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Search results

  1. WoW this video explain basically my whole life

  2. Do you plan to help the world? How?

    Yes; by telling everyone that they are wrong about everything Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  3. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    https://youtu.be/QAD0BtEv6-Q Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
  4. INTP high school dropout in need of advice

    As an intp I need to be stimulated and the job was not at all stimulating on top of that I was being yield at daily my ppl who were basically my equals for things that weren't my responsibility while they sat on their phone. Truth be told I was unsure about whether to stay or not , and maybe if...
  5. INTP high school dropout in need of advice

    What do u mean by "the piss"?
  6. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  7. INTP high school dropout in need of advice

    That's great advice, however as an intp I have trouble With structure and I need something with just a bit of structure.
  8. INTP high school dropout in need of advice

    Hi there im an intp who hase reacently droped out of high school. i got a wearhouse job that was meant to give me other optertunities as most of u intp's can imagine i couldn't handle it and quit. now im stuck with noting to do im looking for any advice out there thnx
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