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  1. Mr.Burke

    What is this?

    Well, that's true. I'm not sure what the deal is. I think that people don't want to step in it, but I don't really care if I step in it.
  2. Mr.Burke

    What is this?

    I don't know of any words that explain the particular type of behaviors that I have in mind. Earlier, I saw that a bunch of water was spilled on the floor, but to me it's just water on the floor. To someone living with me, they'd ask why there is water on the floor and then work to clean it up...
  3. Mr.Burke

    Question about places to talk to people

    I can't think of any interesting place to find people. I scroll this this boards topics and they bore me to near sleep. So why am I here? It's because I don't really have anywhere else to look. What kind of places are there that you can enter to talk to people but not be immediately banned or...
  4. Mr.Burke

    does identifying with your "type" (particularly INTP's) bring you fulfillment?

    1. Nope, nothing changed here. 2. I may have learned a little, but then I ended up learning that I'm still different than my own type. 3. I would say MBTI has had no real change on my life. 4. It changed nothing in terms of self-discovery. 5. At some point I didn't want to talk to anybody of...
  5. Mr.Burke

    Looking People in the Eyes

    I usually look for too long or not at all. My solution has been to raise my voice and suddenly talk a little faster and look at them in the eyes during that time. After I say the important bits, I may look down or wherever.
  6. Mr.Burke

    Can I assume that you're the person in the avatar? Because if so, you look like the INTP...

    Can I assume that you're the person in the avatar? Because if so, you look like the INTP version of the most interesting man in the world.
  7. Mr.Burke

    I did not answer your question because I have no need to.

    I did not answer your question because I have no need to.
  8. Mr.Burke

    Too extreme? Think again. The world has people living in extremes.

    Too extreme? Think again. The world has people living in extremes.
  9. Mr.Burke

    I'm trying to find an accurate word which sums up a few traits

    It's actually a lot more common than you might think. There are a lot of misconceptions about INTPs. They tend to be just as judgmental as other people overall. It is almost counter intuitive. If you want some examples just look at the posts by fellow INTPs in any threads I have created (not...
  10. Mr.Burke

    I'm trying to find an accurate word which sums up a few traits

    This was an experiment to test what connotations people would use. Interesting that if you word it a certain way people will imply neutral connotations. If you word it in a way which expresses said offenses people will likely create an overwhelmingly negative reaction. So if I said what do...
  11. Mr.Burke

    "This sounds I might have done back in high school when I couldn't make any sense of the world."...

    "This sounds I might have done back in high school when I couldn't make any sense of the world." - You in some thread about broken INTPs or something And what now? Have you conquered it? Have you discovered its secrets? Hint: It's to have as much sex as possible in the shortest amount of...
  12. Mr.Burke

    I'm trying to find an accurate word which sums up a few traits

    That seemed like it would work, but it seems like isolationist is defined differently. i·so·la·tion·ism (s-lsh-nzm)n. A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries.
  13. Mr.Burke

    I'm trying to find an accurate word which sums up a few traits

    But does that work for being morally offended over those aspects? Being "closed-off" I mean.
  14. Mr.Burke

    I'm trying to find an accurate word which sums up a few traits

    If a person rejects most physical, emotional, and intellectual interactions within the world, what does that make them? (By reject I mean is either not interested in or morally disapproves of) At first, I assumed it would be an INTP. Then again, that doesn't seem to be the case, as INTPs are...
  15. Mr.Burke

    What do you think of the main character of The Stranger? (by Albert Camus)

    If you were to judge him, or label him, what labels would you give him? Is he a bad person? Is he a schizoid? Etc.
  16. Mr.Burke

    What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    No form of communication with any human. Physical, on the internet, with finger painting, whatever you can pull out of your ass, etc. This thread isn't even about isolation, it's simply about what mood you are in whenever you specifically feel the need to talk to people. I hope that clarifies it.
  17. Mr.Burke

    What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    Isolation as in not talking to a single human for an extended period of time. Extended period of time meaning an estimate of 6 to 12 hours.
  18. Mr.Burke

    What mood do you have to be in to talk to people?

    After an extended period of isolation, what tends to be your average emotional drive which leads you to talk to people? Some people are lonely after isolation and check up on others. Some are excited because they want to share some interesting fact. What is the most common for you? For me it...
  19. Mr.Burke

    The very prospect of a relationship seems like maliciousness to me.

    The very prospect of a relationship seems like maliciousness to me.
  20. Mr.Burke

    INTP Socializer's Remorse

    I get that feeling, so what I do instead is be abrasive enough so that other people isolate me as opposed to myself. That way I can play it off as other people being the problem. See? Works out perfectly.
  21. Mr.Burke

    I just want to point out that being yourself NEVER works unless you're very "generic" or...

    I just want to point out that being yourself NEVER works unless you're very "generic" or basically in tune with society. If you're some hyperlogical abrasive hermit you have about zero options, so you MUST change your personality to get anyone at all.
  22. Mr.Burke

    The other is the betrayer.

    That is all part of it, but it's not what was reflected in his eyes. What was reflected in his eyes was actually the "other". He thought the other was part of himself, but in reality it was an aspect of his experiences of society that he took onto himself. To him it wasn't that society was...
  23. Mr.Burke

    The other is the betrayer.

    Very close. But not quite.
  24. Mr.Burke

    The other is the betrayer.

    There was a man. He was misunderstood, beaten, oppressed, shaken, manipulated, betrayed, and exiled. Lying on the floor, his face was bloody and mutilated. In that scene, he suddenly understood. It all fit together. It was so simple this whole time, he knew it, but it seemed too obvious to say...
  25. Mr.Burke

    Pardon nothing. You have a fruit club. This should be obvious.

