTPc. My naked weapon is out. Quarrel! I will back thee.
  19. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    What are these posters of INTPc? So wither'd and so wild in their attire, That look not like the inhabitants o' the earth, And yet are on't? Live you? or are you aught That man may question? You seem to understand me, By each at once her chappy finger laying Upon her skinny lips: you should be...
  20. Rixus

    Declaration of War

    I say again - did you just bite your thumb at me, Sir? What the heck are you talking about - well adjusted and fashionable? I'm so well adjusted, I currently have 100+ un-dealt with work related e-mails, and I'm burying my head in the sand long enough to post here. My fashion sense is so poor...
  21. Rixus

    What is the hardest video game you have beaten?

    I don't usually play game for their difficulty. I haven't played Dark Souls as yet, but I tried Demon Souls and gave up because by the time I reached the boss on the bridge it just wasn't fun, it was too frustrating. And yes, I've done Dragon Age 1 & 2 with every class and didn't find it too...
  22. Rixus

    I have quite a long answer to your questions here - so if it's OK I'm gonna reply by PM; mostly...

    I have quite a long answer to your questions here - so if it's OK I'm gonna reply by PM; mostly because these wall posts are quite limited in length.
  23. Rixus

    how many users of INTPf are also users of INTP complex?

    This should turn into some long running feud between our two great houses. Did you just bite your thumb at me, Sir? :mad:
  24. Rixus

    The Left Will Eat Itself

    Some banned it, I think some change the words to Bah Bah White Sheep. Which somehow sounds far worse. The word "Brain-storming" was also banned was also banned back when I was in University as it could be construed as offensive to people who've had a stroke. The problem with it is that the...
  25. Rixus

    The Left Will Eat Itself

    The trouble with this whole Left and Right thing is that the extreme of any view is plain lunacy. Weirdly, the further the extreme a view gets the more it resembles it's polar opposite. It's not really any different to the idea of feminism, where the idea that women are equal is not something...
  26. Rixus

    Dealing with inferiority complexs

    It's one thing to be able to say, "no one is better than me." It's another thing to believe it. I live with an inferiority complex to the point where merely writing the words, "no one is better than me," feels ludicrous and as if it should be followed by a chorus of, "of course they are...
  27. Rixus

    Been away

    The discussion was whether gender roles are the product of society or physiology. I think that the expectations of emotional control across genders contribute to these roles and are the product of social conditioning, which I think is relevant to the discussion.
  28. Rixus

    Been away

    No, complete emotional suppression is not a good thing. It's likely the reason why suicide rates among men are 3 times higher than women. However, there are some emotions we should control - those that cause harm to other humans, primarily. Not physically attacking people is something we can all...
  29. Rixus

    Been away

    Yes, you are correct. Throughout history, men have been the perpetrators of most violence. During this time, society rewarded aggressive behaviour and called it masculine, and taught women to be timid and ladylike. There have, however, been instances where women have shown they can be just as...
  30. Rixus

    If we were to find similarities with other animals, would ants be the closest?

    I've come to this conclusion myself, as well. Yes, humans are biologically very similar to other mammalian pack animals, and if you look closely you will see that socially we behave very similarly. But, if you take a step back, you can see One Steps point. As we developed beyond living in a...
  31. Rixus


    I kind of see life as my little story - there are many chapters, and many characters that come and go. And many interesting anecdotes that would amuse anyone watching. It's funny to picture someone watching it all as a soap opera, but it's both detached and somewhat useless really. What bothers...
  32. Rixus

    Been away

    I think biologically, we can use minority exceptions if we want, but generally speaking humans are born with reproductive organs either on the inside or the outside. This is a biological fact, we are a 2 gender species. Human behaviour, hormonal levels and the roles of each gender, however, are...
  33. Rixus

    Profit seekers

    Why so much hate for advertising? It irritates me when it pauses a video in the middle to show me one, but other than that I'll put up with it to a certain extent. We use money in order to exchange goods or services. This is a part of our society and no one has come up with a workable...
  34. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  35. Rixus

    What are the personality types in your group of friends?

