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To much personal conflict


Pony Influencer
Local time
Yesterday 5:05 PM
Sep 21, 2024
I do not insist on any one action to be taken. But I do wish to make clear that directly calling people names is not ok in my book. And neither is being rude. I know that people can believe things passionately but to then insinuate that others are having negative qualities because of the way they are formulating arguments is completely atrocious. If people are going to attack the character of others I will have no part in it. Simply know that I will not allow people to demean me. I will not allow people to defame me. I will no longer interact with people if they accuse me of untrue things. I will simply state that I am not participating in any way around these things.

I know what people think of me so it is clear that any attacks against me is coming from dislike of me and not from any engagement with my actual ideas. I come here to talk about ideas and not be disrespectful. But if people think I am attacking them there is no reason for me to talk to them about ideas. I do not consider people good or bad for the positions they hold but if people are sensitive about holding them then I cannot talk to them about those positions they hold because they will turn it into a moral issue against them.

I have ideas that I to am sensitive about but I hold that I don't attack peoples character. I don't do that regardless if I like or dislike them. I will only talk to others respectfully and not allowed others to pressure me to do otherwise. For a long time I was uncomfortable around people here and other places by my character being in question. I no longer believe I can keep up with that so I will not allow myself to fight about ideas that others say make me the bad guy to them.
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