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Heavy Questions That Have Been Bugging Me


Local time
Today 11:53 PM
Mar 19, 2025
Let me be frank, I don't know how misanthropic I am. I'm someone who struggles with nihilism a lot and I've been asking people with philosophies that at least to some extent involve how existence is bad questions to better understand things... I want to ask some heavy questions I might get some flack for but, bear with me...

1: Why not just kill yourself? If humanity is so bad why still be human? Do you revel in hating, is it not having the motivation or will to do so, do you want to see humanity suffer even?

2: Are children evil? Do children deserve to suffer, is child abuse in reality karma?

3: Is bigotry bad? If humanity is evil is something that upsets humans not a good thing in reality?

4: Are empathy and morality bad things? Is it not better to be someone who is intentionally cruel because humanity deserves to suffer?

I apologise if these questions are too much... but I need to see others views on these questions regarding misanthropism...


cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:53 PM
Dec 12, 2009
1: Why not just kill yourself?
Why kill yourself? Nihilism goes both ways, if everything is meaningless then so is suicide. But it is a good question to consider.

If humanity is so bad why still be human? Do you revel in hating, is it not having the motivation or will to do so, do you want to see humanity suffer even?
I'm lacking some context here, what is so bad about being human? I'm not disagreeing with you, to live is to suffer, but what is it in particular that you're suffering most?

2: Are children evil? Do children deserve to suffer, is child abuse in reality karma?
Why do you ask?

3: Is bigotry bad? If humanity is evil is something that upsets humans not a good thing in reality?
Give me your definition of bigotry and then we can examine some examples.

4: Are empathy and morality bad things? Is it not better to be someone who is intentionally cruel because humanity deserves to suffer?
Deserves implies you have some moral principles which have been violated, are we being nihilistic or not?

Old Things

I am unworthy of His grace
Local time
Today 6:53 PM
Feb 24, 2021
1: Why not just kill yourself? If humanity is so bad why still be human? Do you revel in hating, is it not having the motivation or will to do so, do you want to see humanity suffer even?

Philippians 1:22-26
"If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again."

Apostle Paul had it a lot worse than you do simply debating whether life is worth living or not... He had real suffering he had to deal with. But he chose to live even though he believed it would be better if he was dead because then he would be with Christ.

2: Are children evil? Do children deserve to suffer, is child abuse in reality karma?

Just because children are smaller, young, and Naive doesn't mean they are worth less than any other human.

3: Is bigotry bad? If humanity is evil is something that upsets humans not a good thing in reality?

If we take #2 seriously, then you have contradicted yourself because in #3 you assume that humans are valuable... Who decides which humans are valuable and which one's aren't? You?

4: Are empathy and morality bad things? Is it not better to be someone who is intentionally cruel because humanity deserves to suffer?

All humans are made in the image of God, the Imago Dei. That is why humans are more valuable than an octopus or whatever.

Your thought processes are a natural consequence of life without God. Rob humanity of God, and you are left with the kind of ideas that are so absurd that it is hard to take them seriously.

You can either continue to wallow in your own filth, or you can pick yourself up on the floor, dust yourself off, and try and find some semblance of purpose and dignity.


Blake Belladonna
Local time
Today 5:53 PM
Sep 21, 2024
1: Why not just kill yourself? If humanity is so bad why still be human? Do you revel in hating, is it not having the motivation or will to do so, do you want to see humanity suffer even?

I personally don't want people to suffer.

I do not see humanity as bad.

We are biological organisms that feel pain because pain helps us survive. It tells us what not to do.

I believe that most peoples problems come from having low intellect as this creates the situation of the inability to have resources.

People don't know how to cure themselves of boredom and learn unhealthy ways of existence.

I think that if we could learn not to project our own suffering onto others there would be less suffering. We should not blame anyone or even ourselves for what happens but try to help where we can by what we have learned by being open to learn more what works.

2: Are children evil? Do children deserve to suffer, is child abuse in reality karma?

No, but it about the parents not being able to take care of them. Events happen yet it is because of the situation that a group effort to take care of kids that requires resources and teaching them the best ways to raise their kids as well. Often if you don't help the group you are excluded so many people are left behind.