    I know someone who fits that description quite well. Though wouldn't can her an actual friend (blatant text book ENFP).
  36. Rixus

    What are the personality types in your group of friends?

    I don't really have any friends I see a lot of any more. Someone I've been friends with since college and see maybe once or twice a year. She's probably an ENFP, but has never taken the test. Another friend joins us sometimes and has been in the group all along, not sure. Definitely ISXX...
  37. Rixus

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    I have 5 open on my phone. I used to have a few dozen, but now I try to keep them clear if I don't use them. Otherwise I'll lose track of why I've left them open.
  38. Rixus

    Whats your definition of an INTP?

    In Jungian classification, this is how I see it. It may not be strictly by the book and I may be completely wrong, but my understanding is based on how my brain works and similarities I've observed in others, and contradictions in how other people's brain's seem to work: Ti - Primary function...
  39. Rixus

    Whats your definition of an INTP?

    A disillusioned alien who learns to walk amongst the humans of decayed society, but never fully becomes one of them. A genius with the ability to move the heavens, yet barely the drive to move themselves. Able to solve the mystery of life, the universe and everything yet can barely hold a...
  40. Rixus

    Game of Thrones

    I'm disagreeing with you on this point - when Bran has viewed the past, the Night King has had the ability to see him clearly and grab him. We also saw the Night King able to see that Bran had warged into a bird and interrupted it. I think it's entirely possible the whole thing was a trap. When...
  41. Rixus

    Game of Thrones

    When you think you're winning, and suddenly he plays the best card in the deck: I like that we're getting good battle scenes, and I actually like having to look closely for the major drops. But they are starting to get exceedingly Hollywood in this series (think - he should have frozen to...
  42. Rixus

    Using emoticons is a female thing

    I do use them, mainly to express that a comment was humorous in order to avoid ambiguity. Text messaging can be so flat even with good punctuation, and without tone of voice things can get easily misread. That said, I mostly only use them when talking to women anyway. I don't use them that much...
  43. Rixus

    INTP and hitting the gym

    The pile of junk I have ready to go to the scrapyard is quite a bit larger than that. Which has been there for a couple of months. Is it pick on Rixus day today? Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  44. Rixus

    INTP and hitting the gym

    It's not that steroids make it smaller - it's coz you are bigger so it proportionately looks smaller! (Note that I'm kidding and I've never touched steroids and never will - but a bodybuilder honestly said this to me once :D) (Actually, if anything, working out appears to strengthen pelvic...
  45. Rixus

    INTP and hitting the gym

    6 foot 2 and 190lbs. (Up from 170lbs). Unless you mean something else - but that muscle was strong and sizeable enough already.
  46. Rixus

    INTP and hitting the gym

    I do enjoy keeping fit. But I always claimed I had no time to, and it was probably true, up until I turned 30. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and realised how physically pathetic I had become. This was what I measured at then: Waste - 36 inches Chest - 38 inches Upper Arms - 11 inches...
  47. Rixus

    Ask an ESFJ

    At first, yes. But for so long I had done the INTP thing of keeping the peace and accepting things the way they were that I had become an enabler of her behaviour. And that meant accepting some of the blame, at least. But in the end, it didn't matter. I don't there was ever anything I could have...
  48. Rixus

    Ask an ESFJ

    I can't say what Acceptance will seem like to you, should you make that final choice, but I know what it looked like to me at the end of a 10 year marriage. It had been an unhealthy relationship for several years. We were not living separately, but we were sleeping in separate beds. We barely...
  49. Rixus

    Left 4 Dead, anyone?

    Yeah, that didn't work too well as the others were just jumping in and out. The tower idea really didn't work out. Worked OK when we just stocked up and hung around the stage. How bad was the friendly fire incidents? I missed that part. I know I must have racked up the most medipacks used...
  50. Rixus

    Left 4 Dead, anyone?

    Was a good bit of fun. You've had significantly more practice at it than I - think it showed that I haven't played that properly in about a year. We made it through, though. Some of us did - I only just got the helicopter before it took off.
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