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  • I guess intelligence to a large degree also comes down to our own perceptions, which are influenced by confidence, expectations of those around us, experiences in life, society, friends, peers, coworkers, even our own expectations of life, and what we place value on.
    I'm not sure about the situation you mentioned, perhaps he placed great importance on intellectual ability, and was not so confident in his own intelligence, while being surrounded (at least some of the time) by people he considered more intelligent? What are your thoughts on why he was as you described?
    In essence INTP confidence in their own intellectual ability should be high, it being an area in which INTP's particularly excel. And I think generally, this is the case.
    Specific confidence can however be influenced by overall confidence. If one has a widespread low opinion of oneself, then more often than not confidence in specific things, even those in which that person has an aptitude, suffers.
    It does to some degree depend on the individuals focus and experience in life as well. I know an INTP raised by and around mainly SJ's, with no importance being placed on intelligence or intellectual capability. They were manual labourers and practical skill was the above and all. As a result he is not what might be called conventionally intelligent, and certainly does not consider himself in that way either. But he is still capable of very complex thought processes, and is brilliant to the point of genius with mechanics and the practical side of engineering. ...
    This all really sucks. Energy lack is a huge problem, I guess. If that weren't an issue they'd be back on their feet faster?

    Any idea how long it will be before some semblance of normalcy is restored? I suppose it might take years. I've no idea of the scale of destruction - what percentage of the population and land has been affected, how much of the economy, etc.
    Very nice photo!

    Oh god, that's awful. It's so strange to think of this happening to Japan. Will it be at all possible to avoid deaths by resource deprivation, or are there definitely going to be casualties simply from having no shelter/water/food?

    Entire schools were swept out to sea..... :(
    I was just about to ask -


    - uh yeah, ask if your area got through the earthquake and everything fine when I saw your usertitlethingyunderyourusername. Is the entire nation affected or only segments? Are you planning to escape any time soon? Is everyone you know ok? Not that that makes it any better for those that aren't so lucky.
    Oh I see. Kind of reminding me of someone that I fail to recall right now.


    I used to talk Kendo classes as well. Failed to carry on since the expensives were too high for my pocket and the "masters" were seen as a ripoff of the Chinese Era.
    Yeah, that and it is a post he is referencing that I am not exactly very proud of. You know, I actually can spot Ni doms a mile away too, it is one of the most distinct cues I can get off of a person. There is just a certain look in their eyes that no other types have; and even on the forums there is a certain structure to have they articulate even in text that you that really set itself apart.
    Hey Soraya,

    Thanks for the compliment about me being the shit... I like flattery. :)

    How did you figure out you were an INTJ? I never test it but I relate to much of it and it makes me a little... confused. (And then you and your little story about you and the guy... hits a little too close to home. Although I came straight out and told him how I felt and what I wanted and expected an immediate positive response.)

    I can seem so much of a perceiver/ go with the flow in my personal life/ in free time, but when I am in the work world/ positions of power I can become a control freak. Also, I hate witnessing inefficiency and poorly-run operations. It makes me really irritable. I want a course of action, dammit. If there isn't one, I just tune the hell out so I don't have to deal with others' ineptitude. Do you relate to this at all?
    Long posts are good! No matter what anyone else says.

    You should wander into other areas of the forum, btw.
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