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  • Haha, I wish I had learned Russian from any of the games I played on DOS :P. I only recall learning to do things like navigate a small vehicle through poorly designed levels :P.

    HmMmMm...I think sentimental for me is primarily being tied through senses (Si does this for INTPs, I think). I'll admit that emotions can come into play if I'm in in a stressed mood, though...it's a shadow thing, I guess :| .

    To be honest, there's nothing impressive about WoW. It just drags you in and latches onto you. Luckily, I haven't really played in quite a while - it's worthless and I have too many other, more interesting things to do :D .

    Worms Armageddon WAS such a good game. Oh man, the joy of the little voices and explosions and a perfectly aimed grenade *drools*.

    I never bothered with spider solitaire, but I recall friends agonizing over it. I'm guessing you've put in a good number of hours to be able to survive it at the highest difficulty. Of course, that's assuming that you're surviving lol.
    Are normal people sentimental? *boggle*

    Chess is probably my favorite game. I play random PC/console games, but I haven't had a lot of time for them lately...I've played some WoW, some Diablo II, Starcraft, Eve-Online, etc. I really enjoy roguelike games, so I might check out that Dwarf Fortress I keep hearing about on here. I've gone through stages of playing a lot of card games with RL friends like poker and spades, and I like board games of almost every variety (: .

    Back then (on windows 98) I think my favorites were Warcraft II, Fantasy General, Starcraft, uhm..was Worms around then? Diablo. Lots of random DOS games...
    25. I used to play all of my old PC games on Windows 98...lots of fond memories :P. I think I make everything into something sentimental, though lol. What about you?
    Huh? Does it say that I'm using Windows 98 somewhere? I'm on Windows 7 on this computer o.O .
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