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Search results

  1. JoeJoe

    Speed Reading?

    I always read in the speed I would say it aloud, especially when someone's talking. I often even make a pause when there are "..."'s to get a better feel of the ambient in the book.
  2. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    I think you should go to a therapy for genderly confused people. @ Tekton: I've been here for 6 days. :D bullshit threads need a lot of bullshit posts.
  3. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    Unfortunately, it was the weekend. :( My statistics will probably sink drastically now.
  4. JoeJoe


    41?!! Damn, that's old. May your soul rest in peace. :D
  5. JoeJoe

    User Titles.

    I request my title to be changed to "knifed". Maybe when I reach 1000 posts. Which, statistically speaking is in 20 days.
  6. JoeJoe

    INTP Writers

    I've so far always seen him typed as an INTP. I guess that because of his INTPness he was so detached from the meaning of death that death was the only logical possibility.
  7. JoeJoe

    Top five favorite movies

    There used to be a MovieZone on personalityzone.com, where they always did film critics and included how much each temperament would like that movie. I found it very helpful but sadly they have changed the website.
  8. JoeJoe

    More awesome tech

    lmao honestly.
  9. JoeJoe

    More awesome tech

    1. We put our keyboard in the dishwasher as well, it's still working. 2. What about laptop keyboards. :D
  10. JoeJoe

    About you?

    I think after over 100 posts it might be nice to post here as well. What is your name? Johannes Where are you from? near Cologne, in Germany How old are you? 16 What's your gender? male How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type? My mother's friends brought it to...
  11. JoeJoe

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    Reminds me of Artemis Fowl. Apparantly, if you're untrained you will throw up.
  12. JoeJoe

    SIMON Champion

    There's also a new Hexxagon champ in town!!
  13. JoeJoe

    Keyboard layouts

    Speaking of keyboards, does anyone know why in different languages sometimes utterly unnecessarily letters are swapped? For instance the German keyboard is as follows: ^1234567890ß´ qwertZuiopü+ asdfghjklöä# <Yxcvbnm,.- The one thing I'm sure of is, that the Y and Z are swapped, and I think some...
  14. JoeJoe

    Bleeding Edge Technology

    This is the result of our latest technology here in Germany.
  15. JoeJoe

    INTP humor

    Ah, now I'm laughing. No, the highway was pretty empty. They're very happy no police was near. ;)
  16. JoeJoe

    INTP humor

    There was this guy with a couple of friends from university in the train today and he told this imo hilarious story: He was driving with some friends back home from a real life meeting of an online game (probably WoW) and using the car of someone's sister. Everything OK, except the fluid for...
  17. JoeJoe

    Famous Intps

    Believe me, this one is. She avoids social activities, she's eccentric, has lots of passions, but never seems to finish something she started, or rather does everything parallel, her room is a total mess and she's awkward with expressing feelings.
  18. JoeJoe

    INTP Characteristics

    male second child birth 15 days late right-handed 6 feet 3 inches (still growing a lil bit) 70 kg normal feet (for my height) hazel eyes, short-sighted. darkish blonde hair skin color: normal "white" moved the first time when I was five days old, then moved to USA when I was 3 and moved back to...
  19. JoeJoe

    Famous Intps

    a very clear fictional INTP: Lady Patience from the Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb.
  20. JoeJoe


    I must point out, that whith the combination of T and P we are extraverted feelers and introverted thinkers (i.e. we give our feelings away and keep our thoughts to ourselves). I read this in The Art of SpeedReading people. So theoretically INTPs cry more than INTJs. I myself start to cry...
  21. JoeJoe

    INTP humor

    I didn't find that particular Monty Python video that funny but many others are great. I can totally laugh my ass off about stupid people having accidents. here my 2 favorites: YouTube- Ski accident YouTube- Super Athlete Just look at how his face slams into the table!! :D:D:D:D I sometimes do...
  22. JoeJoe


    Isn't it also our big brains that should now keep us from eating meat? world hunger and water problems would be much easier to handle if we didn't eat meat. Also, for instance big fishing can cause big ecosystems to collapse. I think in another thread someone quoted how Socrates argued for...
  23. JoeJoe

    Fantasy Literature

    Because it's so great I must recommend A Song of Ice and Fire once more. Besides: Artemis Fowl series and Bartimaeus Trilogy. If you're more for bloody and erotic Halfway to the Grave and the following aren't bad.
  24. JoeJoe

    Psych Experiment: Names

    How old are you? 16 What is your first name? Johannes (German) Are you always called by this name, or do you choose to be called by a nickname, middle name, etc.? My sister had several names for me the most recent simply Jo, but usually everyone else just calls me Johannes. Only in primary...
  25. JoeJoe

    Intp~the perfect criminal?

    I once read in an INTP profile that they make good assassins. :)
  26. JoeJoe


    A lot of famous INTPs have been vegetarians and I was wondering how many other INTPs are vegetarians and since I have found no other thread on this I will post it now. I myself have been brought up as a vegetarian for religious reasons. I'm now 16 and have decided that I will continue living on...
  27. JoeJoe


    I'm 16 now.
  28. JoeJoe


    YESYESYESYESYES!!!! My favourite books of all time! I love how you have lots of different viewpoints and how for example Jaime Lannister is such an ass and in the third book he totally transforms. Or what a relief it is when Cersei totally fails when she wants to get rid of Margaery. Or the...
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