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Search results

  1. hitode-kun

    What are you currently eating?

    Smoked salmon. Not because I eat a particularly healthy diet, but because I bought it on a whim and turns out that there's nothing else in the fridge.
  2. hitode-kun

    IQ Test

    All three boxes are the same. That's why I said the diagram was misleading – it appeared balanced when it really wasn't. The size, shape, density, and weight of all three boxes are the same. Yeah, that's what you were supposed to do. The setup in the diagram isn't balanced, despite appearing...
  3. hitode-kun

    IQ Test

    The first statement of the question is "I have another box which is identical to the other two." Therefore, the two boxes on the seesaw thing must be identical and, by virtue of their positions, not balanced. The diagram's a bit misleading though since it appears balanced. The law of the...
  4. hitode-kun

    IQ Test

    Question 4 is just Archimedes' law of the lever (http://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Lever/LeverLaw.html). I disagree with the answer to question 9. You'd oscillate between the two ends of the tunnel because momentum would be conserved...
  5. hitode-kun

    Not exactly a new member

    Hello. I'm still alive.
  6. hitode-kun

    What's your typing speed?

    Eh, I need practice.
  7. hitode-kun

    Does somebody know what Vacuum is ?

    Uhh, quantum fluctuation? :confused:
  8. hitode-kun

    You know how attractive you are?

    Lies. They're more like :phear:
  9. hitode-kun

    Plate Engraving

    A documentary on music engraving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=345o3Wu95Qo
  10. hitode-kun

    Mass as a Dimension?

    I thought that the Higgs boson only accounted for the mass of elementary particles and that the strong force was responsible for the mass of everything else or something.
  11. hitode-kun

    why has YOUR week sucked the big one?

    Why would'ya become a hermit? Just lock yourself in your room, if you're so lucky as to have a lock on your door, and /ignore when necessary. There's actually some pretty cool people online, surprisingly.
  12. hitode-kun

    Visual Representation of your Mind

    So… am I the only one who can't see what my mind looks like? :confused:
  13. hitode-kun


    Who's Munk trying to get on cam this time?
  14. hitode-kun

    To the Civ-Skype group...

  15. hitode-kun

    Socionics Testing >.<

    ILI. These types might also be considered: ILE, LII, LIE.
  16. hitode-kun

    It's Useless

    Misspellings aren't useless because they help identify the spelling nazis in the group. Pencil sharpeners are useless. Knives are so much better.
  17. hitode-kun


    There there, Midas. -tapes Midas' heart back together- Welcome to the forum. I'm sure ESC will get over your unbutterness. Eventually. -sobbing in corner- But why? WHY ARE YOU NOT BUTTER!?
  18. hitode-kun

    Hey, I wonder how long a reply will take :P

    Welcome, welcome. I see that you're also from Australia. -puts knife away-
  19. hitode-kun

    Da Blob

    Apart from the fact that that doesn't work, why would I ever admit to doing something like that? I mean, who would bother trying (and failing)? Huh? Me? W-what are you talking about…? :storks:
  20. hitode-kun

    Da Blob

    Nope. I don't think links to searches work.
  21. hitode-kun

    INTP and Asperger's

    So there was a thread like this? Personally I don't see Asperger's as some sort of "condition", but rather as perhaps a personality or an extension of a personality. It's not something that needs to be treated or cured and the therapy for it is almost always BS.
  22. hitode-kun

    recommend me anime.

    Seconded. Some of my favourites also include Kino no Tabi, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, and Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. Some of the more gory ones include Elfen Lied, Gantz, Ergo Proxy, and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Hopefully you'll like some of these.
  23. hitode-kun


    -feeds Melkor buckets of Everclear-
  24. hitode-kun

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Rub it :D
  25. hitode-kun

    Bullying and how to handle it

    Haha, I haven't heard of that before. Have you dunked heads before, downsowf? Joking aside, if he's being just being an asshole and nothing seems to work then rough him up a bit. They do say that violence solves everything.
  26. hitode-kun

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Try staring between their eyebrows. Works for me.
  27. hitode-kun

    Any musicians?