3: Is bigotry bad? If humanity is evil is something that upsets humans not a good thing in reality?

No it is not good but is a strategy to survive.

Often the strongest people have the greatest amount of restraint in what they do but it's people that cannot find other ways to make due that gravitate twords force to always be right because it's worked for them.

You do not always need to push others around as long as you can understand them as they will see you as on there side. Other ways besides force exist to have what you need but that requires trust and forward thinking.

4: Are empathy and morality bad things? Is it not better to be someone who is intentionally cruel because humanity deserves to suffer?

It is not bad but it is conditional. People are stupid in ways that they don't understand how to behave differently than what they have learned. So if you fail to help a person it is not because you cared about them it is because they did not listen or you had the wrong information or it was a random event you could not foresee.

People should not blame themselves for what is out of their hands but I know it is hard to do because things could have been different if we tried something else.

The best thing to do isn't to feel bad but to see where you can become better. Mistakes happen and it is good to mitigate them but it only works if you're not depressed or angry about what's happed in the past. You can learn to let go and feel better then you can make things better in the way only you can.


Local time
Today 7:53 PM
Oct 7, 2021
1: Why not just kill yourself?
Because if you do, you have to live your life ALL over again and suffer thru everything all over again until you find ways to develop from the hardships. They are difficult because we are supposed to learn how to overcome and get a more spiritual or philosophical understanding of things and be understanding of ourselves. Also, if you kill yourself, it can mean severe consequences in after life, I'm not sure what exactly happens, but it costs a lot, so I would never consider it.

If humanity is so bad why still be human?
There are different evolutions of humans, different species, different monkey brains so to speak.
If you are the one that is sensitive, it means you are more evolved than at least half the planet. Look at it like its genetics causing a lot of it and also, systemic issues that don't have anyone specific to blame. Stay in the light as much as possible and be an example of good humanity because it does matter. Little things really do matter to everything around you. You do you and let others do them.

Do you revel in hating, is it not having the motivation or will to do so, do you want to see humanity suffer even?
Not at all. I don't have the energy to hate for very long, I want to make my mind up to feel like 'it doesn't really matter' what others are doing, as long as I'm appreciating my life, myself and my world, I'm actually creating a sort of heaven on earth by doing so. My example will be felt on some level by those around me. I am bothered by suffering very much, but it isn't our place to 'go there' because we don't know what lessons that soul has a contract to learn, they signed up for the life they have, and its not moral to change that in any way, you have to let people learn what they are here to learn and stay out of it.

You are not supposed to worry about what anyone else is doing. Ie,

2: Are children evil?
Everyone is both shadow and light. The work that we must do is accept both sides of ourselves, not deny it in awareness of it. I don't mean do evil things, I mean don't see children as evil, they are a balance of everything. Self acceptance and the job is to balance everything.

Do children deserve to suffer, is child abuse in reality karma?
I hate to see it, and if I see it, and I have a choice, I can try to ask that child if they want me to intervene or call the police.
Even right in front of the abuser I am not afraid to go up to the child and ask if they want help. But, as we grow up, not often that abusers allow anyone to witness what they are doing. For the most part, I think it happens in order for people to learn how to empathize with and heal from what they went through. Your soul wants to learn the hard lessons on this planet, and it signed up for specific lessons before you arrived here. Accept and then figure out how to become independent and free as soon as you can. If its really bad, then, you do need intervention from authorities some how.

3: Is bigotry bad? If humanity is evil is something that upsets humans not a good thing in reality?
Depends on how it is used. I suppose it is meant as a means to protecting something, but it is simply a fear based emotion that restricts the awareness that everything is ONE, not separate. Humanity isn't evil. I'd say systemic racism is the reason things are so unfair and circumstances are so bad for some and so good for others. Nobody is to blame, except its the way cities were made, sections were divided into rich areas and poor areas. Since property taxes from the rich areas enhance education, and the poor areas do not get ahead because property taxes don't provide much. So, the divisions basically create inequalities and you can't blame any one in particular for it.

4: Are empathy and morality bad things? Is it not better to be someone who is intentionally cruel because humanity deserves to suffer?
No, they are good things because they create more peace of mind and stability for humans. Of course not, nothing deserves to suffer.


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