    Pardon nothing. You have a fruit club. This should be obvious.
  26. Mr.Burke

    A dream. Maybe this belongs here, maybe not.

    As odd as it may seem, I actually think my dreams are trying to tell me to take what is rightfully mine. They are forcing me into situations where I have to act, as opposed to letting others act for me. Others cannot be trusted. I have to take what is rightfully mine. Even if such an action...
  27. Mr.Burke

    Male fruit clubs are actually pretty rare. Pat yourself on the orange.

    Male fruit clubs are actually pretty rare. Pat yourself on the orange.
  28. Mr.Burke

    A dream. Maybe this belongs here, maybe not.

    Yeah. All of my dreams play out like movies. And I never watch TV or movies. Some people probably actually do get movie ideas from dreams though.
  29. Mr.Burke

    A dream. Maybe this belongs here, maybe not.

    I didn't want to hijack any threads, and this is large as hell. So I made my own thread for it. It's a dream I had a few months ago, and I wrote it down on notepad. It may have some errors as it is relatively unedited. I can't remember the extremely fine details, but I remember enough to...
  30. Mr.Burke

    Kuu's Digital Painting Practice Exhibitionism Thread

    This is basically standard INTP artist type work. Either the INTP is absurdly good at art or they have trouble drawing basic shapes.
  31. Mr.Burke

    How is a 19 year old person supposed to act?

    A 19 year old is supposed to act as they want to. You have no choice in the matter. You're only allowed to act as you want to.
  32. Mr.Burke

    Time is precious

    Oh no Mr. Grim Reaper don't do something of absolutely no significance!
  33. Mr.Burke

    I've never thrown a party - have you?

    Nope. Parties are atrociously stupid.
  34. Mr.Burke

    Now THIS is interesting!

    It's not interesting at all. Wrong. All of that was wrong.
  35. Mr.Burke

    Is that so?

    Is that so?
  36. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I've thought of this. But I'm more on c). not giving up, but not searching and simply going about my life normally. Hmm. In person, yes, I generally assume people to be stupid. Most of the time it's not hard to tell when someone is stupid (in person). But the real thing here is my filter. I...
  37. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Well, I try to look at it from a "what can I gain/what do I enjoy about this person" versus a "how much effort/psychological pain will this require" perspective. For a lot of the people I've met, it's not that I'm focusing only on their flaws, it's that I never really saw any positives in the...
  38. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I essentially expect people to connect to me on an intellectual level. Their interests, method of expression, beliefs, etc. all must be nearly identical. The issue I've identified here is the lack of interest in "bonding" with males. Even if the person connects on an intellectual level, it...
  39. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I don't see where I made this impression. People's perceptions like this really confuse me. Where are they even coming from? Oh, and are you sure you want to kiss my hands? Do you know where they've been?
  40. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Yes, I have been betrayed in the past by a lot of people, but I don't have a "they deserve it" attitude. That seems vindictive. I'm more chaotic than that. I don't have some sort of one track goal or something. I might help people, or I might hurt them. Sometimes both on purpose. I'm not out for...
  41. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Yes, I did mistake you for someone else. I didn't realize until recently. When I said that hope leads to despair, I mean my expectations are never met. It's pointless to set impossible standards and then expect them to be reached. Hoping is a waste of energy. It's idealism, really.
  42. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Yeah, it's like that. I'll say something like, "You should buy me x." I wasn't being completely serious when I told that to the person, but if they take it seriously, then I will play along with it. Sometimes to get a true understanding of something you have to dismantle it to see what it is...
  43. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Yeah, that's kind of what I've been doing. Messaging a bunch of people at once. Hustling all day. Etc. I know no loyalty. It's just that I don't care about benefits versus penalties of the "emotional" bond. I still falsely bond (lead people on) with people to the point where I can propose a bit...
  44. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Dag nabbit dabbit nabbit! Alright. Okay. I'll tear down the uhh.. "fascade". Yes, I'm not really an INTP. Totally didn't get close to 100% on it. Lying to the test and all. I don't even know if I specifically said that I don't feel anything. I believe I asked for a reason to try to connect with...
  45. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I'm basing it on all the people I can think of. There's a whole world of issues present behind this. For the most part, what I mean by different is that I'm very intolerant. I'm intolerant of the most basic things like people who play instruments. I dislike people who use certain words like...
  46. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Hmm. I think I've got a solution here. I'll forget my experiences and base my thinking entirely on a "possibly of something". As if that isn't wishful thinking. There's something I find hard to convey here. I'll try to explain it in at least a crude barely understandable manner. You have a...
  47. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I don't agree with that black and white thinking. I'm here to get answers to questions because most people cannot even explain the most basic aspects of their behavior. Acquaintances are quite useless because most of the time they are not ready to provide me with benefits. False relationships...
  48. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    I was referring to a connection in general. I may share a lot of aspects with other INTPs, but I may also be very different in many important aspects. For the generic average person, I'm way too different to ever establish a connection on nearly any level. I think the push/pull emotional game...
  49. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    Hmm. I've already tried the "don't expect anything from other people" mentality. What I end up getting is a lot of nothing. If I were to try to say that I'm a lot different that most people, then I would get a lot of people arguing that I'm not some "perfectly unique snowflake". But if I were to...
  50. Mr.Burke

    Persuade me

    What I meant by that is that people generally removed/blocked me for various reasons that have to do with my personality. They weren't really "losses". They were more like "if this was a legitimate situation, and I were to act this way, this would be the result". So you might call them simulated...
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