    I play remarkably bad piano and have always wanted to learn strings. The sound of my singing is akin to that of a cat being skinned alive. It's quite amazing, really. If you have glass that needs to be shattered, then…
  28. hitode-kun

    Bullying and how to handle it

    You should try that then. If that doesn't work then at least you tried. I never actually bothered with teachers myself but I can tell you that getting into trouble for beating the shit out of someone isn't fun. Parents get involved and god know what your parents might do.
  29. hitode-kun

    Bullying and how to handle it

    Striking back is, I think, the better option. There are consequences though, of course. But if he's bothering you to that extent then you should probably stand up for yourself. Have you told a teacher yet?
  30. hitode-kun

    A genie appears, you have 3 wishes.

    1. To be able to not give a damn. 2. To have higher emotional and physical thresholds. 3. To have more time.
  31. hitode-kun

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    I've always thought that that was completely normal…
  32. hitode-kun

    What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test

    Non-conformist, Visionary, and Independent 13 Abstract, -16 Islamic, -11 Ukiyo-e, 3 Cubist, -9 Impressionist and -19 Renaissance! I don't really know anything about art, pssh
  33. hitode-kun


    Crying should never happen. Or at least no one should know of it.
  34. hitode-kun

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    I'm probably not INTP but I always have to have my watch on when I leave my room. If I have somehow misplaced it or cannot find it then I wear a long sleeved article of clothing instead. I always take it off when I'm on the piano though (the watch, not the clothes).
  35. hitode-kun

    Which country are you from?

  36. hitode-kun

    Why did you pick your name?

    Just another overused username of mine. It did help that I had just finished discussing how starfishes reproduce with one of my many abused vict- I mean, treasured friends when I registered (it was an interesting conversation, reproduction isn't something I usually discuss with zeal). It was...
  37. hitode-kun


    How do you guys find motivation to do stuff? I for one can almost never find the motivation to begin any sort of activity or project (eg. homework), and when I do I can never actually force myself to finish it. Alternatively, I start something such as homework with great enthusiasm and then go...
  38. hitode-kun

    Chakra Test

    Root: under-active (-69%) Sacral: under-active (-100%) Navel: under-active (-94%) Heart: under-active (-88%) Throat: open (0%) Third Eye: over-active (50%) Crown: under-active (-94%) What? Isn't 50% meant to be "open", not "over-active"…?
  39. hitode-kun

    The RPG Class Test

    NPC I-I… -cries and runs away-
  40. hitode-kun

    Enneagram Test(with Tritype)

    Your main type is 5. Considering the wings you should be a 5w6. 548, "The Scholar" "The Scholar", huh? Well that was unexpected.
  41. hitode-kun

    Rena~ <3 <3 <3

    Rena~ <3 <3 <3
  42. hitode-kun

    Actual Me test

    Analytical Visionary
  43. hitode-kun

    Functional Development Test

  44. hitode-kun

    The Mental Illness Quiz

    Diagnosis: Multiple Personality Disorder Charming, I would've thought that I was more obsessive than delusional. Hurm :confused:
  45. hitode-kun

    Personality Disorder Test

    Woah, this is kind of ridiculous. Well, what can I say.
  46. hitode-kun

    Is your brain male or female?

    50% male, apparently. 0 for empathising? Really? Either the test's screwed or I am =__=
  47. hitode-kun

    What will you do in this situation?

    I would just stand there and stare at it. I guess the white dot would symbolise my ideal world; that unattainable perfection which occasionally seems to just disappear from my mind, but ultimately possesses my thoughts. The raging creature would be my desire to attain it, and the cage my...
  48. hitode-kun

    Systemizing/Empathy test

    Systemizing: 56 Empathy: 1 Autism: 46 Eyes: 23 Same =_=
  49. hitode-kun

    Post your Big Five test results

    Extroversion |||||||||| 32% Orderliness |||||||||||| 50% Emotional Stability |||| 12% Accommodation ||||| 22% Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 88% Pssh
  50. hitode-kun

    The Personality Defect Test

    Sociopath You are 100% Rational, 29% Extroverted, 86% Brutal, and 71% Arrogant. I be so arrogant and brutal, arrr… :evil:
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