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  • Yeah that's what I thought, relate to everything you just said there exactly haha.
    Hm, so you stopped caring about it, consciously? Then immediately improved it? ... I'm hurt, all I ever wanted was for someone to treat me with proper grammar. I know elephants don't eat with their noses. edittt- (since you can't be sure if I'm kidding or not cause you know, can't analyze my body language... I am deaddddd serious man. - kidding ;))
    Hahah, what's questionhead?
    Nah, got it, my avatar. Had me confused.. just for a second though. :p
    Wellllllll.......... Due to the elephant having a larger surface area to volume ratio than the wings, perhaps the elephant should be the first part of the full word; thus going with elephantbutter. (Also cause I came up with that, and you came up with the other ;))
    Although... my calculations are an approxomation and the wings could indeed have a greater SA to volume ratio, thus proving that your word is more sufficient. YEAH. How's that for an answer, hahah. I've fed an elephant an apple. Through its nose; freaky shit.
    Couldn't help but realize your grammar (capitalization, full stops, commas) worsened when you made that reference to your avatar (Not abstract, physical/concrete).
    It's puzzling me, and I can't figure out why that happened. Like you swapped from Fe (extroverted reflection) to Ti in that reply.
    Or maybe I'm reading too much into it because I'm sort of intoxicated... hmm. Bet you didn't even realize.
    Didn't want to ruin your thread with off topic shit.
    Was being sarcastic when I apologized :elephant:
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