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Local time
Yesterday 6:58 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
It would be great if you provided some commentary of the videos instead of just dumping them...


Local time
Yesterday 6:58 PM
Jun 7, 2008
The wired
Are you?

Do you realize that a single sentence to provide context to the videos would significantly increase people's desire to engage, rather than having to click on something you don't know anything about and don't know how long it is? There's already a ridiculous amount of videos out there, what's special about these ones?

Is it too much to ask people to discuss things in a discussion forum?


welcome to thought club
Local time
Yesterday 6:58 PM
Aug 6, 2021
Are you?

Do you realize that a single sentence to provide context to the videos would significantly increase people's desire to engage, rather than having to click on something you don't know anything about and don't know how long it is? There's already a ridiculous amount of videos out there, what's special about these ones?

Is it too much to ask people to discuss things in a discussion forum?

these are topics i personally found interesting and that i believe other INTPs would also find interesting

i feel no compulsion to hype them up or describe them


as an INTP i love exploring topics cold, without preconception

if you have a particular question or comment about a particular vid

i'm more than happy to discuss

i love exploring individual perspectives


What can we know?
Local time
Yesterday 5:58 PM
May 24, 2024
Are you?

Do you realize that a single sentence to provide context to the videos would significantly increase people's desire to engage, rather than having to click on something you don't know anything about and don't know how long it is? There's already a ridiculous amount of videos out there, what's special about these ones?

Is it too much to ask people to discuss things in a discussion forum?

these are topics i personally found interesting and that i believe other INTPs would also find interesting

i feel no compulsion to hype them up or describe them


as an INTP i love exploring topics cold, without preconception

if you have a particular question or comment about a particular vid

i'm more than happy to discuss

i love exploring individual perspectives
Extremely based. In fact, it is so based that I would not doubt the origin of this statement as having been from the United States, giving its advanced base building capacity throughout the world.
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