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  1. Xiano

    A giant spotlight is on me and I don't like it.

    I have faced major depression and beat it after 2 and a half or so years. When you develop major depression I like to think of it as your brain is rewiring itself slowly. If you keep getting dealt bad hands eventually you'll believe that nothing is good. And you will start to only have negative...
  2. Xiano

    A giant spotlight is on me and I don't like it.

    I didn't know how to name the title. I feel like every time I make a thread here it's something related to feelings or emotions. Sorry about that my fellow INTP's. Basically I did something stupid to get myself hurt. Let's just say the cops got called. And I was forced to go to the hospital...
  3. Xiano

    Physical illness vs anxiety manifested illness

    The seizures and the "heat" illness. I guess the best "scientific" explanation I can give of the illness is the part of the brain that regulates your core body temperature. When it detects a rise in temperature we naturally sweat or whatever to cool off. However in my case it releases too much...
  4. Xiano

    Physical illness vs anxiety manifested illness

    Well I feel that's how I managed to control my anxiety and bring them down to pretty much unnoticeable levels. So considering I don't suffer from anxiety any more. I'm not sure how such a powerful illness could be considered anxiety driven. There are people out their that suffer from such...
  5. Xiano

    Physical illness vs anxiety manifested illness

    I have had something called Cholinergic Urticaria. Here's an excerpt I took from the web explaining it better than I could: I have been to 7 different specialists. All of them didn't have a clue as what to do. Nor did they really seem to care to figure it out. After a couple / few visits...
  6. Xiano

    Why are we so damn articulate?

    If anything (you can read my previous posts on these forums) I am not very articulate. As in coherent. I end up writing a wall of text. Every word has it's purpose in my head translating that down into in a human readable form is the bane of my existence. I suppose a) the public school system...
  7. Xiano

    Need help defining love

    Well she said it again last night through a text. I didn't know how to respond. It was late so I just went to bed. 99% sure she means it in a platonic friendship kind of deal as someone suggested before. It just feels weird to say it. Well in this case I'm not saying it I'm just typing it into a...
  8. Xiano

    Need help defining love

    Well it's a good thing I learned a long time ago not to expect anything in return. Well technically I do. Because I ultimately in the end always acquire some new knowledge. That's really more of a side effect than an expectation. I'm definitely not the person that people go to to "seek help"...
  9. Xiano

    Need help defining love

    I find it slightly funny that I intentionally left out the gender yet simply it was interpreted as a "she". Well to be fair the friend is a she. But I have to make something clear. She is a lesbian. After about six months of knowing her she told a so called "friend" of her's she was gay. The...
  10. Xiano

    Need help defining love

    A very strange thing to ask. There are a lot of words I don't understand. A friend sent me a text "I love you (name)... ". There have been some occasions where people have said something similiar. I never really understood the meaning. It's like "Thank you" but it's a little bit simpler to...
  11. Xiano

    Yet another IQ thread

    Well I could nitpick at some details. And ask you for example how do you define complexity? With that aside I would say it's an accurate summary. Hmm for once I don't have much else to say. Well I would comment on your remark to "thinking on their level". I have noticed most people don't give...
  12. Xiano

    Yet another IQ thread

    Yes I did start with the language C and it begged more questions to be answered. I started to learn a little of assembly but that only added more questions. I researched a bit about how operating systems worked. Then I NEEDED to know how the actual physical architecture worked. The processor. I...
  13. Xiano

    Yet another IQ thread

    Well that may have been the problem I went into a private college that condensed a 4 year degree into less than 2 years. So there was literally no time for me to put aside time to actually "learn". I had never actually had any background in physics. The very first and last Physics class I failed...
  14. Xiano

    Yet another IQ thread

    Well for an example I was in college at a private school where the classes were condensed from your typical 3 month class to a month. So instead of going to class for 1-2 hours. You would sit in lecture for 4 hours have about half an hour - to hour break. Then 4 hours more of lab. Applying what...
  15. Xiano

    Yet another IQ thread

    EDIT: I didn't realize how long this post was going to be until submitting it. So if your not in for some boring reading then just back out now. I started typing this thread with a #include then realized stupid your not programming. Hopefully I have arrived at the right place. Brief history on...
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