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Search results

  1. The future of advertisements or propaganda ?

    I've recently come across a video discussing a relatively recent technology that Has started to be used by politicians. Such a technology, if indeed as powerful as the presenter suggests, will inevitably be used by companies to tailor make the message they send to consumers. Heck, it might even...
  2. How to think about uncertainty ?

    If this is not the right thread for this section, please feel free to move it to a more appropriate one .... A classical way of classifying our knowledge of things is by dividing information into 4 general categories: - Known knowns: (e.g that what we call as "iron" is...
  3. Logical fallacies in political debates

    I wrote this thread in the context of a political debate. I think, however, that some of the ideas that apply to political debates could also apply to other types of non-philosophical (and perhaps also some philosophical) debates, as well. Some politicians, unfortunately, attempt to win-over...
  4. The potential benefits of gossip ?

    Many people within our society seem to be very interested in gossip. Some believe that it's beneficial since it helps people relieve their stress, while others think that it might actually harmful since it may create mistrust among the members of a particular society. The truth is probably more...
  5. Natural selection and the need to investigate complementary approaches

    The concepts of evolution and natural selection have undeniably played a major role in deeping our understanding of biological mechanisms over the last century (e.g in the context of understanding antibiotic resistance, specie extinction.... etc). Furthermore, many new branches which operate on...
  6. How would you define "Human Nature" ?

    Human nature is used in different contexts nowadays. As a result, people seem to use this concept in different settings to imply different things. My question is how would you define human nature in a systemic way ? Is it possible define it in a way which minimizes any personal biases and is...
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