Just wanted to say hey since we are both new here. Your username and location made me think of one of my heroes, Nicolaus Copernicus. Prior to his time, the western world believed in the Ptolemaic theory that the earth was the center of the universe. In other words, King Ptolemy believed that everything revolved around his own ego. Copernicus, a quiet academic and man of faith, studied the movement of Mars and Saturn, and then formulated his heliocentric cosmology based on 7 assumptions. It changed the world. Subsequent discoveries revealed the interconnectedness and harmony of all the heavenly bodies. I have often wondered what Ptolemy's reaction would've been if he would've lived long enough to understand the interconnectedness of all things. I believe that Ptolemy and Copernicus were brothers, both searching for the truth.
Anyways, enough of my jibberish. Welcome again. I hope this wasn't too long for you.