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Typology as People


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:44 PM
Sep 21, 2024
So about 9 weeks ago I just woke up and decided to make this chart for MBTI - it is because someone told me in the dream that Yugioh was INTJ and everything fell into place after that.

New MBTI.jpg

INFP - Dreams
ISFJ - Be Themselves
ESFP - Energetic
INTJ - Knows the next move
ENFP - Is Funny
ISTJ - Studious
INFJ - Contemplative
ISTP - Does what is needed
INTP - Understands
ESTP - Goes for it
ENFJ - Inspires people
ENTP - Imagines
ESTJ - Gets the job done
ENTJ - Delegates
ISFP - Artistic
ESFJ - A relatable person
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