The left and right brain are not performing the same function exactly because of laungauge and vision.
There is a test called the stroop test.
It is associated with the ACC
Since we speak with the left front brain and see color in the back right, the ACC is mediating between saying the color or the word. So the ACC needs to tell different areas to turn on or off and not mix them up.
The DLPFC on the right side is used to explore unknown things well the left is used to explore known things. I believe this again has to do with the left side being more verbal and the right side being spatial. If you can navigate space you can remember unknown things this gets you back to safety.
Making plans in the left verbal sense is about precision of symbols well the right side feels tones of sound more effectively in space.
3D awareness then is crucial to understand for anything we must think of for the ACC to be actively seeking to correct, not just color and words.
To plan is to get things where they need to be.
Entailing that we must move them.
Moving the right things at the correct times.
It is also the case we need to remember what a thing can do and where it is and if we need to use it for something else. Multiple contingent variables at play. Shapes, causality, preferences. Priorities!
Round peg in round hole (a childrens toy) but with much more complexity.
The DLPFC makes sure all this happens both left verbal and right spatial. The cerebellum correct errors also but the ACC is what keeps it all in line to remember steps when it tells the DLPFC when something goes wrong.
A circuit is formed.
Remember what is working and getting around what is not in 3D or sequence as what is most important first. This controls the body and we do the actions necessary.
Along with backup plan.
If I can't do is this way then do that way.
Think ahead before you fail.
Not too much (analysis paralysis)
Basically it is making up algorithms to see what would work and remember them in specific contexts. The hippocampus integrate them into neocortex.
Amygdala still has to be useful for value decisions. What is called a reward function.
But not too much because of addiction.