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Quantum Causal Consciousness


Pony Influencer
Local time
Today 12:26 PM
Sep 21, 2024
If you look at what a choice is in the quantum domain there is equal probability to go left or right so how is it a choice? Is it not random where the particle or system goes? No, in fact choices are deliberately made based on consequences. What a system wants to do is survive so it explores many non deterministic options. But within a finite probability space.

In fact a system is using retrocausality within a distinct boundary of time. The left option may work but then it leeds to bad outcome so it back tracks and goes right.

This can be demonstrated in what is known as a Monte Carlo simulation. Back tracking works by eliminating all the bad options and exploring the good ones at a certain depth according to ones existing memory.

Within a quantum setting consciousness feels good surviving and bad when falling apart, thus we can say those particles in a system are performing quantum operations of good and bad choices. All together they maintain the system they are in. This explains why people learn from their mistakes and may even go back in time a shot distance called deja vu


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:26 AM
Dec 12, 2009
Consciousness isn't quantum, trust me you don't understand quantum mechanics.

For example when talking about the double slit experiment an "observation" isn't a person observing something, in theoretical physics it means to interact with something thereby acquiring information about it, because on the quantum scale there's no method for passively observing something.

You can see an object across the room because light is bouncing off it and into your retina, but photons themselves are subatomic particles, so how do you "see" a photon (it's spin, speed and direction) without interacting with it thereby changing its spin, direction, velocity, etc? You cannot, thus you cannot ever know everything about a photon because every time you interact with it you change something about it.

Years of Pop-Sci magazines written by journalists who have very little understanding of what they're writing about (and to be fair it is quantum fucking mechanics) has resulted in a profoundly confused public.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Today 12:26 PM
Sep 21, 2024
There was no mention of double slits?

Consciousness if it interacts with the world does so by the interface of the brain.

If consciousness is not quantum then it is not connected to any system that is quantum.

Anything at all

Anyway, I still think that back tracking is a perfectly good way of learning from mistakes. There might be more to it but I saw nothing about how it is wrong in the post above.


Pony Influencer
Local time
Today 12:26 PM
Sep 21, 2024
Neurogenesis is tangential to pruning.

This is where those connections that don't matter get eliminated and new connections are made for potentially new memories. It is a back and forth growth cycle. Probing the possibility space.

If you look at the nerve system in the skin and feel it, thinking of sensations. It seems more than a classic physics phenomena in itself. So does the color red. My shirt is red and I don't have an explanation why that experience exists. Sometimes my brain feels tingly when hearing music with earbuds.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:26 PM
May 24, 2024
Consciousness if it interacts with the world does so by the interface of the brain.

If consciousness is not quantum then it is not connected to any system that is quantum.

What would be unique about consciousness that would exclude it from being akin to other emergent properties that do not directly interact with quanta? Water is said to be "slippery," when pooled on a solid surface, yet I do not believe that they have linked this slipperiness directly to a property of a subatomic particle. What if reality is a series of layered interactions, where one layer of phenomenon arises from the prior (emergence) but whose properties are not a DIRECT result of the layer two layers down? We live in a seemingly predictable macro-world, but it is undergirded by a seemingly random micro-world.
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