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Search results

  1. Who is/are your favorite singer/music band?

    I can listen and appreciate just about any kind of music, from Tchaikovsky to Leon-Cavallo to Hank Willians to Pantera, and long as the music has "absolute truths". I just can't cope with the "Lincoln-Escalade-diamonds-bitches-money-drugs-kill-the-cops" hip-hop. Arrrgh!!
  2. Why are you here?

    Trying to find more people like me, trying to figure out what I am.
  3. Think Different.

    I don't know if the tests are totally accurate, but after reading posts on the "What INTPs hate" I was sure I am one. Maybe the tests alone shouldn't dictate which category you're at, but also the similarities with others that consider themselves as INTPs.
  4. Left Handed?

    I can use both hands for different tasks. Writing and delicate tasks are accomplished with my left hand, along with picking-up objects and closing/opening doors. I throw and kick with my right side, and when playing the cello, I don't need to change the strings' arrangement, as I seen most...
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