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Back After 7 years of inactivité; what a bumpy road it was: Ask me anything!


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 30, 2013
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it); I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...

Feel free to be curious and Ask some questions :))))

PS: 7 freaking long yeaaars


Local time
Today 5:27 PM
Oct 7, 2021
Hi, welcome back! Likely there are different people here now, and much fewer than before.
Hope the heatwave is not affecting you too much!

dr froyd

Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 26, 2015
how did you lose your virginity

don't tell me it was some sort of medical experiment


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 30, 2013
how did you lose your virginity

don't tell me it was some sort of medical experiment.
how did you lose your virginity

don't tell me it was some sort of medical experiment
Well; not really...when I was in 4th year of Med school; a girl fell in love with me and although It wasn't mutual I thought she was worth of s*x( She was thé valedictorian of out whole médical school and was extremely intelligent and hard working). That being said after that I Lost attraction... since then I've been living thé golden boy archétype of the INTP( driving nice cars; traveling around the World; meeting plenty of girls) in the Space of 7 years. The funny thing Is that I'm usually single now and am fed yo with dating around. And thinking about quitting my psych residency...

dr froyd

Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 26, 2015
how did you lose your virginity

don't tell me it was some sort of medical experiment.
how did you lose your virginity

don't tell me it was some sort of medical experiment
Well; not really...when I was in 4th year of Med school; a girl fell in love with me and although It wasn't mutual I thought she was worth of s*x( She was thé valedictorian of out whole médical school and was extremely intelligent and hard working). That being said after that I Lost attraction... since then I've been living thé golden boy archétype of the INTP( driving nice cars; traveling around the World; meeting plenty of girls) in the Space of 7 years. The funny thing Is that I'm usually single now and am fed yo with dating around. And thinking about quitting my psych residency...
lol we actually have a very similar story, except i did finance instead of med school.. and i lost the virginity earlier than you :smoker:

i was also pretty fed up with dating a while back, but it's sort of like going to the gym – if you stop doing it you start to deteriorate, lose confidence, and getting back into it feels like a huge hassle


Local time
Today 11:27 PM
May 1, 2023
What do you like/dislike about psychiatry? I’m a med student in my fifth year in italy trying to figure out what to do. In general i choose medicine “by accident”, but looking back there aren’t other conventional fields in which I wanted or want to go into (i’m an autodidact for many things, but one should choose something “to make a living”). I discovered during these years that i like creating stuff, mainly writing, and trying to keep it as a hobby and see were it goes.

I was thinking about psychiatry, or maybe surgery. One of the problems with surgery is the lifestyle (i’m scared of being “old” and not able to pursue other stuff besides my job, especially if i end up not liking it). If i’m not mistaken you’re in switzerland, i was maybe thinking about going there for residency (what’s CH like?).

What have you learned during these years? It looks like you bumped into people (sorry, with that title I could resist…)


One atom of me
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
Hi, and welcome back.

I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.
I am cool with spelling mistakes. Though I can relate. I once tried reading my old posts, it made me dizzy.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it)

I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...
I don't remember, but what was your dream job, and what changed?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Aug 15, 2013
welcome back. Have fun.


Local time
Today 9:27 PM
Dec 30, 2023
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it); I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...

Feel free to be curious and Ask some questions :))))

PS: 7 freaking long yeaaars

Ironically, I'm 20 years old, and tonight is the first time I visit this forum. I was there, trying not to drown in a situation I'm not really proud of. Generally, you feel different, more intelligent, and rational than others, so you decide not to mix with them. But then there's this girl you fall in love with because she seems special. Unfortunately, it's not mutual, and she keeps you as a plan B or friend. I don't know anymore, and all of this is killing me inside. Seeing your post, I thought I would have liked to be here seven years ago. Currently, I'm in computer science, just finished my third year, but I always have this thought that things won't end well for me. I'm not a virgin, at least lol But I feel like an emotional handicap who can't find pleasure in this twisted world . Seeing how you described your 20s and now, I may have realized that I should stay focused on what I want to achieve. At the same time, I don't know if you'll see this comment, but you brought a little shot of dopamine to what was shaping up to be a very depressing evening. Thank you.


Local time
Today 11:27 PM
May 1, 2023
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it); I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...

Feel free to be curious and Ask some questions :))))

PS: 7 freaking long yeaaars

Ironically, I'm 20 years old, and tonight is the first time I visit this forum. I was there, trying not to drown in a situation I'm not really proud of. Generally, you feel different, more intelligent, and rational than others, so you decide not to mix with them. But then there's this girl you fall in love with because she seems special. Unfortunately, it's not mutual, and she keeps you as a plan B or friend. I don't know anymore, and all of this is killing me inside. Seeing your post, I thought I would have liked to be here seven years ago. Currently, I'm in computer science, just finished my third year, but I always have this thought that things won't end well for me. I'm not a virgin, at least lol But I feel like an emotional handicap who can't find pleasure in this twisted world . Seeing how you described your 20s and now, I may have realized that I should stay focused on what I want to achieve. At the same time, I don't know if you'll see this comment, but you brought a little shot of dopamine to what was shaping up to be a very depressing evening. Thank you.
I’m a little bit older than you, but not much, and as an intp in the 20-30 age range I will say a couple of things:

-emotionally handicap? Check. But there is something more to say. On one side there is the emotional rollercoster that is “purpose” (what should I do, what will make me fulfilled in life, what’s my purpose, and so on, ad infinitum. And a possible “answer“ is maybe in the second point of this post - expectations. Answer is in quotations because life isn’t made of answers, but rather prospective shifts, maybe better questions, and an all encompassing view of life in general: your logic, aka your internal framework, gets better - I think). Then there is emotions in terms of Fi if you will. I still am a bit autistic around girls, but I will say that I don’t plague myself for it, but rather I watch it with laughter (this doesn’t mean I find it easier or it doesn’t bother me even a little). At the same time it’s something that I cherish, I think people find it interesting, even charming, if you leverage it you’ll be seen also as charismatic I would say. Neutralizing yourself is maybe good for quick interaction and relationships, but what’s the point to that? Needless to say it’s hard, I don’t know what to say, but I am happy with myself when I am myself, even if it may come out as “strange” to others. There is a lot to say but I will stop here (gees writing takes time).

-lowering expectations, or better, being conscious of them is a good start. In general, as life goes on after your 20s, I feel like, and idk if it’s the same for all INTP, you start becoming conscious. This means more feeling, more angst, but also a feeling of understanding, a sage-like state if you will. It’s hard not to think about the outcomes of what you do, but I find that when I’m able to do it I feel better. Also, sometimes don’t follow your gut, for example last summer I did the Santiago walk (idk if you know what it is), before going I was re-thinking the choice to do it, but then I did it and it was a great experience. Especially with some (I repeat, some) social activities, going against your gut reactions can be good, and I think that’s tied with the expectations, always trying to take a glimpse at the future to see where that choice will bring us, but that’s physically impossible, so why bother. Also, more experience = more info you can use to better understand yourself, and what you like doing. Consciousness is a receptor, and it’s ligand is information/experiences (call it how you want).

Cheers (I should be studying)


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 30, 2013
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it); I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...

Feel free to be curious and Ask some questions :))))

PS: 7 freaking long yeaaars

Ironically, I'm 20 years old, and tonight is the first time I visit this forum. I was there, trying not to drown in a situation I'm not really proud of. Generally, you feel different, more intelligent, and rational than others, so you decide not to mix with them. But then there's this girl you fall in love with because she seems special. Unfortunately, it's not mutual, and she keeps you as a plan B or friend. I don't know anymore, and all of this is killing me inside. Seeing your post, I thought I would have liked to be here seven years ago. Currently, I'm in computer science, just finished my third year, but I always have this thought that things won't end well for me. I'm not a virgin, at least lol But I feel like an emotional handicap who can't find pleasure in this twisted world . Seeing how you described your 20s and now, I may have realized that I should stay focused on what I want to achieve. At the same time, I don't know if you'll see this comment, but you brought a little shot of dopamine to what was shaping up to be a very depressing evening. Thank you.
What do you mean? In which ways did my post change your perspective?

About this forum being very helpful I agree; back in the days some major contributors who were older and had more life experience helped me to have a better understanding of life; I don't remember everyone but flr example Jenny and Architech. Not sure if they are still active but they gave incredible advice.

Now; yes feel free to ask as many questions as you want. People( apparently less than before) here are generally very helpful. I know my chaotic early 20s were soothened by this forum. And btw, computer science is apparently one of the prefered degrees for Introverted thinkers in general. So it can't be that bad. For the rest of the feelings you have; ut is quite common for INTPs to feel like that! It usually goes in waves. Ups ans downs. But it usually gets better. My lfie right now is increasingly better than in my early twenties. Still it's a journey and times have changed. So you need to keep it up.

C ya


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Jan 30, 2013
Hey my people; I'm back After a hiatus of nearly 7 years.
Hi, and welcome back.

I was extremely active here in my 20s (now in my thirties) and Reading my old posts I realize how Silly I was back then and i'm ashamed by the number of spelling mistakes too.
I am cool with spelling mistakes. Though I can relate. I once tried reading my old posts, it made me dizzy.

I'm happy to be back and si many things changes: i'm no longer a Virgin( far from it)
View attachment 7472
I graduated Med school and went on to practice my dreamjob( for those who remember) only to realize I was completely misled; some people died some others survived;...
I don't remember, but what was your dream job, and what changed?
Hey, I was always fascinated by the mind and neuroscience in general; so I worked after my med school for 6 years as a psychiatrist( a lot of UPs and downs; I went there being very idealistic and now let's say I have a more realistic view of that field- which as you can imagine is not always easy). I'm currently taking a break from work and reflecting about how to go further and hoping for a breakthrough. Ideally I'd like to work in research( ex: neuralink) facilities but I don't have the perfect background apparently( more phds than doctors). So yeah, I'm also thinking about going into pharmaceutical industry. Not sure.

What about you?
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